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Old 04-23-2014, 05:16 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Plastic Man View Post
you made the initial challenge ...scrunchie was jimmie enough to call you on it and accept it ...so ...isnt it up to you to put in the miles as you were the one all hard to measure dicks? ...yup ...the onus is on you

...and if you be so wealthy ...why not rent up a town car to drive you and a hooktard or two of your choice to the big jimmie battle?
Plastic didn't realize you were judge jury and executioner . You are right, the onus is on me to make the journey, but I am not about to drop everything for a pimp like scrunch.

Does it matter if I go today or tomorrow or next week? Didn't realize there was a deadline. I get it, everyone is do excited for this, but honestly, taking a day off from work is not a priority.

Task and I have been pm'ing about possible days we can meet crunchy and should have something soon.

As for wealth, really? Come on man, if you took the time to read the whole exchange it's not about that. If you want to get involved please do, but for someone that's been a member for soooo long with ZERO reviews you bring almost as little to the table as crunchy and his "freebie" reviews of his little worker bee Taylor.
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Old 04-23-2014, 05:33 PM   #32
Plastic Man
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lol ...thank you for bringing so much to the jimmie table

...and why are you so interested in what anyone does or does not bring to the "table"? ...do the happenings on a jimmie board affect you so? ...what with you being young and wealthy ...why so serious? ...or is it just a lot of frustrated wannabe pimps? ...bunch of them here lately

...you were the one wanting to measure w2s ...you pushed for it and little scrunchie said yes ...so yours must be BIG
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Old 04-23-2014, 06:09 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Plastic Man View Post
lol ...thank you for bringing so much to the jimmie table

...and why are you so interested in what anyone does or does not bring to the "table"? ...do the happenings on a jimmie board affect you so? ...what with you being young and wealthy ...why so serious? ...or is it just a lot of frustrated wannabe pimps? ...bunch of them here lately

...you were the one wanting to measure w2s ...you pushed for it and little scrunchie said yes ...so yours must be BIG
I don't claim to bring anything to the 'jimmie table", but I find it funny, that you want to get involved in something that has nothing to do with you. Life must be pretty boring to want to get involved in this discussion. It's cool, I understand, repeats of the Maury Povich show during the day are getting boring.

If you like, we can continue this conversation in the ML... Oh wait, you don't do any review's, so you probably don't have access. My Bad.

Again, maybe it's the lack of reading comprehension on your part, but the "bet" you have such a excitement for evolved like this, and try to keep up with me, ok?
-I called out Crunch on his "freebie" review, which created a useless continuation of a review
-I then offered a bet to crunch, and whomever lost, would leave the board for good(but lets face it, he would come back under a different name), and it was agreed that we would compare W-2's.
-Then Crunch knowing he is NOT a vet tried to scare me off with wagering a $1000.

And thats where we are today. Follow me cupcake?
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Old 04-23-2014, 06:41 PM   #34
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...yup ...everyone follows cupcake ...you went postal on a hook board because someone got laid without paying so you started betting some random dude your w2 was bigger than his ...and now you be looking for a way out because said random dude called your bluff

too bad this jimmie shit is too hot to discuss in the "open" ...but you enjoy your ml ...you earned it ...plus its really poppin in there! lol
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Old 04-23-2014, 06:46 PM   #35
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yea ozone, pm is right.

You ran your mouth and challenged him, its on you to get your ass out there, you make so much money, rent a plane up and down and youre there in 10 minutes.

This on you big boy, he took the bet and you talked it, now walk it
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Old 04-23-2014, 06:49 PM   #36
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I agree about the multiple handle thing, but maybe we can get a mod to check for that real good.

its all good you had fun and brought some humor to the board, and for that kudos
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Old 04-23-2014, 07:30 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by bjwstw View Post
I agree about the multiple handle thing, but maybe we can get a mod to check for that real good.
...yes please mods ...would love to see a multiple check
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Old 04-23-2014, 08:08 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by bjwstw View Post
yea ozone, pm is right.

You ran your mouth and challenged him, its on you to get your ass out there, you make so much money, rent a plane up and down and youre there in 10 minutes.

This on you big boy, he took the bet and you talked it, now walk it
Again, didn't realize there was a sense of urgency and timeframe lol. I didn't realize I had to drop everything to drive up to Syracuse.

But since you all feel like you can dictate the rules, let me drop my obligations, and fire up the helicopter and make my way to [removed drug reference - GM]
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Old 04-23-2014, 08:13 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Plastic Man View Post
...yup ...everyone follows cupcake ...you went postal on a hook board because someone got laid without paying so you started betting some random dude your w2 was bigger than his ...and now you be looking for a way out because said random dude called your bluff

too bad this jimmie shit is too hot to discuss in the "open" ...but you enjoy your ml ...you earned it ...plus its really poppin in there! lol
No sweetheart, I don't see how doing a friend for free is considered a review. Don't read the complete comment thread before you comment do you?

Btw, I'm not looking for way out. I'm not looking to waste a day of my time. Multiple people have PM'ed me, both telling me the same story of him. And frankly, I know he would lose this bet, not pay and have some excuse.

It's not a high priority to waste my time, but don't worry, I'll get up in next week, hopefully as soon as Friday.
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Old 04-23-2014, 09:15 PM   #40
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Default Friday

Task and I will see you Friday at 12;15 at your "vet clinic" in Syracuse.


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Old 04-23-2014, 11:08 PM   #41
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Yes I pmed you back already ozone. I was asked not to talk about this wager in the open and have kept my obligation. Although in my PM you very clearly call me Dave. My first name is not Dave. I have a feeling you are going to try and use this as a backout plan? If I'm wrong please let me know. But it seems to me the board is with me on this one. The obligation to get to me is all on you. You challenged, I accepted. And this is to the mods...please check my account for multiples. I can guarantee you that you will not find any. If you do, please feel free to shut me down. Yet again, willing to call out someone on their ridiculous statements.
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Old 04-23-2014, 11:09 PM   #42
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P.S. ozone, you say you have been contacted by multiple members about me with the same story. Did you ever think you were speaking to the same member under different handles? Idk, maybe maybe not. Just a thought.
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Old 04-24-2014, 05:49 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by sucrunchman View Post
Yes I pmed you back already ozone. I was asked not to talk about this wager in the open and have kept my obligation. Although in my PM you very clearly call me Dave. My first name is not Dave. I have a feeling you are going to try and use this as a backout plan? If I'm wrong please let me know. But it seems to me the board is with me on this one. The obligation to get to me is all on you. You challenged, I accepted. And this is to the mods...please check my account for multiples. I can guarantee you that you will not find any. If you do, please feel free to shut me down. Yet again, willing to call out someone on their ridiculous statements.
See you Friday!
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Old 04-24-2014, 05:51 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by sucrunchman View Post
P.S. ozone, you say you have been contacted by multiple members about me with the same story. Did you ever think you were speaking to the same member under different handles? Idk, maybe maybe not. Just a thought.
Thought about that. But 2 are very different, hard to say without outing who they were. It's ok. The pieces are all coming together! Friday will be fun.

Task and I can't wait for our tour of the animal clinic!
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Old 04-24-2014, 08:32 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Ozone1651 View Post
Sorry to disappoint fellas... been On vacation...

anyways, the bet is:
-Scrunchie's 2013 W-2 vs My YTD 2014(need to make it somewhat fair for him)
-No photocopies of documentation, all originals(not that I don't trust him to use photoshop)
-Driver's License to confirm

We are set to meet at his "vet clinic", can't wait for the tour, that's included too right scrunch?

Anyways, he is Syracuse, I am in Buffalo, and although the 'Cuse is not in my normal work area of Buffalo and Rochester, I will make the trip at sometime in the next week or so when my schedule permits me to make the extra trip.

Ozone, looks to me like this has turned into a "prove to me you work at the Vet" vs a comparison of W-2's. Does he get to come to your office and examine your digs too? You have all of a sudden placed all of these conditions on the "event". He called your bluff OZONE (Fucking Amateur) SUC is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but looks like either are you. You have cornered yourself here. SUC is going to say any minute now....."I'll bet you a $1000 my IQ is higher than yours" LOL Any minute now, wait for it, wait for it.

SUC, if you just NEED a validation, here is a test for you......http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the...d-are-you-test



It's not rocket science.......SUC does not own or work at a Vet, you and he are never actually going to meet. He will say you bailed, you will say he bailed, and the circle jerk will continue.

Be smart next time.....sting the PIMP where it hurts, his revenue stream. Show up, fuck his whore Taylor or Michaela, and leave without paying or leave paying only a $1.00. He will leave his "quarters" and chase down his cash, or he will just take it out of his bitch in which case she won't be fit to see other cocks for a few days while she "mends". He travels with his bitches, he has said as much; goes to the bar or the casino, then keeps his pussy company......yeah, ok

It's easy street, use an alias here or with a phone number, see the dumb hooker, and don't pay the bitch. Hell, use prop money if you are truly dastardly http://www.rjrprops.com/prop-money.html, the whore will not be able to tell the difference, nor will she count it while there (hooker etiquette). SUC will come running; have a guy who knows a guy at the ready with a video camera to record SUC chasing down his cut. BTW, make sure you record your "encounter" to assure said whore doesn't cry rape or some other amateur dumb shit move. After you have done that, have all your buddies call and make NCNS dates to further fuck with his income.

In case you have forgotten what this sorry hooker looks like (funny how she doesn't look like a 400 dollar hooker eh)

Look at those dick sucking lips, this little whore is primed to be throat fucked; bet I could yank a tear out of this hooker.

For additional information see my recent post:

Originally Posted by XY View Post
Just call the bitch from a different number for god sake. If she has never met you before there is absolutely no way for her to know who you are versus the 5000 other guys that contact her within the last month. Once you get in, if you get in to see this one because as we all know she is almost impossible to get hold of, get in, fuck her and leave.

I mean all any of us are is an alias so change your fucking alias and fuck the woman.

If you use a smart phone either Apple or Android, download an application called "Burner" http://burnerapp.com which allows you to create disposable phone numbers and then after you were done with them burn them like they never existed, works like a charm.

If you don't have a smart phone you can always go down to Wally World and pick yourself up a $17 prepaid phone from Verizon it comes with 30 minutes right out of the box, make your call or text and when you're done throw it in the garbage.

I mean as long as you remember to pay the whore when you're done with her who the fuck cares how you contacted her or how you got in to fuck her.

Fucking bitches!
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