I've been naughty with my girlfriends, girls I met out at a bar/club or women I've met on online dating sites (no working girls ever and all free, great girls are out there just diamonds in the rough to find) on a putting green on a golf course, 50 yard line of a college football stadium, walk-in refrigerator in a nightclub on NYE night (both my girlfriend and I worked at the club in college), bathroom in a laundry mat, in that super small doctor's office where you get checked out at, in a conference room at a work place, behind a DJ booth in a sports bar, in downtown Austin, TX off 6th street in a alley, in a strip club in Las Vegas (and not in a backroom, but where everyone could see us and we got caught! LOL!), on top of the Mall of America parking garage outside in 40 degree weather, BJ in a booth in a open pizza restaurant (most ballzy one I've done), at a park inside a enclosed curly slide with just my head popping out at the bottom of the slide, BJ in a cab with a girl at I met at The Kentucky Derby and on my old 34th floor downtown Austin condo balcony overlooking Town Lake and downtown.
My BJ public bucket list I still need to check off...
In a limo (Charlie Sheen limo scene from the movie Wall Street, when the girl says, "your hardon is stuck!), bathroom of a restaurant, in an elevator, on a train, on a bus, on a boat, centerfield on a baseball field, mid-court on a basketball court, in a church, inside the goal posts on a soccer field, in the middle of a ice ring, in a private booth at a dark night club, in an adult movie theater, in a hospital, in a regular movie theater, going through a automated carwash, going through a car wash with actual attendants working it, stairs in a parking garage and in a office building, and so many more.
Sweet christ I got to get going on this list this is sad!