Originally Posted by Yohi Mbe
Pipe it down xbone-head. We're talking video games. My point was that the Xbox One strategy is the same old shiyte. Olde article, new article...SOS. They tease their following and upsell like hell.
Just thought it should've been obvious...I like PS4 (advanced and more of an aggregate offering).
I did think this was a very cleverly disguised NBA discussion thread at first. My apologies for the "brothas" comments. SMH
Lol! This dude here. Maybe you didn't notice but I started this damn thread and if you read what I originally wrote, you'd notice I am an avid gamer with no affiliation to either system. I buy them all! I just happened to get the XBOX1 first this go round. If that was your point, then your old ass article failed to make it clear to me but thanks for coming back and setting me straight.
Fucker telling me to pipe down on my own thread.

GTFOH with that bullshit. Not sure how you read anything from the original post and thought this was a NBA thread.
So "no" to the xbox1. You like PS4. Thank you for your input, Chief, or did I miss your point again?