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Old 04-20-2014, 10:24 PM   #1
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Default 2013 The Truth About Me

I have been reading the co ed sections about the pimp n hoe issue, etc. For those who do not know I had a pimp when I first started Eccie. I did not have any problems or any issues. I did my (Staff Edit) went shopping, traveled, shopped every other day. I have a (Staff Edit) issue and about 85 percent of girls that do this have the same issue. My ex pimp contacted me thru mocospace I was giving away sex trading sex (Staff Edit). He told me your too pretty to be doing that bad. He was right. I know alot of people will say that your crazy for having a pimp in the first place but in all honesty I lived life pretty good when I had one. I know this may be a forbidden subject but I am going to put the truth out there. Alot of girls on here have pimps or have had pimps before. Some pimps are real professional some are really gorilla. He explained to me that this is a relationship based on money. "You do A B & C and I do X Y Z on time like the first and the 15th" I have seen some girls get beat up for breaking the so called "rules & regulations" I personally lack the motivation to do this by myself. All of those "Yes Recommedation" reviews was when I was with him last year.

I have since got a boyfriend and a regular job. My life is full of love but so boring at the same time. A real "pimp" is not a bad person unless you do something against the "rules & regulations". I miss the fast money & adventure. I just had to get this off my chest since I am engaged now.

If you would like to know some of the girls on here that has had or have pimps please PM me.

#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
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Old 04-21-2014, 12:10 AM   #2
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I presume your age is responsible for this most recent lapse in judgement. You're so bored in your pre wedded bliss that you feel the need to come back here and stir the shit? It seems to me there's enough to worry about in this business without adding to the pile. If you need to vent, which I completely understand, there are a zillion other forums for that.

How do you know who and who doesn't have a pimp? I've never spoken with you before. How do you know if I have a pimp? How do you know if Lady Y or Elena or Asia have pimps? You don't. Quit infecting people with unnecessary anxiety because you're bored.

Congrats on your engagement!
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Old 04-21-2014, 12:13 AM   #3
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Uh, glad you got that off your chest?! Congrats on the bf/engagement... Might I suggest closing your eccie account then and enjoy the boring life. Maybe this is your excitement now and I'm sure "curious types" will fill your inbox with pm-s inquiring about who have pimps but color me skeptical. If you're moving on, why on earth would you start this thread?
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Old 04-21-2014, 05:45 AM   #4
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This is a very interesting world. What she is getting off her chest is some regrets that she has. I do think this is the appropriate forum for her, but we are not the appropriate audience. There are folks that are not going to post who are the audience that is connecting with her.
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Old 04-21-2014, 06:42 AM   #5
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Classic logic problem:

You're in a room with Adolph Hitler, Ted Bundy, and a pimp. You have a revolver, but you only have two bullets. What do you do?

Answer: Shoot the pimp twice to make sure the muthafucka is dead.


Sweetie, I wish nothing but the best for you. I hope you do well in your civilian, "boring" life. Yes, the money does not come easily, like it does in the hooking world, but when you put your kids to bed at night safe and snug, well fed, with a roof over their heads........you can say "I did that." Success is its own reward.

You do not need a pimp to be successful. He just wants you to believe that. May I suggest a book to you? You can get it from Amazon.com for about 12 bucks.

"Your Perfect Right: Assertiveness and equality in your life and relationships" by Alberti and Emmons.

You have the right to be "Captain of your own ship of life." It can be scary at times, but you can do it. Find someone you trust who has nothing to gain from helping you, and confide in them. Even if you decide to come back as a provider, you are then doing it on YOUR terms an no one elses.

Best of luck to you. You have great worth. Always remember that.
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Old 04-21-2014, 08:45 AM   #6
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Well Said, one of the best messages I've read on here.

Originally Posted by hgritstoo View Post
Classic logic problem:

You're in a room with Adolph Hitler, Ted Bundy, and a pimp. You have a revolver, but you only have two bullets. What do you do?

Answer: Shoot the pimp twice to make sure the muthafucka is dead.


Sweetie, I wish nothing but the best for you. I hope you do well in your civilian, "boring" life. Yes, the money does not come easily, like it does in the hooking world, but when you put your kids to bed at night safe and snug, well fed, with a roof over their heads........you can say "I did that." Success is its own reward.

You do not need a pimp to be successful. He just wants you to believe that. May I suggest a book to you? You can get it from Amazon.com for about 12 bucks.

"Your Perfect Right: Assertiveness and equality in your life and relationships" by Alberti and Emmons.

You have the right to be "Captain of your own ship of life." It can be scary at times, but you can do it. Find someone you trust who has nothing to gain from helping you, and confide in them. Even if you decide to come back as a provider, you are then doing it on YOUR terms an no one elses.

Best of luck to you. You have great worth. Always remember that.
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Old 04-21-2014, 09:25 AM   #7
Ms.Lady Y
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First I will start out by saying, I hope LE finds out who the "pimp" is and throw him in jail for life.
With that being said.
IMO- People that feel the need to have a pimp suffer from low self esteem, lack of boundries and feel they need someone to take care of them because they have never been taught to take care of themselves.
Pimps will tell you everything in the world they think you want to hear to exploit and use you. They are not your friend and they don't love you. They are using you like a stolen ATM to get what they want.
If you died tomorrow they wouldn't go to your funeral because they would be to busy out trying to find your replacement.
If you can't do this on your own and keep what you make for yourself then you need to find another profession this one isn't meant for you.
Go to work for a escort agency or a strip club anything but a pimp.
You are young and can be anything you want, go back to school that will keep you busy.
Wish you the best in whatever you do. Best thing you can do is turn the pimp in so he doesn't use some other young girl and destroy her.
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Old 04-21-2014, 02:06 PM   #8
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Must be free therapy day on here. I am not sure how all of you can pass judgement on anyone.
Hope you find happiness.
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Old 04-21-2014, 03:39 PM   #9
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This board has been amazing as of late.

How does one go about meeting a pimp on mocospace? Tia
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Old 04-30-2014, 08:02 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y View Post
First I will start out by saying, I hope LE finds out who the "pimp" is and throw him in jail for life.
With that being said.
IMO- People that feel the need to have a pimp suffer from low self esteem, lack of boundries and feel they need someone to take care of them because they have never been taught to take care of themselves.
Pimps will tell you everything in the world they think you want to hear to exploit and use you. They are not your friend and they don't love you. They are using you like a stolen ATM to get what they want.
If you died tomorrow they wouldn't go to your funeral because they would be to busy out trying to find your replacement.
If you can't do this on your own and keep what you make for yourself then you need to find another profession this one isn't meant for you.
Go to work for a escort agency or a strip club anything but a pimp.
You are young and can be anything you want, go back to school that will keep you busy.
Wish you the best in whatever you do. Best thing you can do is turn the pimp in so he doesn't use some other young girl and destroy her.
Hmm okay it was my choice. I knew what I was doing so I am not sure why I would turn this person in??? How did he destroy me??? We are all doing not so legal activities on this site. Everyone is entitled to an opinion
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