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Old 05-01-2014, 03:57 PM   #16
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When I am thinking of hyprocrite...Im thinking of me telling you can't complain about this subject...but then I go and complain about it this subject....in other words you can't do this but I can or do as I say but not as I do
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Old 05-01-2014, 04:01 PM   #17
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JT, I don't think David Sterling cares to the extent that an 81 year old Jewish man cannot not care....but I do believe he was compelled not to attend last Sundays game before he was banned for Life from the NBA.
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Old 05-01-2014, 04:06 PM   #18
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If the Shoe were on the other foot and a person of color or other ethnicity's conversation were recorded without their knowledge and made public....would their be the same public outcry
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Old 05-01-2014, 06:26 PM   #19
i'va biggen
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How long is a lifetime ban on a 81 year old?
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Old 05-01-2014, 07:26 PM   #20
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There are limits on the 1st ammendment- you are not free to yell fire in a movie theater when there is none. The 1st ammenment protects our right to politically, and legally dissent with government. This must be in a civil manner that does not physically harm others. Our founders wanted to protect against monarch like absolute power- because we are a self ruled democracy.

There is no protection to say things that your employer finds detrimental to business without them terminating you. Example- I dont like green people, they are stupid and lazy.
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Old 05-01-2014, 10:29 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Danny117 View Post

When I am thinking of hyprocrite...Im thinking of me telling you can't complain about this subject...but then I go and complain about it this subject....in other words you can't do this but I can or do as I say but not as I do
I see what you are saying,
I tend to stay away from people who tell me what to do,,,,
my parents love to tell me what to do and I tell them, you think I still 12? I'll do whatever the fuck I want,
"I can't help it, I'm always going to be your parent"

then I tell them what to do( help their health, avoid prostate cancer, heart attacks.strokes, etc) and they tell me, " I just cant do that"
and I say, how come that wasnt an option for me when I was a kid being told to eat my veggies? Thats IT, no ice chips for you!
(its a running joke about the ice chips.,which means in the future, when they are dying in the hospital bed and ask for some ice chips, I would say NO)

might be kinda morbid, but its what we are.
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Old 05-01-2014, 10:31 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Misawahawk View Post
There are limits on the 1st ammendment- you are not free to yell fire in a movie theater when there is none. The 1st ammenment protects our right to politically, and legally dissent with government. This must be in a civil manner that does not physically harm others. Our founders wanted to protect against monarch like absolute power- because we are a self ruled democracy.

There is no protection to say things that your employer finds detrimental to business without them terminating you. Example- I dont like green people, they are stupid and lazy.
pretty much only the government can take away your rights, including 1st amendment rights,
I'm curious to see what happens in florida where they allow guns inside bars and school.
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Old 05-01-2014, 10:34 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by cuddlyteddybear View Post
I'm not saying he's not a racist (IDK), I'm just saying that it sounded to me like an old white guy who was insecure about his young, hot, mixed-race girlfriend showing a little attention to MJ, who could make just about any man feel insecure about his girlfriend.
I wonder if was afraid of getting AIDS or having his mistresss, showing off how she was a slut, because that would reflect on him.
even at 81, he didnt want people to know he could satisfy his women or some bullshit

can he still get it up?
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Old 05-02-2014, 12:39 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker View Post
I wonder if was afraid of getting AIDS or having his mistresss, showing off how she was a slut, because that would reflect on him.
even at 81, he didnt want people to know he could satisfy his women or some bullshit

can he still get it up?
If I make it to 81 getting laid will be the least of my worries. He could probably get it up with penis injections. I seriously doubt he has sex drive at that age.
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Old 05-02-2014, 03:53 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
How long is a lifetime ban on a 81 year old?
Apparently, not very long: http://nypost.com/2014/05/01/disgrac...ttling-cancer/
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Old 05-02-2014, 04:09 AM   #26
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Something about this whole thing stinks, and it isn't the gefilte fish.
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Old 05-02-2014, 10:09 AM   #27
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Default My apologies. I didn't mean to get personal.

Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
No not tricky, but don't give me this crap that is unless you have black children and grand children like I do, so be careful when your trying to paint with the
sarcasim racist brush and you might be careful whom your trying to paint with that brush. I hardly think he was tricked into being a racist, rather he was goaded into being stupid. So why don't you go fuck yourself.
Although I've been told I'm a good lay, I generally prefer the ladies. Although I have to admit too taking care of my own needs from time to time.

Honestly, I'm not focusing on you, in particular. It's just that far too many people want to get all bent out of shape about whether the mistress/friend broke the law by taping him. Or who put her up to it. Okay fine let's give her the six months or whatever the penalty is for taping a convo. Now, let's get back to the point:

A billionaire who has this high post is caught saying things that makes one a pariah in today's society. And he has to pay the consequences. Like the Dixie chicks, his freedom of speech is intact. The responsibility for the speech remains.

Everyone is going at his motive and calling it hateful and hurtful. As a black man( just one. Not the community), my interpretation is that he wasn't being hurtful at all. I didn't hear the whole tape, I got tired of looking for it and finding more commentary than evidence. So here's more "baseless" supposition. He was trying to tell her that if she wants to move up within the circles she's running, it won't do her any good to to have too many black people hanging around you. Not even Magic. I believe I heard sterling say something to the effect of: "do you know the calls i get when you put those pictures up?" Now maybe I'm being too charitable, but I think he had her interests at heart. He did buy her a place, a few cars, and other trinkets that amount to a pretty penny. If I had a sugar baby, I'd probably give her advice about speaking properly and not tattooing "fuck the police" on your forehead. You know sage advice on how to make it through the world. Not being part of that world, I can't really say what the mores are. But again, as a black man, I tend to think that there are some unspoken rules that run the game. Especially unspoken, in an age where you can be brought low just for admitting that you used the n word in the past.
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Old 05-02-2014, 10:31 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by bbwlover View Post
Although I've been told I'm a good lay, I generally prefer the ladies. Although I have to admit too taking care of my own needs from time to time.

Honestly, I'm not focusing on you, in particular. It's just that far too many people want to get all bent out of shape about whether the mistress/friend broke the law by taping him. Or who put her up to it. Okay fine let's give her the six months or whatever the penalty is for taping a convo. Now, let's get back to the point:

A billionaire who has this high post is caught saying things that makes one a pariah in today's society. And he has to pay the consequences. Like the Dixie chicks, his freedom of speech is intact. The responsibility for the speech remains.

Everyone is going at his motive and calling it hateful and hurtful. As a black man( just one. Not the community), my interpretation is that he wasn't being hurtful at all. I didn't hear the whole tape, I got tired of looking for it and finding more commentary than evidence. So here's more "baseless" supposition. He was trying to tell her that if she wants to move up within the circles she's running, it won't do her any good to to have too many black people hanging around you. Not even Magic. I believe I heard sterling say something to the effect of: "do you know the calls i get when you put those pictures up?" Now maybe I'm being too charitable, but I think he had her interests at heart. He did buy her a place, a few cars, and other trinkets that amount to a pretty penny. If I had a sugar baby, I'd probably give her advice about speaking properly and not tattooing "fuck the police" on your forehead. You know sage advice on how to make it through the world. Not being part of that world, I can't really say what the mores are. But again, as a black man, I tend to think that there are some unspoken rules that run the game. Especially unspoken, in an age where you can be brought low just for admitting that you used the n word in the past.
right, he was talking to her..he wasnt talking to anyone else.
You can't judge a person by their words, but by their actions.
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Old 05-02-2014, 11:22 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by bbwlover View Post
Although I've been told I'm a good lay, I generally prefer the ladies. Although I have to admit too taking care of my own needs from time to time.

Honestly, I'm not focusing on you, in particular. It's just that far too many people want to get all bent out of shape about whether the mistress/friend broke the law by taping him. Or who put her up to it. Okay fine let's give her the six months or whatever the penalty is for taping a convo. Now, let's get back to the point:

A billionaire who has this high post is caught saying things that makes one a pariah in today's society. And he has to pay the consequences. Like the Dixie chicks, his freedom of speech is intact. The responsibility for the speech remains.

Everyone is going at his motive and calling it hateful and hurtful. As a black man( just one. Not the community), my interpretation is that he wasn't being hurtful at all. I didn't hear the whole tape, I got tired of looking for it and finding more commentary than evidence. So here's more "baseless" supposition. He was trying to tell her that if she wants to move up within the circles she's running, it won't do her any good to to have too many black people hanging around you. Not even Magic. I believe I heard sterling say something to the effect of: "do you know the calls i get when you put those pictures up?" Now maybe I'm being too charitable, but I think he had her interests at heart. He did buy her a place, a few cars, and other trinkets that amount to a pretty penny. If I had a sugar baby, I'd probably give her advice about speaking properly and not tattooing "fuck the police" on your forehead. You know sage advice on how to make it through the world. Not being part of that world, I can't really say what the mores are. But again, as a black man, I tend to think that there are some unspoken rules that run the game. Especially unspoken, in an age where you can be brought low just for admitting that you used the n word in the past.

Personally I could careless either way, I didn't think what he said warrented the reaction that occurred, which is why it all seemed premeditated to me. I also don't this she is smart enough to record the conversation or even think to do it on her own. As for the rest I seemed to be that you were trying to paint me as a racist. Which if you knew anything about me you would know how crazy that is.
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Old 05-02-2014, 11:31 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Personally I could careless either way, I didn't think what he said warrented the reaction that occurred, which is why it all seemed premeditated to me. I also don't this she is smart enough to record the conversation or even think to do it on her own. As for the rest I seemed to be that you were trying to paint me as a racist. Which if you knew anything about me you would know how crazy that is.
I agree

the media has really blown this out of the water, same as they did with the Duck Dynasty guy saying what he said
same with Paula Dean(lady from the south) using a word

who cares? the media cares, blowing these stories up gives them ratings, etc
why is it not a story some old man has a mistress?
well hes old and rich, no one gives a Muck
so why do people care what an old man says to his GF in what he thought was a private convesation?

if it was a story about Brad pitt having a mistress, that'd be big news

the media manipulated the NBA, no doubt about it and the NAACP, Sterling gave them a bunch of money, so much money, they wanted to give him a SECOND lifetime achiement award,
now they gave back the money and won't give him the award.
why? cause some old man said something to his woman? LOL they got so manipulated!
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