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Old 04-25-2014, 08:58 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Your ego is flashing out of control EFN...I know you somehow see yourself as the new voice of hoogardom & as some kind of modern day martyr, but you need to get over yourself a bit...I don't see a ton of support for your cause and many of us are concerned having you be so vocal about OUR hobby...as if its your own private property. Yah you are one of many "workers"...but that's it...just one of many. Maybe you start a movement, but its more likely you burn at the stake alone.

As a "not very well respected comic" you'll understand if I take your views on humor with a large grain of salt...no offense meant, but maybe you were in the wrong line of work? Comedy has been one medium through the years that have pushed the boundaries of social exceptance. Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, some of the original work on Saturday Night live. Ground breaking stuff and NOT socially acceptable. A lot of the bits/skits made people "cringe" because it took them out of their comfort zone. You seem extremely tight assed regarding "respect" and lack of same. Making a joke about our hobby and poking fun at the girls or the guys is no more...if I push your buttons too hard, maybe you should look at yourself and try to lose some of the anger.
Dear Toyz, it seems YOUR ego has been threatened. Poor thing.

Many of you are concerned because you haven't done the research I have and you have NO idea what precautions I DO have in place for both my safety and my client's safety. A handful of my regulars are people I care very very deeply for, and I would never let anything happen to them. Y'alls fear and lack of support is just that --- FEAR. Uneducated fear against a woman you've never met.

You've shown you have no idea what place comedy has in my life, which is fine - I've never shared that with you. I never said you shouldn't tell your jokes, but I'm gonna be honest with you - you come off as a sexist pig sometimes. It's all fly on the boards because we "know' you and we recognize your poor choice in humor (calling women ho's and whores, joking about real work that they do), but when we bring up your "jokes" going public in men magazines.....Yikes!

I understand the concern some people have with my choice to make us known, but I'm not sure what you suggest people like me do instead. Hide out with the rest of y'all? Buckle down and accept that I should hide who I am because the law tells me we re shameful?

I guess I'm not surprised that you have the reaction you do. You have shown you lack of respect for women and "OUR hobby" many times, so I'm not surprised you would discourage any of us from leading the pack on Sex Worker Rights.

I'm sure many people find your stories and thangs funny, and I've found myself chuckle a few times. But on the topic of men's magazines, aw hell naw!
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:04 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Broken Record CS...find a new schtick, at least its intelligent banter back and forth.

Maybe you find a new shtick other than "joking" about putting women down and putting the hobby down? I mean, I'll stop when you do!
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:12 AM   #18
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Actually yes you have shared your comedic history with me. Shall I share it with the group?

And please be specific with what prscausions you take? I mean since everyone knows who you are, what you do, where you live, where you work...how hard will it be to tie all that together if LE decides to? Are you also capable of saying WHEN they decide to pay you a visit? Can you Assure that your company when they arrive is also okay with being outted?

I'm some states random "do gooders" camp outside hoogar abodes and film them...their clients...their clients cars...do you see that as a possibility for a sex worker activist such as yourself?

You have been counselled by MANY hobbiests saying their concern for your actions yet you continue to condescend with your "research" which is largely not even applicable to the issue at hand.

Net is this is a image campaign for you with little regard for the community or the clients. You are self promoting with a total disregard for the majority opinion.

You are dangerous to the community at this point. Your attacks on my character is a mere smoke screen and an attempt to due emphasize the dangerous path you are trying to force on everyone.
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:17 AM   #19
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Agreed Toyz,
I have never seen EFN but I already know where she lives and where she works out of, With the internet being what it is, and her being so public its not hard to figure it all out.
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:41 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Broken Record CS...find a new schtick, at least its intelligent banter back and forth.
Originally Posted by fun2come View Post
Babel Fish malfunction... come again ....

Sorry CS, but I agree with Toyz here, this was going to be interesting.

I mean we have a provider who wants to remind us of social acceptance, possibly defend it, while us (failed) comedians are grasping at the last stage to push it out a little bit further...
But, that was my point. The two of them going back and forth is like a broken record. I'm not y'all's daddy, but EFN, maybe you should let Toyz have his fun, and don't indulge if you think is posts are sexist and degrading. I have actually figured out his dark sense of humor. That is why I commented on it.

Toyz, I still think EFN is "secretly" in love with you. Think back to RockerRick and Joan. Used to bash each other on the boards, but ended up seeing each other BCD, and RR thought Joan totally was "da bomb." Another reason why I keep posting the little kids arguing is: think back to grade school. The boy who teases the girl, chases her down, pulls her hair does so because he likes her. Now, go to middle school and high school. The girl who sorta teases and bullies the boy does so because it is "pubescent foreplay." She is secretly in love with him.

So, this bashing between the two of them.....hmmm....what do you think?
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Old 04-25-2014, 10:05 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Actually yes you have shared your comedic history with me. Shall I share it with the group?

And please be specific with what prscausions you take? I mean since everyone knows who you are, what you do, where you live, where you work...how hard will it be to tie all that together if LE decides to? Are you also capable of saying WHEN they decide to pay you a visit? Can you Assure that your company when they arrive is also okay with being outted?

I'm some states random "do gooders" camp outside hoogar abodes and film them...their clients...their clients cars...do you see that as a possibility for a sex worker activist such as yourself?

You have been counselled by MANY hobbiests saying their concern for your actions yet you continue to condescend with your "research" which is largely not even applicable to the issue at hand.

Net is this is a image campaign for you with little regard for the community or the clients. You are self promoting with a total disregard for the majority opinion.

You are dangerous to the community at this point. Your attacks on my character is a mere smoke screen and an attempt to due emphasize the dangerous path you are trying to force on everyone.
My attacks on your character has everything to do with your character.

I've been counseled by hobbyists that don't seem to have a grasp on the legality of the hobby or where all I work out of or me. I have stated many times that I have taken care of my valued clients.

I'd love to go into specifics of how I do that, but you see, THAT would be what would put them in danger. If we meet in person one day I can share, but I wont be putting my game plan and ways around the very specific law anywhere online or on the radio waves.

Once again, you're trying to use fear to get people like me to stand down. I understand your very real and valid concerns, but to just dismiss me and what I'm doing because of your concerns isn't the most constructive way of discussing a topic as large as this.

I'd love to talk off board with you, maybe at an event or even over a casual drink. I think we're at the point where bickering over the boards wont do anything for either of us to understand where the other is coming from.

You and Listener and anyone else that has expressed their concerns are more than welcome to PM me to set up a time to call, meet up or real-time chat.
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Old 04-25-2014, 10:10 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by cinnamonshark View Post
So, this bashing between the two of them.....hmmm....what do you think?
Feel free to replace the names with handles:
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Old 04-25-2014, 12:04 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by cinnamonshark View Post
But, that was my point. The two of them going back and forth is like a broken record. I'm not y'all's daddy, but EFN, maybe you should let Toyz have his fun, and don't indulge if you think is posts are sexist and degrading. I have actually figured out his dark sense of humor. That is why I commented on it.

Toyz, I still think EFN is "secretly" in love with you. Think back to RockerRick and Joan. Used to bash each other on the boards, but ended up seeing each other BCD, and RR thought Joan totally was "da bomb." Another reason why I keep posting the little kids arguing is: think back to grade school. The boy who teases the girl, chases her down, pulls her hair does so because he likes her. Now, go to middle school and high school. The girl who sorta teases and bullies the boy does so because it is "pubescent foreplay." She is secretly in love with him.

So, this bashing between the two of them.....hmmm....what do you think?
The two of them going back and forth is like a broken record. I'm not y'all's daddy, but EFN, maybe you should let Toyz have his fun, and don't indulge if you think is posts are sexist and degrading. I have actually figured out his dark sense of humor. That is why I commented on it.

No. I will not see toys disrespect women, the hobby or women in the hobby and laugh about it like there's nothing wrong with it. I will indulge in what I choose to indulge on, and if you are getting tired of the broken record, maybe it's toyz you should be also asking to change. Like I've said before, a lot of us understand his dark sense of humor, but other don't. Others see it and don't see that he's genuinely making a joke, and they start to believe that escorts are Ho's and that our work is to be mocked. Again, I wasn't telling him to stop and I wasn't saying "waahhh this post is offensive!" All I did was reply to someone (I think it was you?) when they asked who all thought he should be writing for a public men's magazine.

Toyz, I still think EFN is "secretly" in love with you. Think back to RockerRick and Joan. Used to bash each other on the boards, but ended up seeing each other BCD, and RR thought Joan totally was "da bomb." Another reason why I keep posting the little kids arguing is: think back to grade school. The boy who teases the girl, chases her down, pulls her hair does so because he likes her. Now, go to middle school and high school. The girl who sorta teases and bullies the boy does so because it is "pubescent foreplay." She is secretly in love with him.

Suddenly a woman who has a disagreement with a man is secretly in love with him? Then I must be secretly in love with a LOT of unpleasant and ignorant men. That's almost as insulting as telling Toyz that he's secretly in love with me because he defends himself and his jokes. Maybe since we aren't in grade, middle or high school anymore, this is just how adults communicate to get their points across.

I can't speak for his feelings towards me (though anything he feels is his right), but even if Hell froze over and he wanted an appt, I would not accept Toyz as a client due to what comes off as total disrespect for hobby women. I may totally be off on that, I know he claims to love and respect us, but from what I personally read, I personally do not feel that love or respect, and I personally do not see those who I do not feel respected by.

I have not once told Toyz to stop, we are all free to do, say and feel as we please. All I have done is shared my opinion of how he comes off when he tells his little jokes and that I don't particularly like them or always find them funny.
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Old 04-25-2014, 12:36 PM   #24
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Am pecking this out on a cell phone and will elaborate later.

I used to see EFN (different handle) and pretty much saw her whenever I wanted. Rates were negotiated. I quit seeing her cause I was seeing someone in the real world without so much as an explanation.

. Hell isn't freezing over and I have NOT tried to set up an appointment with you. Mostly cause I don't consider you particularly exceptional in the provided skill department, but recently because stated or not...your clients are now in jeopardy of being outted due to your inability to see that you are not the only one at risk. I certainly don't want to be associated with you when you do your Joan of Arc swan dive for your "cause". Which some of us suspect is motivated only by self promotion.

You make very pointed allegations to my character based on my eccie personna. To me this just accentuates your zealot views on almost any topic. Zealots onky speak in absolutes

You have no basis for character attacks on me at all other than the jokes, parodies, angles I post here. If you even remember me among the plethora of johns you service, can you say in real life I EVER treated you with anything less than total respect? You still using the TENS unit I loaned to you?

I'll elaborate later on YOUR disdain for those that try to schedule with you and YOUR lack of respect for potential clients.

None of this is going to end well for you, just so you know... . Although I KNOW that only motivates you to continue on this dead end journey. Zealots never do.
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Old 04-27-2014, 11:55 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Am pecking this out on a cell phone and will elaborate later.

I used to see EFN (different handle) and pretty much saw her whenever I wanted. Rates were negotiated. I quit seeing her cause I was seeing someone in the real world without so much as an explanation.

. Hell isn't freezing over and I have NOT tried to set up an appointment with you. Mostly cause I don't consider you particularly exceptional in the provided skill department, but recently because stated or not...your clients are now in jeopardy of being outted due to your inability to see that you are not the only one at risk. I certainly don't want to be associated with you when you do your Joan of Arc swan dive for your "cause". Which some of us suspect is motivated only by self promotion.

You make very pointed allegations to my character based on my eccie personna. To me this just accentuates your zealot views on almost any topic. Zealots onky speak in absolutes

You have no basis for character attacks on me at all other than the jokes, parodies, angles I post here. If you even remember me among the plethora of johns you service, can you say in real life I EVER treated you with anything less than total respect? You still using the TENS unit I loaned to you?

I'll elaborate later on YOUR disdain for those that try to schedule with you and YOUR lack of respect for potential clients.

None of this is going to end well for you, just so you know... . Although I KNOW that only motivates you to continue on this dead end journey. Zealots never do.

How ya feel NOW
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Old 04-27-2014, 12:33 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Annika View Post

How ya feel NOW
Just smiling & watching how this all goes down...keeping my distance. I'm not really at risk, so it'll be fun to watch the wheels turn. I've never seen a modern day martyr wanabe so its interesting to me from a case study scenario.

The M&G should be interesting...wonder who will show up from eccie and from non eccie?
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