Originally Posted by MsElena
You said the local ladies won't verify. Is it that they truly refuse to verify or you refuse to give the information needed for them to verify?
Ms Elena is correct. The P411 screening process can be......and has been......scammed by LE.
Originally Posted by Funinomaha
MsE, most of the time I have just been flat out rejected because I don't have enough references (i.e., no other type of verification was even offered), whereas the visiting ladies are content with having an OK on p411 by a well respected local provider. I'll be happy to verify with you though so in the event our schedules match up at some point  I say that without knowing what you ladies even really to do to verify though so I reserve the right to rescind that offer if you ask for my birth certificate. Ha
Per Einstein, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
Remember your 6 Ps. Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
I found two trustworthy providers.....one in Denver and one in Omaha. I let them screen me. How did I determine they were trustworthy? Good reputation among the Hobbyists. Lots of good reviews.....by lots of different reviewers. I pm'ed the guys who reviewed them. I didn't ask questions like "is she a good cocksucker?" Instead, I asked questions like "was she professional? Does she seem to be emotionally stable? Has she been involved in a lot of drama."
I selected both ladies based on the answers to these questions.....not if I was attracted to them. In fact, initially I wasn't.....but I was after references. After seeing them, I used them to join P411. VOILA! I was on P411 with two oks. I was a playa! With over 20 oks now, the sky is the limit.
As I said, I wouldn't have normally selected either these ladies.....they were more curvy Mature types. I never went back to one of them, but the other became my ATF and I did over $10K in business with her last year. This hobby is indeed strange.