I have yet to meet any one person be they male or female, hobbiest or provider that is friendly to all fetishes. There are an abundant amount of fetishes out there flourishing. Some of which can be disconcerting or uncomfortable to an individual.
Personally I would state I am friendly to some fetishes. Others not so much. For instance I would never concede nor agree to cream pies. Nor would I consider the role of submissive. Yet I am very skilled in dominance and foot fetishes.
Due to the immense amount of fetishes out there one cannot list all of the fetishes they would enjoy nor all of the ones that they would be uncomfortable with. I cannot tell you how often I find myself surprised to find a new one that I was completely oblivious to prior to an email or date.
As several of the very intelligent and articulate ladies have posted already, for the ideal exploration it would be advisable to have a normal date/appointment and broach the subject after both you and the provider have become comfortable with each other.