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Old 05-21-2014, 10:48 PM   #181
Still Looking
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
No you get mods to close threads for you so you don't have to answer questions. I don't know about running but if definitely sounds like hiding to me.

Let us know when you are done regrouping we will be here eating skittles and twinkies

Edit: Oh i think someone is bringing popcorn and I think we might have beer and BBQ as well hmmmm that should just about cover it
Don't forget the Ding Dongs!
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Old 05-21-2014, 10:57 PM   #182
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Originally Posted by Hiker78 View Post
So your saying it is and that they just practice selective enforcement. And to think whispers had that kudos to the mods thread!

Still looking, who have booked for the half time show?
Selective enforcement here in San Antonio.... geeez come on now. Next you'll be telling me they move threADS to the Sand Box for no damn reason. Or was the ML in Maine?

I'm glad you asked...originally I had scheduled Dino Vaselino and the Penetrations but they had to cancel at the last minute. But here to entertain us the one the only the hardest working man in show business! My main man James Brown..

The second half for all the rest of us....

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Old 05-21-2014, 11:05 PM   #183
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:08 PM   #184
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Don't forget the Ding Dongs!
Dammit I knew I was forgetting something I'll be back

Sl get the twinkie girl to keep my seat warm

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I'm glad you asked...originally I had scheduled Dino Vaselino and the Penetrations but they had to cancel at the last minute.

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Old 05-21-2014, 11:18 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
Dammit I knew I was forgetting something I'll be back

Sl get the twinkie girl to keep my seat warm


BBW'S you got to love them. They keep you warm in the winter shaded in the summer and can keep two seats warm for you.

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Old 05-21-2014, 11:33 PM   #186
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Over 5650 Views and 182 posts and over 4 pages without a post from Whispers? How can that be?

Imagine how surprised I was to find that a thread I though was dead and done for had come back to life.

Thanks guys.. There is so much still that needs to get shared.....
I have pages and pages written over the last few weeks waiting for the right lead-ins

So let's get away from the SPIN and back to Indiscretion..... her name is Slave Guinevere....

Ding! Ding Ding!

Originally Posted by Netx9 View Post
PRSandra was basically accusing Guinevere of giving a bad reference and Guinevere was defending herself, and making sure all were aware of where her references/contact information come from - seems like just to help others avoid being given fake references.

She does seem to like helping others..... it's almost as if she is desperate for the attention and praise wherever she can get it.

In doing so, she addressed Sandra specifically with a recent vouch for bcharisma. Could that have been done in a pm? Sure. Does it merit the hyperbolic criticisms levied here... I'd say no because she was being accused of not providing a good reference by the op. Yes, she gives very detailed references including the brand of cover a gent may prefer. I can say for a fact, many providers appreciate her detail, including physical Description, all in an effort to keep other providers safe. To imply she gives other personal info without ever seeing one of her references is simply unfair, but fairness isn't the point of this thread.
I'm not sure how you know so much about the detail to which she provides references..... or why it would not bother you that she keeps that kind of detail handy..... Where does your information derive from?

I can say for a fact, a few (at least 3) providers are disturbed by the detail, including providing them with the last 2 references the guy used when he was providing his information to her....

Well.... In the beginning I felt the information I was being given had some merit.... but I did not at that time know anything for a "fact".... I know a "few" ladies shared that concern with me..... she is certainly popular with some... and not so popular with others..... I think you guys are responsible for some of that by the way.....keep in mind that the ladies do get jealous of each other.....

I'm not sure where YOUR facts come from NEXT9....

Have you done anything to verify them?

A few months ago when the whole SG crap came up... naturally so did a few that had SG stories..... He Said/ She Said Right?


One lady was rather well written and a comment she made regarding references SG gave went something like this...... "She seemed so desperate to show off to me it was like she vomited the information. How anyone keeps track of all that stuff is a mystery to me!"

Please NOTE Gents that was me paraphrasing in my own words something that was shared with me...

She provided me a sample of what SG gives as a reference.... So did another.... and another..... and... well... some came my way and I asked a couple of ladies I've known for years.......

Gentlemen? Does it remotely concern you that a lady can access details of a session you had with her a year ago and provide tremendous detail AS WELL AS THE OTHER LADIES NAMES THAT YOU USED AS A REFERENCE? Isn't that something private between you and her? Is anyone aware that their screening information gets passed on and on and on to ladies that ask for it.


Don't judge yet.....

There is more.....

The "few" ladies matched detail a lot but one went a bit further to state that she had contacted Slave G for that reference from her new cell phone.... It was not a number posted anywhere and simply by saying "Hi. This is MissTittyTwister (name is made up) I need a reference" Slave G "vomited" the information up in tremendous detail

Now we cannot post that information here.....


There is an area of the board..... one of those super secret places we do not normally talk about... where we ARE allowed to post PMS, Texts and other information not allowed here in COED....... It's not for the weak of heart though... or anyone easily offended....

I am considering it and trying to convince a couple of ladies to tell me it is OK.... I could certainly edit out their names but Slave G would recognize it from her side of the conversation and probably has all that detail as well and she has been accused of being pretty vicious towards a woman when they cross her.....

Why would I do something like that? Maybe some you really need to be pulled from your dream state and shown just how dangerous some ladies can be with the information you share with them? She has proven to be a wildcard here on the board and that's just the surface of it...

Anyway.... back to the storyline......... over the last couple of months... I was not only PROVIDED with emails, texts and PMS that demonstrated similar stories......

I decided to test the theory that anyone could text a provider and get information provided....

Not once....

Not twice.....

But a "few" times......

Some of you need more popcorn I assume...

I never used the same number more than once..... Pretty easy as I have 57 Google Voice numbers (Anyone wanna buy a few? One has some incredibly juicy "referral" information you might like to read about yourself!)

I decided to be fair...

I texted a few other ladies as well our Board Chatty Cathy......

Starting a conversation with..... "BettyBoop just shared with me that MyDickSoBig saw you before him and that he was really into getting tied up and spanked with alligator clips attached to his balls.... Is that what he wanted from you".... gets a "OMG... he is such a perv.... he had me attack these electric things to his balls and wanted me play with myself while he screamed in pain!"

I think it would bother some of you to know just what and how much some of these ladies share about you. Maybe not.... Maybe those of you in her WhiteKnight category would justify her behavior as she was simply trying to help out someone she thought was a provider......

UNFORTUNATELY "THOUGHT WAS A PROVIDER" should not enter the equation should it?

I would imagine she is a bit more on guard at the moment... but during her ban she was lonely and one hell of a Chatty Cathy...... She was pretty chatty right up till the latest fiasco...... I'm sure she will slip again soon.....

try it yourself sometime.....

Get yourself a GV# and send a lady a text....

"Hey BettyBoop (or whomever... no significance to this name ). This is Miss BillyBobDidMeNowYouCan2. A guy named SofaQueen4ADay wants to see me and provided you for a reference. Is he safe?"

And see what pours forth......

In someone like Slave Guinevere's case..... Throw in a few "Those assholes talking shit about you should be banned" and you might get 30-45 minutes of conversation and told all kinds of things about all kinds of people. She appears to love to talk about it all..... or... so I'm told.....

So I am not sure what you have done Next9 to verify facts regarding your opinion.... I tend to look for ways to verify what I get told and the lady that mentioned that Slave Gunivere did absolutely nothing to determine who she was sharing that reference material with kind of opened a door.....made me wonder.... SURELY it couldn't be THAT easy could it?

One thing I learned in the last couple of months as I asked a lady.. or two.. or a "few" for a reference is that these ladies that are incredibly concerned about screening the guys they see.......well.... I won't say "many" Next9 but I will say a "few" are not remotely concerned with verifying that the person requesting the reference is actually a Provider worth trusting...... Only one time was I challenged in anyway....asked to call on the phone so she could hear my voice....

I will admit to being a little upset that it was an angle I had never once considered over the years.....that ladies do not really know each other very well yet share our/your secrets.... . Then again.. I do not provide screening information like so many do.....maybe that is why it never crossed my mind...

I think Next9.... allowed to see a side of this that you probably did not consider any more than I did...... you would stop and scratch your head as you do not come across as stupid.... simply smitten.....but not stupid.....

I'm embarrassed to say I could share some pretty graphic details and a few remarks about a "few" guys that I never really wanted to know....

On this particular subject...... I think I know far too much.... certainly more than I imagined...... certainly more about a couple of you guys that I ever wanted to hear......err... read....
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:35 PM   #187
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
Dammit I knew I was forgetting something I'll be back
Don't forget the Ho-Ho's
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:44 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

You may not want to check back in later. It hasn't even warmed up yet.

Good Morning San Antonio!
Truer words were never spoken(at least not in this thread)
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:48 PM   #189
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If her house gets raided for some reason would LE have a list of customers at their disposal? Information that could possibly be used to set up a sting?
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:54 PM   #190
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Or be used as evidence in court?
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Old 05-22-2014, 12:02 AM   #191
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by Whispers

You may not want to check back in later. It hasn't even warmed up yet.

Good Morning San Antonio!
Originally Posted by Hiker78 View Post
Truer words were never spoken(at least not in this thread)
LOL! We are just getting started..... Now that the support staff has checked in....

I do want to apologize for being busy..... But hey.... I'm prepared for the long haul!

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Old 05-22-2014, 12:22 AM   #192
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Godfather I believe her supports were asked NOT to post on her behalf.
Man.... I am so sorry to hear that you may have been the victim of some misinformation.... Look around... Here they are!

Originally Posted by Netx9 View Post
Sorry for my absence as of late... RW responsibilities and a vacation and all... Methinks we are being had here and something else is afoot.

Yup... Some of you are..... and in time.... even the most enamored of you wil lhave to wonder......

....instead of starting this thread, a simple constructive comment to Guinevere would have been appropriate, but agendas need views, hence this thread.
Well...... Considering the tremendous venom with which she thinks of me I kind of doubt she would be open to constructive criticism..... I tried that via PM way back during the dog fiasco... I suggested she let it lie and quit stirring the pot...... We were on speaking terms at the time...... I tried to warn her nothing good would come..... But she charted a course and we are on the way...... still a ways to go I think....

Originally Posted by katie.kartwright View Post
And here we will wait for the crickets to stop chirping; 4 pages of no chirping huh?

And by chirping so that SFK can get his story together and explain how he got powder room/infoshare information and STILL not banned - does he have a MOD in his pocket perhaps?? Makes people go HMMMMM....

naw... I'm the guy with the Pocket Mods from what I hear....

He's obviously on if he can be on another thread at this time; or are we going to wait for your buddy Whispers to do your explaining? SFK explained it all... Slave G told him everything....

Well wait
That would be "We'll wait"...

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Oh no I think its much bigger than that LOL

You are going to need more.... It's kind of like the Godfather Trilogy and we just got to the Horses Head scene.... a lot more of the first movie and 2 more movies to go!

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Slave it would seem like you have been silent for some time and now you come out swinging. Well lets see how this works out. But for now....
Yup... We will see!

Originally Posted by Hiker78 View Post
So your saying it is and that they just practice selective enforcement. And to think whispers had that kudos to the mods thread!

Still looking, who have booked for the half time show?
half time? Ahh hell no.... we are no way near the halfway mark.....

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Selective enforcement here in San Antonio.... geeez come on now. Next you'll be telling me they move threADS to the Sand Box for no damn reason. Or was the ML in Maine?

I'm glad you asked...originally.....
Not yet sir..... not yet

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Don't forget the Ho-Ho's
Lot's of Ho's in the house Chica..... I haven't forgot any of them... Just gotta finish one before I move on to the next!
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Old 05-22-2014, 12:25 AM   #193
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Originally Posted by Hiker78 View Post

If her house gets raided for some reason would LE have a list of customers at their disposal? Information that could possibly be used to set up a sting?
My guess at this point would be that they would have a very long list of not only the guys that saw her but who else the guys saw and it would be a hell of a haul....

Originally Posted by Hiker78 View Post
Or be used as evidence in court?
Court? I would imagine Eye Witness News would have a field day airing some of the data rfom the referral database she must keep..... I would not worry as much about the law as I would the public ridicule of having the story aired with your personal info...
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Old 05-22-2014, 12:55 AM   #194
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Thumbs up shits so epic I need another day off

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
My guess at this point would be that they would have a very long list of not only the guys that saw her but who else the guys saw and it would be a hell of a haul....

Court? I would imagine Eye Witness News would have a field day airing some of the data rfom the referral database she must keep..... I would not worry as much about the law as I would the public ridicule of having the story aired with your personal info...
dude, i'm gonna be distracted all day at work tomorrow reading the replies to all of this.
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Old 05-22-2014, 01:12 AM   #195
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Wow... That's a lot... Of nothing... But conjecture, threats of *secret* sources who may come forward... References to *secret* places where the truth can be found, etc.

So I'll just answer your direct questions about my facts regarding providers who appreciate her detailed references... I've met them. I've used Guinevere as a reference. I've asked girls who've contacted her on my behalf and asked. I've met girls at socials and socially who have complimented her on her detail... So they know who... And what to expect. If you want to know who, there is a special place where we can talk candidly, but that would still be indiscrete.

If you want to debate what should be in a reference check, let's start another thread... It could be educational.

Ps: I quoted you in its entirety so you can admire your work again.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Over 5650 Views and 182 posts and over 4 pages without a post from Whispers? How can that be?

Imagine how surprised I was to find that a thread I though was dead and done for had come back to life.

Thanks guys.. There is so much still that needs to get shared.....
I have pages and pages written over the last few weeks waiting for the right lead-ins.

So let's get away from the SPIN and back to Indiscretion..... her name is Slave Guinevere....

Ding! Ding Ding!

I'm not sure how you know so much about the detail to which she provides references..... or why it would not bother you that she keeps that kind of detail handy..... Where does your information derive from?

I can say for a fact, a few (at least 3) providers are disturbed by the detail, including providing them with the last 2 references the guy used when he was providing his information to her....

Well.... In the beginning I felt the information I was being given had some merit.... but I did not at that time know anything for a "fact".... I know a "few" ladies shared that concern with me..... she is certainly popular with some... and not so popular with others..... I think you guys are responsible for some of that by the way.....keep in mind that the ladies do get jealous of each other.....

I'm not sure where YOUR facts come from NEXT9....

Have you done anything to verify them?

A few months ago when the whole SG crap came up... naturally so did a few that had SG stories..... He Said/ She Said Right?


One lady was rather well written and a comment she made regarding references SG gave went something like this...... "She seemed so desperate to show off to me it was like she vomited the information. How anyone keeps track of all that stuff is a mystery to me!"

Please NOTE Gents that was me paraphrasing in my own words something that was shared with me...

She provided me a sample of what SG gives as a reference.... So did another.... and another..... and... well... some came my way and I asked a couple of ladies I've known for years.......

Gentlemen? Does it remotely concern you that a lady can access details of a session you had with her a year ago and provide tremendous detail AS WELL AS THE OTHER LADIES NAMES THAT YOU USED AS A REFERENCE? Isn't that something private between you and her? Is anyone aware that their screening information gets passed on and on and on to ladies that ask for it.


Don't judge yet.....

There is more.....

The "few" ladies matched detail a lot but one went a bit further to state that she had contacted Slave G for that reference from her new cell phone.... It was not a number posted anywhere and simply by saying "Hi. This is MissTittyTwister (name is made up) I need a reference" Slave G "vomited" the information up in tremendous detail

Now we cannot post that information here.....


There is an area of the board..... one of those super secret places we do not normally talk about... where we ARE allowed to post PMS, Texts and other information not allowed here in COED....... It's not for the weak of heart though... or anyone easily offended....

I am considering it and trying to convince a couple of ladies to tell me it is OK.... I could certainly edit out their names but Slave G would recognize it from her side of the conversation and probably has all that detail as well and she has been accused of being pretty vicious towards a woman when they cross her.....

Why would I do something like that? Maybe some you really need to be pulled from your dream state and shown just how dangerous some ladies can be with the information you share with them? She has proven to be a wildcard here on the board and that's just the surface of it...

Anyway.... back to the storyline......... over the last couple of months... I was not only PROVIDED with emails, texts and PMS that demonstrated similar stories......

I decided to test the theory that anyone could text a provider and get information provided....

Not once....

Not twice.....

But a "few" times......

Some of you need more popcorn I assume...

I never used the same number more than once..... Pretty easy as I have 57 Google Voice numbers (Anyone wanna buy a few? One has some incredibly juicy "referral" information you might like to read about yourself!)

I decided to be fair...

I texted a few other ladies as well our Board Chatty Cathy......

Starting a conversation with..... "BettyBoop just shared with me that MyDickSoBig saw you before him and that he was really into getting tied up and spanked with alligator clips attached to his balls.... Is that what he wanted from you".... gets a "OMG... he is such a perv.... he had me attack these electric things to his balls and wanted me play with myself while he screamed in pain!"

I think it would bother some of you to know just what and how much some of these ladies share about you. Maybe not.... Maybe those of you in her WhiteKnight category would justify her behavior as she was simply trying to help out someone she thought was a provider......

UNFORTUNATELY "THOUGHT WAS A PROVIDER" should not enter the equation should it?

I would imagine she is a bit more on guard at the moment... but during her ban she was lonely and one hell of a Chatty Cathy...... She was pretty chatty right up till the latest fiasco...... I'm sure she will slip again soon.....

try it yourself sometime.....

Get yourself a GV# and send a lady a text....

"Hey BettyBoop (or whomever... no significance to this name ). This is Miss BillyBobDidMeNowYouCan2. A guy named SofaQueen4ADay wants to see me and provided you for a reference. Is he safe?"

And see what pours forth......

In someone like Slave Guinevere's case..... Throw in a few "Those assholes talking shit about you should be banned" and you might get 30-45 minutes of conversation and told all kinds of things about all kinds of people. She appears to love to talk about it all..... or... so I'm told.....

So I am not sure what you have done Next9 to verify facts regarding your opinion.... I tend to look for ways to verify what I get told and the lady that mentioned that Slave Gunivere did absolutely nothing to determine who she was sharing that reference material with kind of opened a door.....made me wonder.... SURELY it couldn't be THAT easy could it?

One thing I learned in the last couple of months as I asked a lady.. or two.. or a "few" for a reference is that these ladies that are incredibly concerned about screening the guys they see.......well.... I won't say "many" Next9 but I will say a "few" are not remotely concerned with verifying that the person requesting the reference is actually a Provider worth trusting...... Only one time was I challenged in anyway....asked to call on the phone so she could hear my voice....

I will admit to being a little upset that it was an angle I had never once considered over the years.....that ladies do not really know each other very well yet share our/your secrets.... . Then again.. I do not provide screening information like so many do.....maybe that is why it never crossed my mind...

I think Next9.... allowed to see a side of this that you probably did not consider any more than I did...... you would stop and scratch your head as you do not come across as stupid.... simply smitten.....but not stupid.....

I'm embarrassed to say I could share some pretty graphic details and a few remarks about a "few" guys that I never really wanted to know....

On this particular subject...... I think I know far too much.... certainly more than I imagined...... certainly more about a couple of you guys that I ever wanted to hear......err... read....
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