Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient
I met her about a month ago and she seems to have her head on straight and everything together. She's a very beautiful Latina that got mixed up with the wrong people- even though she srt me up last night. We text and she states that, " she's at a hotel close to the Culebra and 410 area". She also adds that, she misses me and is doing something that she cannot speak of via text.
At that moment I insisted if I could help her. She was timid at first, but agreed to let me know what hotel she was at so that way we could talk in person. At this point in time it was 0100 hrs when I arrived to the hotel and she texted me the room number.
Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient
Look, i meet this girl at a bar off 281 month ago for whats its worth.
So let me get this straight.....
You got duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled by some Latina & a gang member. Then you come on here with a moral sermon & article clippings, statistics, charts, graphs etc.
Your problem isn't with any of us. Look in the mirror.
BTW....What was your MOS? I'm pretty sure it didn't have to do with intelligence. IJS