Originally Posted by luvaffair74
So I have an ongoing question for you wonderful providers out there. How do we hobbyists know if you offer MSOG, multiple cups of coffee ect? I'm O.K. with the per hour rate whatever it may be however, if I pay $350 per hour and you really get my motor running what if I'm done in 10 mins?
Some charge extra for MSOG and imo if they do it should be clear on their ads/profiles/showcase etc.
If they don't I'd assume MSOG (at least 1 more go) is perfectly okay especially if you have 50mins left lol

I personally do not want to be asked if i'm MSOG because i'm just going to redirect him back to my reviews or website. That being said I believe if you pay for 1hr that within reason (we are still people not blow-up dolls) you should be able to make sure you leave satisfied within that timeframe (without upsell).