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Old 04-15-2014, 08:42 AM   #76
JD Barleycorn
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Once again EVA helps me make my point.....

Yes EVA, the chart shows that there is no fee for cow/calf units. So how did we get to $1.1 million dollars with regular math? I waiting to hear the answer from some big government advocate. I am also still waiting to hear from Harry Reid and his explanation for his involvement (not his threats).
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Old 04-15-2014, 08:47 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Once again EVA helps me make my point.....

Yes EVA, the chart shows that there is no fee for cow/calf units. So how did we get to $1.1 million dollars with regular math? I waiting to hear the answer from some big government advocate. I am also still waiting to hear from Harry Reid and his explanation for his involvement (not his threats).
the government has a way of assessing large penalties and interest to back fees

ever owe the irs money?

perhaps that's the secret
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Old 04-15-2014, 10:17 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Once again EVA helps me make my point.....

Yes EVA, the chart shows that there is no fee for cow/calf units. So how did we get to $1.1 million dollars with regular math? I waiting to hear the answer from some big government advocate. I am also still waiting to hear from Harry Reid and his explanation for his involvement (not his threats).

Well Judy, sometimes they charge more for pairs than a single animal or it may vary year to year depending on range conditions..Only thing I was pointing out was the lack of info for you to base your math on.
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Old 04-15-2014, 11:12 AM   #79
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One thing we are all overlooking.

Is there any circumstance where a regular citizen can point a firearm at a Peace Officer when that Peace Officer is in the lawful fulfillment of his duties.

I don't think so.
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Old 04-15-2014, 11:41 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
One thing we are all overlooking.

Is there any circumstance where a regular citizen can point a firearm at a Peace Officer when that Peace Officer is in the lawful fulfillment of his duties.

I don't think so.
I believe you are correct.

I think most of us overlooked that aspect/thing because the vast majority of us would never consider an armed confrontation with a peace officer who was in lawful fulfillment of his duties.

Most of us.
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Old 04-15-2014, 11:58 AM   #81
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The BLM can always try to get charges filed and prosecute those "armed citizens who pointed a gun" at LE....I doubt they will....they couldn't get a jury to convict given the circumstances...

BTW, the BLM enforcers aren't claiming that guns were pointed at them, are they ?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
I believe you are correct.

I think most of us overlooked that aspect/thing because the vast majority of us would never consider an armed confrontation with a peace officer who was in lawful fulfillment of his duties.

Most of us.
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Old 04-15-2014, 12:47 PM   #82
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The simple fact that is beyond dispute is that for years he has grazed his cattle on land that did not belong to him and he does not want to pay for this.
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Old 04-15-2014, 12:55 PM   #83
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Is it proper, legal, and authorized for a law enforcement officer to point a weapon, sic a dog, or tase someone who is not offering resistance or breaking a law?

I requested that my congressman go to Nevada and be prepared to have arrested ANYONE who points a weapon at a US Representative whether they be a government employee, a state trooper, an FBI agent, or an unidentified sniper.
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:08 PM   #84
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Were there any circumstances in Massachusetts in April 1775 when a colonist could point a weapon at a British soldier carrying out the lawful fulfillment of his duties?

I don't think so.

However, it was tyrannical policies regarding the importation of guns and powder and those same subjects standing up to that tyranny that brought about the attempted gun confiscation that started the Revolutionary War. That attempted gun confiscation is what the British felt they needed to do in order to bring the colonist back "under control" and in compliance like the good little subjects they felt they should be.

Now I'm not in support of a revolution...yet...but our own Declaration of Independence states that when a government has become so corrupt, so tyrannical, so incompetent, we as citizens have a DUTY to replace it.

Just because some unelected bureaucrat has set a policy that his agency considers to be law doesn't make it right. I mean, who was the fucking genius that decided to set up First Amendment zones. Does anyone here really believe that is a good idea? Can you justify that in any way? That some Bureaucrat can tell you that you have the right to free speech but only where they say?

I hope this fiasco generates enough attention to the corruption, lying and backhanded deals going on in Washington that it gets everyone thrown out on election day. That would be the best kind of revolution.
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:19 PM   #85
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In fairness, Clive Bundy's son that got tased did kick at the dog that was on a leash. That's as good as taking a swing at a cop. Yeah, you're probably gonna get your ass tased.
On the other hand the guy was pissed because one of those agents threw his aunt to the ground and they seemed to be asking for a fight by throwing their weight around.(just how I saw it in the video) If that wouldn't have made any one of you here mad then I might be questioning your manhood. Some of us have the ability to control ourselves when we're pissed and some of us get tased.
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:21 PM   #86
i'va biggen
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[QUOTE=boardman;1055202168]Were there any circumstances in Massachusetts in April 1775 when a colonist could point a weapon at a British soldier carrying out the lawful fulfillment of his duties?

I don't think so.

However, it was tyrannical policies regarding the importation of guns and powder and those same subjects standing up to that tyranny that brought about the attempted gun confiscation that started the Revolutionary War. That attempted gun confiscation is what the British felt they needed to do in order to bring the colonist back "under control" and in compliance like the good little subjects they felt they should be.

Now I'm not in support of a revolution...yet...but our own Declaration of Independence states that when a government has become so corrupt, so tyrannical, so incompetent, we as citizens have a DUTY to replace it.

Just because some unelected bureaucrat has set a policy that his agency considers to be law doesn't make it right.

You are talking about Reagan right?
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:22 PM   #87
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In the same way the government fucked the American Indian out of their land LEGALLY AND AT THE POINT OF A GUN, the Bundy's have been fucked out of their grazing rights !

It is very much in dispute, especially if the Solar project is the reason behind the BLM actions !

Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post
The simple fact that is beyond dispute is that for years he has grazed his cattle on land that did not belong to him and he does not want to pay for this.
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:26 PM   #88
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a cop walks up and throws someone on the ground for no reason?... cops wont/cant throw your ass to the dirt if you're at home minding your own business ...

cattle gotta eat and there's no free ride
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:47 PM   #89
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[QUOTE=i'va biggen;1055202215]
Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Were there any circumstances in Massachusetts in April 1775 when a colonist could point a weapon at a British soldier carrying out the lawful fulfillment of his duties?

I don't think so.

However, it was tyrannical policies regarding the importation of guns and powder and those same subjects standing up to that tyranny that brought about the attempted gun confiscation that started the Revolutionary War. That attempted gun confiscation is what the British felt they needed to do in order to bring the colonist back "under control" and in compliance like the good little subjects they felt they should be.

Now I'm not in support of a revolution...yet...but our own Declaration of Independence states that when a government has become so corrupt, so tyrannical, so incompetent, we as citizens have a DUTY to replace it.

Just because some unelected bureaucrat has set a policy that his agency considers to be law doesn't make it right.

You are talking about Reagan right?
Wait, Do you think Reagan was an unelected bureaucrat or that he was around in 1775?
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:56 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
a cop walks up and throws someone on the ground for no reason?... cops wont/cant throw your ass to the dirt if you're at home minding your own business ...
So we should all stay home and mind our own business without ever asking questions, or bringing injustice to light? We should stick our heads in the sand knowing that power corrupts and let that corruption take place?
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