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Old 05-20-2014, 07:55 AM   #16
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That's a great idea sofa king fun. Not Belgian or gay at all. Nice to know that you are not just a pretty face.
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Old 05-20-2014, 11:13 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
While I will agree that the provider dropped the ball on this one, as well as a lot of people won't read all the way through, but there ought to at least be a way to nip this in the bud.

Since there's going to be no changes made, w/re:alert forms, etc.

Why can't an Admin or Mod go into the initial post and add something along the lines of this?

The allegations regarding 1.21gigawatts have been proven false. This member was wrongfully accused and was being impersonated. The imposter posing as 1.21gigawatts was allowed to visit this provider due to her poor screening habits. Again, these allegations were proven to be incorrect with regard to this member.

If you're not going to change anything, why should this member's credibility/reputation suffer because of this bullshit alert?

HE'S ALSO a victim here through no fault of his own.

Seems to me *something* ought to be done to help fix his reputation here...even if it's something as simple as an edit...



I see no problem with that, and also see that JJ has already done so.
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Old 05-20-2014, 11:36 AM   #18
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Flinde, that whole, "dog face boy" thing was just a circus sideshow for me to replenish my hobby fund. Same thing with the Uncle Sam/Statue Of Liberty get-ups outside of the Speedy Tax Return places.

I'm just a poor-boy trying to scrape together a little scratch so I can play with the gals.

As far as the "bashing" nonsense is concerned; imnsho, it's precisely what happened so why NOT post it? This poor guy's reputation takes an unnecessary hit, through absolutely no fault of his own and Eccie staff just stated that there was going to be no changes made to prevent this from happening in the future, so why not post what the reason was for all of this nonsense?

Sure, she apologized, but his handle is still in the alert. If his handle is in the alert then the reason should be posted as well.

Personally I think his handle should be edited out, but they left it as-is and as an example...however wrong I feel that might be, notwithstanding. ..

If *anyone* got bashed here, it's certainly not Daisy, it's 1.21gigawatts.

Why is it that any comments made towards a provider and their fuck ups is perceived as bashing to you, abomb?

Why is that? Is it because it's not you who it's happening to that you feel its no big deal and dismiss it so casually?

Do you feel like you have to jump-in to save them from the negativity being cast in their direction from shit that was their own doing?

You've already proven that discretion doesn't matter to you and you couldn't care less if someone's handle and their information gets brought out into the public eye ....and what was your reasoning behind that.."because the guy hasn't said anything about it"?

Well here's a guy 1.21gigawatts who does have a problem with it and is saying something about it and STILL, you have to side with the ladies ladies....and say that it's bashing. Wtf?

Or could it be that you're just a habitual suck-up, and a kiss ass who will take the ladies side regardless of how badly they've fucked up or how wrong they are? Is that it? Do you need to get a pat on the head? What is it with you and this bashing bullshit.

Here's something to thinck about with regard to your so-called 'bashing' Have you ever stopped to consider that what you seem to believe Is bashing, is actually more answering the suck-ups who continually jump in to take-up the ladies cause more than it is actually bashing the lady?

If you havent, you should.


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Old 05-20-2014, 12:51 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
Flinde, that whole, "dog face boy" thing was just a circus sideshow for me to replenish my hobby fund. Same thing with the Uncle Sam/Statue Of Liberty get-ups outside of the Speedy Tax Return places.

Man!... I KNEW that was you! Damn if you can't toss that sign like a pro dude! How do you learn that shit? Drum Major in HS?

I'm just a poor-boy trying to scrape together a little scratch so I can play with the gals.

As far as the "bashing" nonsense is concerned; imnsho, it's precisely what happened so why NOT post it? This poor guy's reputation takes an unnecessary hit, through absolutely no fault of his own and Eccie staff just stated that there was going to be no changes made to prevent this from happening in the future, so why not post what the reason was for all of this nonsense?

Sure, she apologized, but his handle is still in the alert. If his handle is in the alert then the reason should be posted as well.

Personally I think his handle should be edited out, but they left it as-is and as an example...however wrong I feel that might be, notwithstanding. ..

If *anyone* got bashed here, it's certainly not Daisy, it's 1.21gigawatts.

Why is it that any comments made towards a provider and their fuck ups is perceived as bashing to you, abomb?

I know! I know! Can I answer?

Why is that? Is it because it's not you who it's happening to that you feel its no big deal and dismiss it so casually? No... That's not it! he would have to give it a little thought for it to be that!

Do you feel like you have to jump-in to save them from the negativity being cast in their direction from shit that was their own doing? Closer!

You've already proven that discretion doesn't matter to you and you couldn't care less if someone's handle and their information gets brought out into the public eye ....and what was your reasoning behind that.."because the guy hasn't said anything about it"?
Why that SHOULD make it OK right? I say we use the same logic to bash the ladies 5 minutes after a no call no show? "Well... she didn't call and hasn't posted here now has she?

Well here's a guy 1.21gigawatts who does have a problem with it and is saying something about it and STILL, you have to side with the ladies ladies....and say that it's bashing. Wtf?

Or could it be that you're just a habitual suck-up, and a kiss ass who will take the ladies side regardless of how badly they've fucked up or how wrong they are? Is that it? Do you need to get a pat on the head? What is it with you and this bashing bullshit.

Here's something to thinck about with regard to your so-called 'bashing' Have you ever stopped to consider that what you seem to believe Is bashing, is actually more answering the suck-ups who continually jump in to take-up the ladies cause more than it is actually bashing the lady?

If you havent, you should.
There was a hooker who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a hooker who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a hooker who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.

And Bingo was his name-o.
There was a Hooker who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a hooker who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

Starring in the role of BINGO is
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Old 05-20-2014, 01:16 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post

As far as the "bashing" nonsense is concerned; imnsho, it's precisely what happened so why NOT post it? This poor guy's reputation takes an unnecessary hit, through absolutely no fault of his own and Eccie staff just stated that there was going to be no changes made to prevent this from happening in the future, so why not post what the reason was for all of this nonsense?

Sure, she apologized, but his handle is still in the alert. If his handle is in the alert then the reason should be posted as well.

Personally I think his handle should be edited out, but they left it as-is and as an example...however wrong I feel that might be, notwithstanding. ..

If *anyone* got bashed here, it's certainly not Daisy, it's 1.21gigawatts.

Why is it that any comments made towards a provider and their fuck ups is perceived as bashing to you, abomb?

Why is that? Is it because it's not you who it's happening to that you feel its no big deal and dismiss it so casually?

Do you feel like you have to jump-in to save them from the negativity being cast in their direction from shit that was their own doing?

You've already proven that discretion doesn't matter to you and you couldn't care less if someone's handle and their information gets brought out into the public eye ....and what was your reasoning behind that.."because the guy hasn't said anything about it"?

Actually no one still has proven what info was brought out other than they were screened by someone no personal info was revealed whatsoever

Well here's a guy 1.21gigawatts who does have a problem with it and is saying something about it and STILL, you have to side with the ladies ladies....and say that it's bashing. Wtf?

Or could it be that you're just a habitual suck-up, and a kiss ass who will take the ladies side regardless of how badly they've fucked up or how wrong they are? Is that it? Do you need to get a pat on the head? What is it with you and this bashing bullshit.

Here's something to thinck about with regard to your so-called 'bashing' Have you ever stopped to consider that what you seem to believe Is bashing, is actually more answering the suck-ups who continually jump in to take-up the ladies cause more than it is actually bashing the lady?

If you havent, you should.


Here is my problem lately there seems to be a lot of bashing/taunting of all members (not just providers) how about a couple of examples

1). This was one of the biggest one's Slave G was found to have revealed ML info (some of that is still up for debate but it is what it is) she was banned and right away we get thread after thread of multiple people attacking/bashing/taunting her. She was lied about was accused of everything from having diseases to pimps to all kinds of other things and the Mods did nothing about it and the members of this community that like to stir up shit were allowed to continue to attack/bash/taunt her even though she was banned and could not defend herself. Did she take her punishment? Yes. Did she come back and stir up more shit after her ban was lifted? No. But yet there are still snide comments made by you as well as others.

2.) Tracy Aine- She was found to have a fake profile as well as well as write fake reviews for herself. But yet there are still members of this community attacking/bashing/taunting her. Is it really necessary to do that? IMHO no why she is already banned she receive her punishment why rub salt in the wounds does it make those members feel like a big man.

3.) Daisy- She posted an alert on someone who she believed had done her wrong. She was trying to protect the community. She was trying to keep other ladies safe. Now was she incorrect? Yes. Did she screw upon her screening? Absolutely. Did someones reputation get tarnished in this situation? Unfortunately yes it did. Did she apologize for it? Yes she did on multiple occasions and in multiple threads But do we need to continually need to rake her over the coals for this or can we just move on from it.

So am I siding with the ladies in these instances. Yes I am. I tend to stand up for people who are being wronged does it make me a WK? Probably but I am ok with that. I believe in protecting those that cannot protect themselves. Now I have never been in the military and I know a lot of you guys are current or ex-military but isn't that what you do/did protect those that don't have the means to protect themselves. Don't get me wrong I know it is not exactly the same thing comparing this board to what our great men and women in the armed forces do for us everyday, but why shouldn't it be are the providers of this community not human beings as well.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.”
Mahatma Gandhi

As for wanting a pat on the head I don't want a damn thing other than the hate to stop

This world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
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Old 05-20-2014, 04:40 PM   #21
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That's your answer?. Seriously??

Please tell me you're just fucking with me....please?

That cannot possibly be what you really believe, is it?

{shakes head in disbelief}

Quoting Ghandi talking about societal morals on a Silly Hooker Message Board. are you fucking kidding me???.. Lmmfbo!



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Old 05-20-2014, 08:29 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
Here is my problem lately there seems to be a lot of bashing/taunting of all members (not just providers) how about a couple of examples

How can you remotely say "all members"? There is probably only a "few"... You say couple and then post 3? probably not too many more.... The vast majority of guys and ladies go day to day without getting questioned.

1). This was one of the biggest one's Slave G was found to have revealed ML info (some of that is still up for debate NOPE... MODS Ruled on that one already but it is what it is) she was banned and right away we get thread after thread of multiple people attacking/bashing/taunting her. She was lied about was accused of everything from having diseases to pimps Can you please post where she was accused of having any disease? I missed that... As to being pimped.... a lot of guys like you were doing exactly that..... All teh attention she got at that time was due to her out of control supporters..... Kudos to those that learned..... to all kinds of other things and the Mods did nothing about it No rules were broke and most of you were on their nerves far more than the ones you wanted to shut down. and the members of this community that like to stir up shit were allowed to continue to attack/bash/taunt her even though she was banned and could not defend herself. Did she take her punishment? Yes. Did she come back and stir up more shit after her ban was lifted? No. But yet there are still snide comments made by you as well as others. "Snide"? No. There is and will for a long time to come be a retelling of the truth... especially when she fucks up again and again as she has demonstrated....

2.) Tracy Aine- She was found to have a fake profile as well as well as write fake reviews for herself. But yet there are still members of this community attacking/bashing/taunting her. Is it really necessary to do that? I like Tracy.... Where is she being attacked and bashed? I think I missed that as well..... We did not see threads of denials or any back and forth but man..... she fucking broke the rules..... we trust the reviews we read..... so do the ladies...... when a lady creates multiple handles to review herself as wel as to gain access to info she is not entitled to she needs to be dealt with...... There is the MODs and how they deal with it and then there is the community and how they respond to it..... IMHO no why she is already banned she receive her punishment why rub salt in the wounds does it make those members feel like a big man. It's society and how we deal with all kinds of people that break the rules..... She did not get a pass from the owners and she will not get a pass from the community either...... The ban is the least of the worries in cases like these.....

3.) Daisy- She posted an alert on someone who she believed had done her wrong. She was trying to protect the community. She was trying to keep other ladies safe. Now was she incorrect? Yes. Did she screw upon her screening? Absolutely. Did someones reputation get tarnished in this situation? Unfortunately yes it did. Did she apologize for it? Yes she did on multiple occasions and in multiple threads But do we need to continually need to rake her over the coals for this or can we just move on from it.

She gets raked for a period to make the next lady think twice before doing something similar. Everything that happened is on her..... Just like the next one will be on that person....

So am I siding with the ladies in these instances. Yes I am. I tend to stand up for people who are being wronged does it make me a WK? Probably but I am ok with that. I believe in protecting those that cannot protect themselves.

Ya know how many women get pissed by that ignorance displayed right there? Many of these ladies are professionals and run their business.... .Some make 6 figures a year tax free..... Why the fuck do they need some lame ass dude like you or me to protect them?

Now I have never been in the military and I know a lot of you guys are current or ex-military but isn't that what you do/did protect those that don't have the means to protect themselves.

Now I get it.... a wannabe warrior huh?

Don't get me wrong I know it is not exactly the same thing comparing this board to what our great men and women in the armed forces do for us everyday, but why shouldn't it be are the providers of this community not human beings as well.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.”
Mahatma Gandhi

:woot_ju mp:

As for wanting a pat on the head I don't want a damn thing other than the hate to stop

Then quit breeding it! STFU and see how fast the other side does with nothing to work with.... No ... WAIT! What am I saying.... You keep doing exactly what you are doing like right here!

This world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I doubt Eisenhower or Ghandi were thinking about a bunch of whore and johns at the time.....
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Old 05-21-2014, 03:53 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Annika View Post
No shit I had an austin provider recently post a COP ALERT thread because she is a stripper and someone contacted her from from the police department so she MADE AN alert that I was a cop!!! WTF LMFAO but seriously I've been around for 8 yrs she just got here and THE Austin MODS DID NOTHING but give me points for defending my reputation !
Your information is false lol but go ahead and keep lying to everyone. There's a reason you had to create new profile and from what I've heard it's because you've been banned on a number of occasions and I'm not the first person you've made fake idle threats to. It was not APD that contacted me and I never said they did in post. So please learn to read.. 8 years is a long time... maybe it's time to throw in the towel and give yourself a break. Oh and btw this isn't a PM. When you quote someone it sends a PM.
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Old 05-21-2014, 04:12 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post

That's your answer?. Seriously??

Please tell me you're just fucking with me....please?

That cannot possibly be what you really believe, is it?

{shakes head in disbelief}

Quoting Ghandi talking about societal morals on a Silly Hooker Message Board. are you fucking kidding me???.. Lmmfbo!



So you're saying that it is not ok to stand up for people that its not ok to stand up those who cannot stand up for themselves I wonder how our military and ex miltary members think of that?

So what you are saying is providers don't deserve to be treated like human beings on a silly hooker board you're kidding right???
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Old 05-21-2014, 04:57 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by a10bomb
Here is my problem lately there seems to be a lot of bashing/taunting of all members (not just providers) how about a couple of examples

How can you remotely say "all members"? There is probably only a "few"... You say couple and then post 3? probably not too many more.... The vast majority of guys and ladies go day to day without getting questioned.

OK I will agree with you on this I misstated by saying everyone I can admit I make mistakes can you??
1). This was one of the biggest one's Slave G was found to have revealed ML info (some of that is still up for debate NOPE... MODS Ruled on that one already but it is what it is) she was banned and right away we get thread after thread of multiple people attacking/bashing/taunting her. She was lied about was accused of everything from having diseases to pimps Can you please post where she was accused of having any disease? I missed that... Really how could you miss that you started it hell it was in your sig line before you were forced to remove it are you that forgetful or do you have selective memory?? As to being pimped.... a lot of guys like you were doing exactly that..... All teh attention she got at that time was due to her out of control supporters..... Kudos to those that learned..... to all kinds of other things and the Mods did nothing about it No rules were broke and most of you were on their nerves far more than the ones you wanted to shut down. and the members of this community that like to stir up shit were allowed to continue to attack/bash/taunt her even though she was banned and could not defend herself. Did she take her punishment? Yes. Did she come back and stir up more shit after her ban was lifted? No. But yet there are still snide comments made by you as well as others. "Snide"? No. There is and will for a long time to come be a retelling of the truth... especially when she fucks up again and again as she has demonstrated....
Just in case you are not sure of what the definition is here you go

adjective: snide
derogatory or mocking in an indirect way.

2.) Tracy Aine- She was found to have a fake profile as well as well as write fake reviews for herself. But yet there are still members of this community attacking/bashing/taunting her. Is it really necessary to do that? I like Tracy.... Where is she being attacked and bashed? I think I missed that as well..... We did not see threads of denials or any back and forth but man..... she fucking broke the rules..... we trust the reviews we read..... so do the ladies...... when a lady creates multiple handles to review herself as wel as to gain access to info she is not entitled to she needs to be dealt with...... There is the MODs and how they deal with it and then there is the community and how they respond to it.....

IMHO no why she is already banned she receive her punishment why rub salt in the wounds does it make those members feel like a big man. It's society and how we deal with all kinds of people that break the rules..... She did not get a pass from the owners and she will not get a pass from the community either...... The ban is the least of the worries in cases like these.....

So what you are saying is that it is OK as a society to continue to berate someone that breaks the law and has paid or is paying their debt to society I think there are a lot of ex prisoners that would have a problem with that


3.) Daisy- She posted an alert on someone who she believed had done her wrong. She was trying to protect the community. She was trying to keep other ladies safe. Now was she incorrect? Yes. Did she screw upon her screening? Absolutely. Did someones reputation get tarnished in this situation? Unfortunately yes it did. Did she apologize for it? Yes she did on multiple occasions and in multiple threads But do we need to continually need to rake her over the coals for this or can we just move on from it.

She gets raked for a period to make the next lady think twice before doing something similar. Everything that happened is on her..... Just like the next one will be on that person....

And that's for you to decide oh great one why do we need mods hey JJ, Mokoa, Von, hell even chica ya'll might as well go home whispers is got this shit

So am I siding with the ladies in these instances. Yes I am. I tend to stand up for people who are being wronged does it make me a WK? Probably but I am ok with that. I believe in protecting those that cannot protect themselves.

Ya know how many women get pissed by that ignorance displayed right there? Many of these ladies are professionals and run their business.... .

Those are not the one's I am defending the one's I am defending are the ones that are being bullied by you and your minions
Some make 6 figures a year tax free..... Why the fuck do they need some lame ass dude like you or me to protect them?

Now I have never been in the military and I know a lot of you guys are current or ex-military but isn't that what you do/did protect those that don't have the means to protect themselves.

Now I get it.... a wannabe warrior huh?

Don't get me wrong I know it is not exactly the same thing comparing this board to what our great men and women in the armed forces do for us everyday, but why shouldn't it be are the providers of this community not human beings as well.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.”
Mahatma Gandhi

:woot_ju mp:

As for wanting a pat on the head I don't want a damn thing other than the hate to stop

This world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

I doubt Eisenhower or Ghandi were thinking about a bunch of whore and johns at the time.....

Probably not but there statements still apply in this situation

So what your saying is that "whore's and john's don't deserved to be treated fairly and that hate should be allowed on this board???
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