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Old 05-21-2014, 02:44 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Netx9 View Post
... Nobody said your criticisms needed to be consistent but you could at least fake it.
My "criticisms" have been very consistent, and not pointed in the direction of the fair maiden under attack in this threAD.

It is you who has not been paying attention.
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Old 05-21-2014, 02:58 PM   #137
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No, old yeller, that's not what happened.

What happened was that Slave Guin. used a members handle to prove a point.

That member who she mentioned simply was asking Slave Guin. to vouch for him...(asking her to verify him to PR Sandra).

He asked this in confidence.

She broke that confidence by mentioning this publicly.

His handle should have never been mentioned.

It would be like you asking one of your providers to vouch for you to some other provider and they post your handle, the date that she vouched for you and the provider you were asking the vouch for.

It might not sound like that big of a deal to a lot of you, but I can absolutely guarantee you that it IS a big deal and it HAS caused people problems.. BIG problems.

You didn't out me, OY. Then again, had I come to you with something IN PRIVATE, and you in turn posted it on the board, that would be chickenshit...

In this instance, it's even worse because this provider was compensated for her discretion when he dropped the envelope.

Big difference there...



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Old 05-21-2014, 03:31 PM   #138
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SofaKingFun: "No, old yeller, that's not what happened.

What happened was that Slave Guin. used a members handle to prove a point.

That member who she mentioned simply was asking Slave Guin. to vouch for him...(asking her to verify him to PR Sandra).

He asked this in confidence.

She broke that confidence by mentioning this publicly.

His handle should have never been mentioned.

It would be like you asking one of your providers to vouch for you to some other provider and they post your handle, the date that she vouched for you and the provider you were asking the vouch for.

It might not sound like that big of a deal to a lot of you, but I can absolutely guarantee you that it IS a big deal and it HAS caused people problems.. BIG problems.

You didn't out me, OY. Then again, had I come to you with something IN PRIVATE, and you in turn posted it on the board, that would be chickenshit...

In this instance, it's even worse because this provider was compensated for her discretion when he dropped the envelope.

Big difference there…"





Clearing The Air


This is what NOT to do and "Bad Behavior". Proceed at your own risk.

Miss Cleo informed me telepathically, or I should say, "I suspect that..." I am the subject of an Alert posted somewhere by the provider,jessicaroman.

While I hate airing dirty laundry publicly, in this instance, I have no other choice. This is just another example of an ugly breakup...so save the speeches and save the comments. We crossed the line and we learned our lesson...so, yeah, we get it. I'm only bringing this to light due to the fact that I feel that the reality of these events is slightly different than she might be painting it out to be and since this alert is supposedly posted someplace unknown, and one in which I have no access to reply, it's allowed to remain there unchecked.

So basically, the rub here, for me anyway, is that any provider who sees it will only see her slightly skewed side of the story and I believe that they should hear the flip-side before making their decision on whether to see my (angry, psychotic. lol!) ass or not.

But it's going to be a pretty-good story because I'm starting it off with,

"So this bitch..." (lol! i kid. I kid.)

Seriously now.

It seems that in this alert, I suspect that jessicaroman stated, among other things, that I pose some sort of danger to the ladies of the hobby community. It's alleged that I went out of my way to collect personal information on her, that I abandoned her at a hotel and then had her car towed, that I showed-up to her house unexpectedly, that I have a horrible temper and anger issues, that I blew up her
e-mail accounts and her cell phone, and pretty much paints me out to be a raving lunatic.

She supposedly goes on to say that she "made a mistake by saying that she loved me" (which I can only imagine is to try and distance her from the affair/'arrangement', so as to prove her the victim. (I don't know, just my guess.?) and while she admits that we crossed the line regarding boundaries, she
leaves out a lot of critical information.

That said, jessicaroman and I DID cross the provider/client line. BIG TIME!

In fact, I would go so far as to say this is the epitome of what you're NOT supposed to do in the Hobby. This is the poster child. Heh!

Jessicaroman and I met first in late April, 2013. She and I had an unbelievably great time together and we started seeing each other regularly,,,and frequently. Like I said, we crossed the line BIG TIME starting on our second date, we got caught in the passion and wentbareback.(GASP!! The dreaded BB! I know, I know..)..creampies and all..and from then on, we continued...but it was okay
because she said that she "only does that with her SO".heh!

There were freebees, and Off-The-Clock encounters and naturally, feelers started developing we sort of became an item. We tried theexclusive thing for a while and things just didn't work out. We were constantly getting into arguments
and acting stupid. We'd block each others numbers and emails and during these arguments, we'd say the most awful things to each other. It was ridiculous. We'd break-up and get back together so often, it started to become a frequent occurrence. But or what ever the reason, we'd always end-up back together again once we calmed down and were able to speak to each other.

I only mention this to show that a) there was a *little more* to it than an arrangement, and B) why I was so persistent in trying to talk to her. I wasn't any different this break-up as I was before. It's just that this time, she was serious about ending the thing, which caught me off-guard. So it took a
while to sink in, but I eventually understood and started to back away.

- THIS is my "not letting go". I'll own my fuck-ups and I guess I have to own this one. So yeah. I guess she's right on this one. I don't give up too easily when feelers are involved. (shrugs)

During this time, jessicaroman and I decided that we'd try to go the exclusive route. Like I said, feelers started to develop and the "L" word came into the picture. She claimed that she didn't want to see other clients and I didn't want to share her, so why not?

Well, being that she was stepping away from the hobby (NOT BEING FORCED OUT, skipper) and was going to start looking for a job and being that I needed some help around the office, we decided that she would come work for me.

Yes, I hired her as an employee. (on two different occasions, in fact). a "personal
assistant" with various other office duties. In the business that I'm in, and the position for which she was hired, she would be dealing with and responsible for various monies from the business; be it from sales, payments, or whatever. There's often a pretty substantial amount that goes through there. So, being that I've only known jessicaroman for a month or so, I DID run a background check on her from
information gathered from her employment application. It was just part of the employment process and in NO WAY was done to "gather her personal information", as she might be claiming. If this is out of line, then why don't you let someone you barely know handle yourmoney unchecked? It was just routiene employment screening. Period. (and in her defense, there never was an issue with her and her being responsible for the company's money).

-THIS is her claim that I "gathered personal information" on her.

During the course of this employment, jessicaroman was supposed to open up the office one morning as I had plans that would keep me away in time to open up. I walked her through the process , showed her how to disarm the alarm and gave her my keys before she left for the day. Next morning, she didn't show for
work and didn't open up like she was supposed to. I called her to find out what was going on and she became irate and started bitching me out. I then got upset and, well, it was on. lol.and finally I told her to keep the MFers or words to that effect. . Well, my dumb ass, thinking she was going to be there in the morning never took her no-showing into account, and it dawned on me that the keys to the
locks at the storage facility were on that ring of keys that I had given to her..and I needed them because I had just purchased/ picked up a 40' storage container and needed to deliver/drop it out there but, since she had my keys, I had no way of getting in. I tried calling/texting, nada. She stopped answering my texts/calls so I called the main office and had one of the gals there pull her file and
get me her address. It wasn't too far from where I was, so fuck it, I head over to her house and get my keys from off of the ground where she threw them, lol before rudely slamming the door on me and I left.

-THIS is me showing up to her place, "unexpectedly"

Perhaps unwanted, but certainly not unexpected.... and this was THE [U]ONLY[U] time that I have EVER been to her house. To get my keys. PERIOD!

We are supposed to have an overnight. We're at the hotel and get into an argument over the most ridiculous thing and we send this one over the top. She left her ride over at my office and rode with me to the hotel. Well, she decides to start calling someone to pick her up because, "she couldn't stand to be in the same room as me" I try talking to her...nothing. I start pleading with her. Nuh Uhh. on and on and still, Nope! So fuck it, I slam my coke down on the table and she gets splashed with some of it. (Oh fuck..) Now, she freaks and all of the sudden because she got splashed with some Coca~Cola, I'm "violent" and an "abusive". Pffft!

Anyway, she doesn't want anything to do with me and I'm just as agitated over the ridiculousness of it all that I say fuck it and grab two bags and proceed to take them down to the car. There are still a few bags still left in the room as well as hers, so she knew that I'd be coming back for them because I certainly wasn't going to leave them there,

So of course I was going to come back and get them...in reality, I was just hoping the time apart will allow us to calm down and regroup. I drop
the bags in the car and return to the room. Jessicaroman and her bags are gone. and mine are still there. hmm? I'm thinking that she probably went down to the car and that we must have missed/crossed each other in the elevators. I grab the remaining bags and misc crap that was there and head down. I get to the car, she's not there. I call her on her phone, straight to voice mail. I try again, she
hangs up on me. Try again, straight to voice mail. Fine, I say. and drive off.

I have no idea where she is but common sense tells me that if you want a ride, you either get your ass to the car, OR, you answer the phone of the person who has the keys to the ride you're needing.

Long story short, it was another debacle filled with anger and f-bombs and breakups. lol. BUT, she called and asked me to wait for her so she could pick up her vehicle...well....no, I'm not going to wait, and since they were already going to be closing it up and locking things down for the day/closing the entrance gate, I told her that I wasn't going to wait for her but that she didn't have to worry
because I would "drag her F'ingcar out into the F'ing street" (lol. I was pissed but wouldn't actually do that, but didn't want her to know because we were fighting and had just broken up..yeah, I'll admit it. I'm an asshole when I'm pissed. . Oh, don't point your fingers..Can you say you've never acted stupid when you were pissed? Yeah, I thought so. lol),

Anyway, I didn't want to even see her and I damned sure didn't want her at my place, so I hopped into a wrecker I own and picked her vehicle up with the wheel lift and took it next door and set it on the neighbors parking lot without a
scratching hyde nor hair on the thing. I parked my truck back inside my place, locked-up the gate and left.

Was it wrong of me to leave her there? I felt badly about it, sure. But I asked and she refused, I called and she hung up....so...? Besides, she didn't want to be in the same room as me, what makes me
believe she'd want to be in the same car with me? {shrugs}

-THAT is what the whole abandoning her towing her car incident. So yeah, I'll own this one as well.

With regard to her "arrangement claim and that I have problems letting go".

Perhaps. I have difficulty because I was under the impression that it was more than an arrangement, She makes it seem as if she said the L word once and that's where her "mistake" came from. That wasn't the case. In an arrangement, you don't tell someone you love them, (at least you're not supposed to cuz if
you do, then it clouds things...or so I'm told..?), but certainly not repeatedly. You don't go on vacation with your SO and text/call your'arrangement" partner and tell them that "you love them" and "you wish they were there", and on and on and on. Not in an "arrangement" ...

There may have been an employment arrangement, but that arrangement was over well before this vacation even started. So if it *was* just an "arrangement" and that arrangement was over as she's claiming, why continue shoveling these
"mistakes"(I love yous)? It doesn't make any sense.

And no. It's not that I'm bitter about the break-up or any of that. I still care for her, sure. But I don't want to be in a relationship with her. No, this
is about her attempting a character assassination and doing it where I can't respond.

To prove my point...I last saw jessicaroman on June 16, 2013. This was the last time that she and I were in-person together. Our employment deal was over on June 15, 2013.

She posts this alert sometime around, JULY 10, 2013- almost AN ENTIRE MONTH AFTER we last saw each other AND coincidentally, on the same day that I e-mailed her informing her that I wanted nothing to do with her.

Here are the Million Dollar Questions;
If I am such a danger to the community, why wait at all muchless a MONTH to warn everybody?

Further, if I am such a danger to the community, why would she meet with me for coffee on July 19, 2013 (Friday last), and why on earth would she agree to an appointment with me this morning (July 22, 2013???)

Besides all of that, the majority of this shit happened AFTER she left the hobby, so why claim differently and start by saying, "In all fairness, I'll only post about what happened while I was in the hobby", or however it was worded? (I wouldn't know exactly what was said...I'm just guessing. )

Do the math ladies. The proofs will be forwarded to ck1942, or, according to jessicaroman, "the third-party who instructed her to post this (alleged) alert".

I'm trusting him to be objective and have no reason to believe otherwise, however, can you not see this playing into a stacked deck?

THAT'S how confident I am that what I am saying AND PROVING WITH HARD EVIDENCE is the truth.

Anything else she might be claiming, I'm going to have to guess about, but this is what happened

Now you're free to make an INFORMED decision.

Jessicaroman is a great provider. She's hot and she's a lot of fun. Like I told her the other day. I'm going to miss the p**sy because it is good. But I'll GLADLY give it up to get away from the sorry mother f**ker it's attached to.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Since this is not open for debate and since I wasn't afforded the privilege,

Mods, could you please lock this mother fucker.

Thanck you.
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Old 05-21-2014, 03:40 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post



Miss Cleo informed me telepathically, or I should say, "I suspect that..." I am the subject of an Alert posted somewhere by the provider,jessicaroman.


Wait wasn't she already off the board when this was posted wouldn't that mean he had access to the powder room/infoshare was he banned for this like other members of this community have been recently???
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Old 05-21-2014, 03:49 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post

Further, if I am such a danger to the community, why would she meet with me for coffee on July 19, 2013 (Friday last), and why on earth would she agree to an appointment with me this morning (July 22, 2013???)

Just in case not everybody wanted to read the whole thing looks like more indiscretion being done here ...IJS
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Old 05-21-2014, 06:04 PM   #141
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And here we will wait for the crickets to stop chirping;

And by chirping so that SFK can get his story together and explain how he got powder room/infoshare information and STILL not banned - does he have a MOD in his pocket perhaps?? Makes people go HMMMMM....

He's obviously on if he can be on another thread at this time; or are we going to wait for your buddy Whimpers to do your explaining?

Well wait
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Old 05-21-2014, 06:24 PM   #142
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That was a sad story. But, 'tis better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all?
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Old 05-21-2014, 06:26 PM   #143
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So what exactly does this have to do with the topic of this thread?

It was personal, first-hand information, and I posted it. And??

Would it make you feel any better if I told you that Slave Guinivere sent me a copy of it?

How would that be for irony?

As I said. I own my fuck-ups and this was one that I owned.

What this has to do with this matter, I have no idea, but yes I posted it and did so in The SA coed. So, what...??



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Old 05-21-2014, 06:33 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
So what exactly does this have to do with the topic of this thread?
The inference seems clear enough: you have behaved too indiscreetly to chastise another for a much lesser indiscretion.

I expect the validity of that claim to be argued for several more pages.
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Old 05-21-2014, 06:34 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by katie.kartwright View Post
And here we will wait for the crickets to stop chirping;

And by chirping so that SFK can get his story together and explain how he got powder room/infoshare information and STILL not banned - does he have a MOD in his pocket perhaps?? Makes people go HMMMMM....

He's obviously on if he can be on another thread at this time; or are we going to wait for your buddy Whimpers to do your tap dancing ?

Well wait

Katie maybe he had one of these lying around

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Old 05-21-2014, 06:37 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post

Katie maybe he had one of these lying around

A10!!! This is exactly why you were my MCM!!

God I can't stop laughing! !

He still has yet to revile how he had hidden top secret info.... lmao!
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Old 05-21-2014, 06:42 PM   #147
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Godfather I believe her supports were asked NOT to post on her behalf.
Well, I'm a well-known Slaveaholic and I know nothing of Slave asking her WKs not to chime in.

We just independently decided not to feed the trolls anymore.
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Old 05-21-2014, 06:42 PM   #148
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Well, you're free to argue the point all you'd like however, I wasn't the one to bring this to the board nor did this occur during the time that she was still in the hobby. This was a in reply to what was supposed to have been posted in my regard.

and it wouldn't surprise anyone if I said my source was Slave Guinivere, would it?

Didn't thinck so.

Regardless, I fucked-up and I owned it and I learned from my mistake.

Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

Or are you supposed to sit around and play the victim-card and live in denial?



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Old 05-21-2014, 06:48 PM   #149
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Fuck me...

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Old 05-21-2014, 07:19 PM   #150
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post



Clearing The Air


This is what NOT to do and "Bad Behavior". Proceed at your own risk.

Miss Cleo informed me telepathically, or I should say, "I suspect that..." I am the subject of an Alert posted somewhere by the provider,jessicaroman.

While I hate airing dirty laundry publicly, in this instance, I have no other choice. This is just another example of an ugly breakup...so save the speeches and save the comments. We crossed the line and we learned our lesson...so, yeah, we get it. I'm only bringing this to light due to the fact that I feel that the reality of these events is slightly different than she might be painting it out to be and since this alert is supposedly posted someplace unknown, and one in which I have no access to reply, it's allowed to remain there unchecked.

So basically, the rub here, for me anyway, is that any provider who sees it will only see her slightly skewed side of the story and I believe that they should hear the flip-side before making their decision on whether to see my (angry, psychotic. lol!) ass or not.

But it's going to be a pretty-good story because I'm starting it off with,

"So this bitch..." (lol! i kid. I kid.)

Seriously now.

It seems that in this alert, I suspect that jessicaroman stated, among other things, that I pose some sort of danger to the ladies of the hobby community. It's alleged that I went out of my way to collect personal information on her, that I abandoned her at a hotel and then had her car towed, that I showed-up to her house unexpectedly, that I have a horrible temper and anger issues, that I blew up her
e-mail accounts and her cell phone, and pretty much paints me out to be a raving lunatic.

She supposedly goes on to say that she "made a mistake by saying that she loved me" (which I can only imagine is to try and distance her from the affair/'arrangement', so as to prove her the victim. (I don't know, just my guess.?) and while she admits that we crossed the line regarding boundaries, she
leaves out a lot of critical information.

That said, jessicaroman and I DID cross the provider/client line. BIG TIME!

In fact, I would go so far as to say this is the epitome of what you're NOT supposed to do in the Hobby. This is the poster child. Heh!

Jessicaroman and I met first in late April, 2013. She and I had an unbelievably great time together and we started seeing each other regularly,,,and frequently. Like I said, we crossed the line BIG TIME starting on our second date, we got caught in the passion and wentbareback.(GASP!! The dreaded BB! I know, I know..)..creampies and all..

and from then on, we continued...but it was okay
because she said that she "only does that with her SO".heh!

There were freebees, and Off-The-Clock encounters and naturally, feelers started developing we sort of became an item. We tried theexclusive thing for a while and things just didn't work out. We were constantly getting into arguments
and acting stupid. We'd block each others numbers and emails and during these arguments, we'd say the most awful things to each other. It was ridiculous. We'd break-up and get back together so often, it started to become a frequent occurrence. But or what ever the reason, we'd always end-up back together again once we calmed down and were able to speak to each other.

I only mention this to show that a) there was a *little more* to it than an arrangement, and B) why I was so persistent in trying to talk to her. I wasn't any different this break-up as I was before. It's just that this time, she was serious about ending the thing, which caught me off-guard. So it took a
while to sink in, but I eventually understood and started to back away.

- THIS is my "not letting go". I'll own my fuck-ups and I guess I have to own this one. So yeah. I guess she's right on this one. I don't give up too easily when feelers are involved. (shrugs)

During this time, jessicaroman and I decided that we'd try to go the exclusive route. Like I said, feelers started to develop and the "L" word came into the picture. She claimed that she didn't want to see other clients and I didn't want to share her, so why not?

Well, being that she was stepping away from the hobby (NOT BEING FORCED OUT, skipper) and was going to start looking for a job and being that I needed some help around the office, we decided that she would come work for me.

Yes, I hired her as an employee. (on two different occasions, in fact). a "personal
assistant" with various other office duties. In the business that I'm in, and the position for which she was hired, she would be dealing with and responsible for various monies from the business; be it from sales, payments, or whatever. There's often a pretty substantial amount that goes through there. So, being that I've only known jessicaroman for a month or so, I DID run a background check on her from
information gathered from her employment application. It was just part of the employment process and in NO WAY was done to "gather her personal information", as she might be claiming. If this is out of line, then why don't you let someone you barely know handle yourmoney unchecked? It was just routiene employment screening. Period. (and in her defense, there never was an issue with her and her being responsible for the company's money).

-THIS is her claim that I "gathered personal information" on her.

During the course of this employment, jessicaroman was supposed to open up the office one morning as I had plans that would keep me away in time to open up. I walked her through the process , showed her how to disarm the alarm and gave her my keys before she left for the day. Next morning, she didn't show for
work and didn't open up like she was supposed to. I called her to find out what was going on and she became irate and started bitching me out. I then got upset and, well, it was on. lol.and finally I told her to keep the MFers or words to that effect. . Well, my dumb ass, thinking she was going to be there in the morning never took her no-showing into account, and it dawned on me that the keys to the
locks at the storage facility were on that ring of keys that I had given to her..and I needed them because I had just purchased/ picked up a 40' storage container and needed to deliver/drop it out there but, since she had my keys, I had no way of getting in. I tried calling/texting, nada. She stopped answering my texts/calls so I called the main office and had one of the gals there pull her file and
get me her address. It wasn't too far from where I was, so fuck it, I head over to her house and get my keys from off of the ground where she threw them, lol before rudely slamming the door on me and I left.

-THIS is me showing up to her place, "unexpectedly"

Perhaps unwanted, but certainly not unexpected.... and this was THE [U]ONLY[U] time that I have EVER been to her house. To get my keys. PERIOD!

We are supposed to have an overnight. We're at the hotel and get into an argument over the most ridiculous thing and we send this one over the top. She left her ride over at my office and rode with me to the hotel. Well, she decides to start calling someone to pick her up because, "she couldn't stand to be in the same room as me" I try talking to her...nothing. I start pleading with her. Nuh Uhh. on and on and still, Nope! So fuck it, I slam my coke down on the table and she gets splashed with some of it. (Oh fuck..) Now, she freaks and all of the sudden because she got splashed with some Coca~Cola, I'm "violent" and an "abusive". Pffft!

Anyway, she doesn't want anything to do with me and I'm just as agitated over the ridiculousness of it all that I say fuck it and grab two bags and proceed to take them down to the car. There are still a few bags still left in the room as well as hers, so she knew that I'd be coming back for them because I certainly wasn't going to leave them there,

So of course I was going to come back and get them...in reality, I was just hoping the time apart will allow us to calm down and regroup. I drop
the bags in the car and return to the room. Jessicaroman and her bags are gone. and mine are still there. hmm? I'm thinking that she probably went down to the car and that we must have missed/crossed each other in the elevators. I grab the remaining bags and misc crap that was there and head down. I get to the car, she's not there. I call her on her phone, straight to voice mail. I try again, she
hangs up on me. Try again, straight to voice mail. Fine, I say. and drive off.

I have no idea where she is but common sense tells me that if you want a ride, you either get your ass to the car, OR, you answer the phone of the person who has the keys to the ride you're needing.

Long story short, it was another debacle filled with anger and f-bombs and breakups. lol. BUT, she called and asked me to wait for her so she could pick up her vehicle...well....no, I'm not going to wait, and since they were already going to be closing it up and locking things down for the day/closing the entrance gate, I told her that I wasn't going to wait for her but that she didn't have to worry
because I would "drag her F'ingcar out into the F'ing street" (lol. I was pissed but wouldn't actually do that, but didn't want her to know because we were fighting and had just broken up..yeah, I'll admit it. I'm an asshole when I'm pissed. . Oh, don't point your fingers..Can you say you've never acted stupid when you were pissed? Yeah, I thought so. lol),

Anyway, I didn't want to even see her and I damned sure didn't want her at my place, so I hopped into a wrecker I own and picked her vehicle up with the wheel lift and took it next door and set it on the neighbors parking lot without a
scratching hyde nor hair on the thing. I parked my truck back inside my place, locked-up the gate and left.

Was it wrong of me to leave her there? I felt badly about it, sure. But I asked and she refused, I called and she hung up....so...? Besides, she didn't want to be in the same room as me, what makes me
believe she'd want to be in the same car with me? {shrugs}

-THAT is what the whole abandoning her towing her car incident. So yeah, I'll own this one as well.

With regard to her "arrangement claim and that I have problems letting go".

Perhaps. I have difficulty because I was under the impression that it was more than an arrangement, She makes it seem as if she said the L word once and that's where her "mistake" came from. That wasn't the case. In an arrangement, you don't tell someone you love them, (at least you're not supposed to cuz if
you do, then it clouds things...or so I'm told..?), but certainly not repeatedly. You don't go on vacation with your SO and text/call your'arrangement" partner and tell them that "you love them" and "you wish they were there", and on and on and on. Not in an "arrangement" ...

There may have been an employment arrangement, but that arrangement was over well before this vacation even started. So if it *was* just an "arrangement" and that arrangement was over as she's claiming, why continue shoveling these
"mistakes"(I love yous)? It doesn't make any sense.

And no. It's not that I'm bitter about the break-up or any of that. I still care for her, sure. But I don't want to be in a relationship with her. No, this
is about her attempting a character assassination and doing it where I can't respond.

To prove my point...I last saw jessicaroman on June 16, 2013. This was the last time that she and I were in-person together. Our employment deal was over on June 15, 2013.

She posts this alert sometime around, JULY 10, 2013- almost AN ENTIRE MONTH AFTER we last saw each other AND coincidentally, on the same day that I e-mailed her informing her that I wanted nothing to do with her.

Here are the Million Dollar Questions;
If I am such a danger to the community, why wait at all muchless a MONTH to warn everybody?

Further, if I am such a danger to the community, why would she meet with me for coffee on July 19, 2013 (Friday last), and why on earth would she agree to an appointment with me this morning (July 22, 2013???)

Besides all of that, the majority of this shit happened AFTER she left the hobby, so why claim differently and start by saying, "In all fairness, I'll only post about what happened while I was in the hobby", or however it was worded? (I wouldn't know exactly what was said...I'm just guessing. )

Do the math ladies. The proofs will be forwarded to ck1942, or, according to jessicaroman, "the third-party who instructed her to post this (alleged) alert".

I'm trusting him to be objective and have no reason to believe otherwise, however, can you not see this playing into a stacked deck?

THAT'S how confident I am that what I am saying AND PROVING WITH HARD EVIDENCE is the truth.

Anything else she might be claiming, I'm going to have to guess about, but this is what happened

Now you're free to make an INFORMED decision.

Jessicaroman is a great provider. She's hot and she's a lot of fun. Like I told her the other day. I'm going to miss the p**sy because it is good. But I'll GLADLY give it up to get away from the sorry mother f**ker it's attached to.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Since this is not open for debate and since I wasn't afforded the privilege,

Mods, could you please lock this mother fucker.

Thanck you.
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