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Old 04-23-2014, 07:24 AM   #121
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I could still go for a NEWPORT !
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Old 04-23-2014, 07:26 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
Second, my shitty attitude is just another way of saying I don't put up with your bullshit. So many of you guys haggle, smell, show up late, refuse to respect that fact that we screen, and can't follow common sense rules. When I don't tolerate the bullshit I'm threatened, insulted, and slandered.
And which of us who you insinuate you are talking about have you ever dealt with other than Bam, who have already chastised for being late? Of the above comments, which ones have I violated with you exactly and when? Because I have never called your hairy ass.

Because as far as I know none of us patronize your business. We only respond and mention you when you pop up in a post like this with an unwarranted attack or a stupid opinion that only matters to you. Kind of like jumping to CCs defense when you had zero idea what was really happening but still felt the need to open your mouth and attack others simply because PIs name was slightly somehow attached.

You are nothing more than a stupid ho who doesn't realize how much she hurts her business when she acts like a bat shit crazy freak in an open forum.

And like CC you can't even keep an argument straight for 3 posts in a row.
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Old 04-23-2014, 07:30 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by BSer View Post
50% of the welcome threads posted have been in last year as well as 40% of ads versus the 3 years prior. Sounds like this site was give. Life about a year ago. Even someone that wears a leather wristband can figure out that math.

Not only do we post our mindless drivel but we cause others to follow us and others who didn't post before us are posting now. Looking over the years of threads I can't find one frequent poster prior to last year that has since stopped posting. Well other than Charlotte, I know you two are tight. I guess you didn't get banned from tos like she didn't get banned.

We can all leave and go back to TOS. After all I wasn't banned and still have a handful of active handles there. Eccie Pittsburgh can go back to five posts a week and wither and die.
Oh, yes, thank you Bser and AG. Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving ECCIE just by sharing the sunshine of your personalities and wit. You guys are so wonderful. How did this site even exist before you arrived.

You are both VERY important people. Big shots even. You draw traffic. You ever have African American gang acquaintances. My dislike for you is really just jealousy because you're so important and vital to the community, unlike myself.

Please please please don't leave us and go back to TOS. You are correct, I am banned from that vibrant and exciting site and would do anything if I could only get back on there. Sigh.
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Old 04-23-2014, 07:35 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by amishgangster View Post
And which of us who you insinuate you are talking about have you ever dealt with other than Bam, who have already chastised for being late? Of the above comments, which ones have I violated with you exactly and when? Because I have never called your hairy ass.
I was talking about clients in general and not the buttpack, dumb dumb. You really do think this site revolves around your sad little clique, don't you?
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Old 04-23-2014, 07:40 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by amishgangster View Post
I nice piece of wisdom from the Godturd indeed!

I still vote for BSer, he may not be as ideal as Pistolero and The2Dogs but he's the best we got....by far.

Unless DearHunter would like to join us here? Now THAT would be some good times.
Chica Chaser is pretty cool too. No BONES about it!
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Old 04-23-2014, 07:48 AM   #126
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Since the search for a PGH-based mod is hopelessly derailed, I wonder if anyone has actually measured the impact of the 'wolfpack/buttbuddies/indyscrowd/etc.,' in terms of site traffic?

I find this stuff interesting, so I'd be curious to know if anyone has actually put any effort into it.

For example - is there a list of the total traffic at Eccie in the PGH forum? To start, I imagine it would be helpful to have it broken down by month.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Post count wouldn't be a good measure, of course. For example, I think BSer, AG, and Bambino alone have ~5,000 posts. It would be disingenous to count their posts as part of 'external' traffic driven to the site.

I'm curious - is there any way to measure the impact of that group of posters on overall traffic? Do gained/lost lurkers have any value? Can they even be measured?

If anyone has taken a stab on the quant side of things and cares to share, I'd be interested. It would be very interesting to hear the perspective of admin/mods, although not sure they want to say anything that directly relates to their business. If so, I'd be interested.

Not interested in an argument with anyone - but I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has done any analysis.
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Old 04-23-2014, 08:23 AM   #127
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Cabot, facts are facts before last year when the buttpack started posting here this forum had nothing going on it was dead. Can anyone really argue that?

This forum has been around 4 years and in the last year........

50% of total welcome threads were posted
40% of total ads

Two forums that I don't start threads in but can clearly show an example of activity here.

Joe, I'm having a cook out around the fire pit Saturday you are welcome to come over.
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Old 04-23-2014, 08:24 AM   #128
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I think all they've accomplished is importing some unpleasant indys drama and to make the site even less pleasant than it had been. I mean by comparison they make loneshark look like he runs a charm school for girls.

That's it. That's the list.

Ya a few providers from indys turned up on here but it's not like they're really active. And I think they showed up mainly because indys is falling apart not because AG is a big deal. I know they repeat over and over how grateful we all should be because they post constantly but I'm not sure that means it's true.

At first I was concerned that they were going to ruin the site but Pistolero did a great job restoring and maintaining order. They don't get me riled anymore because they're nobodies with keyboards and nothing better to do. I would, however, be concerned if a troll like B'ser was handed a mod post. But I'm pretty sure nobody's insane enough to do that so as fun as this has been I think my work here is done.
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Old 04-23-2014, 08:27 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by BSer View Post
Cabot, facts are facts before last year when the buttpack started posting here this forum had nothing going on it was dead. Can anyone really argue that?

This forum has been around 4 years and in the last year........

50% of total welcome threads were posted
40% of total ads

Two forums that I don't start threads in but can clearly show an example of activity here.

Joe, I'm having a cook out around the fire pit Saturday you are welcome to come over.
Welcomes! LOL.

And thanks but I'm busy Saturday. It's my day to stay in and clean.
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Old 04-23-2014, 08:38 AM   #130
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Cabot, Dearhunter is a site mod, see his comments.

Dames, you seem awful riled about us right now, for no reason, even tho you claim otherwise. And what EXACTLY did Pistolero do to restore order? What restored order was you shutting your mouth and going back in the corner so we no longer had point out what a tool you are.

And now you have taken an unprovoked shot at loneshark who hasn't said jack shit about
you. Do you really not realize what a loser you are and that even your customers hate you?
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Old 04-23-2014, 08:46 AM   #131
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You really need a MOD for this kind of nonsense?

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Old 04-23-2014, 08:47 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by cabot View Post
Since the search for a PGH-based mod is hopelessly derailed, I wonder if anyone has actually measured the impact of the 'wolfpack/buttbuddies/indyscrowd/etc.,' in terms of site traffic?

I find this stuff interesting, so I'd be curious to know if anyone has actually put any effort into it.

For example - is there a list of the total traffic at Eccie in the PGH forum? To start, I imagine it would be helpful to have it broken down by month.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Post count wouldn't be a good measure, of course. For example, I think BSer, AG, and Bambino alone have ~5,000 posts. It would be disingenous to count their posts as part of 'external' traffic driven to the site.

I'm curious - is there any way to measure the impact of that group of posters on overall traffic? Do gained/lost lurkers have any value? Can they even be measured?

If anyone has taken a stab on the quant side of things and cares to share, I'd be interested. It would be very interesting to hear the perspective of admin/mods, although not sure they want to say anything that directly relates to their business. If so, I'd be interested.

Not interested in an argument with anyone - but I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has done any analysis.
I suggest you reread Dear Hunters post. The OWNER of the site likes board traffic and "drama" threads. I've been here since 2010 and I don't need any empirical data to know board traffic is way up since last year. More providers have joined. I know that. For those, and I'm not suggesting your one, who don't like what's going on here, you have choices. Put members on "ignore" who you don't care for, accept it, or quit the site. There are other sites, Indys being one, that has a different philosophy than here. I belong to both. There is a big difference.
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Old 04-23-2014, 09:14 AM   #133
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dames, there are checks and balances for all modtards. Whoever becomes your local modtard (and you deserve your own modtard) will have some excellent resources to reach out to in his efforts to serve your local community. The key is to find one who does not have his own private agenda.

The modtard is always at a disadvantage when dealing with a wayward member of the community. That tool (points and ban) that he wants to use is more often than not a double edged sword that becomes his undoing when used in excess.

Every modtard faces his peers in modtardville.......and modtardville can be an unforgiving place for a wayward modtard.

A modtard who gets frustrated or irritated at the bitching and whining that goes on in his forum has lost sight of his function. He is not here to police the quality of the drama. He is here to clean up the mess after party.

The quality of the Pittsburgh Forum is up to the participants......not the modtards.

There are areas of the board that should be above the frey.......

Provider Ads are a sanctuary for the providers. Fucktards are not allowed to post in that forum.

Reviews should be about the hooktard that is in the review.......when a fucktard makes a review of hooktard #1 about his encounter with hooktard #2, he has stepped over a line that should not be crossed.

Infoshare and the Men's Lounge are private. I don't give a fuck about the "if you thinck the hooktards don't see what is posted in here....." comments. If you are not supposed to have access to the info and disclose that you do have the info, you pay the price for the ride.

Coed and Sandbox are by their nature drama pits......if you don't like drama, go hang out in the Vermont Forum.......it will remind you of the old days.......ijs

There are cardinal rules in this hobby of ours:

Never reveal real life info
Never steal from a hooktard/fucktard
Never reveal real life info
Never discuss minors in regards to the hobby
Never reveal real life info
Never discuss using drugs
Never reveal real life info

There is no hurry in finding a local modtard. This is simply a discussion to give you all an opportunity to have input.

Look to Houston for a couple of examples of good modtards. They post and interact as normal members all day. When they have to perform modtard duties, it is quietly and without fanfare.
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Old 04-23-2014, 09:26 AM   #134
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Dumb question, why would a lurker join a board with nothing going on? There would be nothing to lurk on. Hence, no reason to be a lurker. ROLMAO!!!!!!!
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Old 04-23-2014, 09:36 AM   #135
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About 66% of the reviews in this forum have been posted in the last year, versus 33% in the prior 3years. It's a good thing this board has been ruined in the last year and no one posts. Lmao

Joe, I'll email you my address. I know you like emails so you can file away those IP addresses incase anyone calls your dump a dump
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