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Old 05-19-2014, 10:38 AM   #1
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Default Forms Based alerts thread

Ladies and Gents,

I would like to propose we have a minimum info requirement and form submission structure for alerts...

Several alerts as of late including one that included me are directionally correct but still miss the mark. The end result is on one end of the spectrum a useless alert on the other end one that does damage to an innocent member's rep.

Having a form with basic info at least keeps us in the middle (sweet spot).

I am especially fond of being in any sweet spot.
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Old 05-19-2014, 10:56 AM   #2
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This is actually a pretty good idea I have been lucky enough so far that I havent been impersonated yet but you never know I agree with some of other hobbyists that if you dont get a pm from me then its probably not me ijs
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Old 05-19-2014, 11:36 AM   #3
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Maybe it would be simpler just to require providors to have a PM from a member before accusing him of something on this Board based on her uninformed guess as to his identity. Otherwise, she gets banned when she makes a mistake.
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Old 05-19-2014, 11:47 AM   #4
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Too bad there's not a check off form for the ladies to use when screening, too.
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Old 05-19-2014, 11:57 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by ck1942 View Post
Too bad there's not a check off form for the ladies to use when screening, too.
You can only lead a horse to water... and all of that.
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Old 05-19-2014, 12:11 PM   #6
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Ladies remember if he is not short, pink, gray headed with ear hairs, cheap, inconsiderate, a little smelly and wanting high mileage for cheap, its not the real flinde.

If he doesnt make you laugh till you squirt its not the real flinde.
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Old 05-19-2014, 01:14 PM   #7
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It is common knowledge that the Providers use screening means that makes *THEM* comfortable.

To be "COMFORTABLE" and to be "SAFE" are two different things.

*I* feel if it comes to seeing a member of this site, a PM would be the LCD of screening to see the person.

I am not dictating to the Provdiers on how to do their business.
But this alert could have stopped in its tracks by a couple of keystrokes here.
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Old 05-19-2014, 01:15 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by flinde View Post
Ladies remember if he is not short, pink, gray headed with ear hairs, cheap, inconsiderate, a little smelly and wanting high mileage for cheap, its not the real flinde.

If he doesnt make you laugh till you squirt its not the real flinde.
flinde does NOT require you to have a pulse, only that you show up.
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Old 05-19-2014, 08:32 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Bigandbad1959 View Post
Maybe it would be simpler just to require providers to have a PM from a member before accusing him of something on this Board based on her uninformed guess as to his identity. ......
+1... I like this...or to even post an Alert with a specific handle you must first send said PM to a Mod....
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Old 05-19-2014, 09:45 PM   #10
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I was planning to lurk tonight but Mr. Gigawatts tickled the mental sweet spot. I am sorry for what happened to you, and am especially sorry it was caused by one of the "mature, experienced" providers here on eccie.

As to the idea of a form based submission for alerts, there would have to be some agreed upon minimum level of information, as well as repercussions for made up answers while posting an alert in the heat of anger. That would require guideline changes I suspect. It could work, but what are we gonna do when a rightfully pissed off provider just starts clicking whatever she can in order to feel better? Maybe alerts need to be moderated? But is she going to answer the questions from the eccie police who just want the facts? Of course she "screened", but is there an eccie approved minimum level of screening that can be enforced?

JJ, I really would like to see you try leading some of these fillies to water. It would be a lot like herding cats. I read the other day that behavioral scientists all over the world give up trying to figure out if cats are smarter than dogs and other animals. Cats just don't play the same games. They are in some other world with rules that apply only to them. Sound familiar?

Look, I understand that a provider is upset, in a rage, out to get anyone in their line of sight when they get robbed, beat up, or both. I know crap happens, we just have to figure out how to deal with it afterwards. The particular case we are dealing with here is instructive. On the one hand the alert will always indict 1.21gigawatts for those that don't read the whole thread for comprehension, but on the other it truly is a provider self alert concerning lax screening techniques. The problem is that too assumes reading the whole thread for comprehension. That doesn't happen often here, in my opinion. I almost wish there were some way to have the eccie justice system place an informative judgement post at the beginning of alert threads concerning the outcome of the "investigation".

On a personal note, I have not seen nor do I intend to see any provider with whom I have not communicated with via PM at some point. Screening goes both ways.

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Old 05-19-2014, 10:44 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by 1.21gigawatts View Post
Ladies and Gents,

I would like to propose we have a minimum info requirement and form submission structure for alerts...

Several alerts as of late including one that included me are directionally correct but still miss the mark. The end result is on one end of the spectrum a useless alert on the other end one that does damage to an innocent member's rep.

Having a form with basic info at least keeps us in the middle (sweet spot).

I am especially fond of being in any sweet spot.
Interesting idea. I can pretty much say that we won't be changing the programming behind the forums to create a form or dropdown box driven program. But folks use of the existing forum and threads could be worked with somehow. Although I would not be in favor of new "rules" and enforcement. Everyone complains about mod intervention as it is, right? And that would require more.

In the end, its both parties responsibility to do their due-diligence to whatever comfort level each requires and we simply provide the area to such post information.
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Old 05-20-2014, 12:03 AM   #12
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The answer could be serious consequences for the person that places another on alert for some serious action such as theft, rape or physical violence and it turns out to be inaccurate as was the case most recently involving the OP.

SHE did not do HER JOB and now a thread stands in the alert section where he is accused of being a thief.

Not everyone will read past the first post. The first post will standout in future search engine results as well.

Not everyone will see her later apology.
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Old 05-20-2014, 01:43 AM   #13
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While I will agree that the provider dropped the ball on this one, as well as a lot of people won't read all the way through, but there ought to at least be a way to nip this in the bud.

Since there's going to be no changes made, w/re:alert forms, etc.

Why can't an Admin or Mod go into the initial post and add something along the lines of this?

The allegations regarding 1.21gigawatts have been proven false. This member was wrongfully accused and was being impersonated. The imposter posing as 1.21gigawatts was allowed to visit this provider due to her poor screening habits. Again, these allegations were proven to be incorrect with regard to this member.

If you're not going to change anything, why should this member's credibility/reputation suffer because of this bullshit alert?

HE'S ALSO a victim here through no fault of his own.

Seems to me *something* ought to be done to help fix his reputation here...even if it's something as simple as an edit...



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Old 05-20-2014, 07:55 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
While I will agree that the provider dropped the ball on this one, as well as a lot of people won't read all the way through, but there ought to at least be a way to nip this in the bud.

Since there's going to be no changes made, w/re:alert forms, etc.

Why can't an Admin or Mod go into the initial post and add something along the lines of this?

The allegations regarding 1.21gigawatts have been proven false. This member was wrongfully accused and was being impersonated. The imposter posing as 1.21gigawatts was allowed to visit this provider due to her poor screening habits. Again, these allegations were proven to be incorrect with regard to this member.

If you're not going to change anything, why should this member's credibility/reputation suffer because of this bullshit alert?

HE'S ALSO a victim here through no fault of his own.

Seems to me *something* ought to be done to help fix his reputation here...even if it's something as simple as an edit...



While I agree with putting this at the top of the alert I don't agree with the line that I highlighted in blue why the need to continue to bash this provider. Look I understand she screwed up with her screening everyone makes mistakes she admitted she messed up and I am sure she feels horrible about it. For the record I have never seen Daisy BCD I have only met her once at a social a while back and she seems to be a sweetheart She admitted she screwed up and apologized for it but for some reason some of the members of this community think it is ok to continue to bash other members even when they admit that they fuck up. I also understand that the hobbyist has rights as well to protect his reputation which is why I agree with that statement being put at the top of the alert but that line bashing the provider as well is not necessary all it does it create more hate on this board than is needed. We already have enough hate on this board quit adding to it already.
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Old 05-20-2014, 08:53 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
While I will agree that the provider dropped the ball on this one, as well as a lot of people won't read all the way through, but there ought to at least be a way to nip this in the bud.

Since there's going to be no changes made, w/re:alert forms, etc.

Why can't an Admin or Mod go into the initial post and add something along the lines of this?

The allegations regarding 1.21gigawatts have been proven false. This member was wrongfully accused and was being impersonated. The imposter posing as 1.21gigawatts was allowed to visit this provider due to her poor screening habits. Again, these allegations were proven to be incorrect with regard to this member.

If you're not going to change anything, why should this member's credibility/reputation suffer because of this bullshit alert?

HE'S ALSO a victim here through no fault of his own.

Seems to me *something* ought to be done to help fix his reputation here...even if it's something as simple as an edit...



No shit I had an austin provider recently post a COP ALERT thread because she is a stripper and someone contacted her from from the police department so she MADE AN alert that I was a cop!!! WTF LMFAO but seriously I've been around for 8 yrs she just got here and THE Austin MODS DID NOTHING but give me points for defending my reputation !
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