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Old 04-04-2014, 06:04 PM   #61
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"Prostitution violates the right to physical and moral integrity by the alienation of women’s sexuality that is appropriated, debased and reduced to a commodity to be bought and sold.
It violates the prohibition of torture and of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment because clients’ acts and practices of sexual 'entertainment' and pornography are acts of power and violence over the female body.
It violates the right to liberty and security, and the prohibition of slavery, of forced labor and of trafficking in persons because millions of women and girls all over the world are held in sexual slavery to meet the demand of even more millions of male buyers of sex, and to generate profits for the capitalists of sex.
It violates the right to enjoy the highest standard of physical and mental health because violence, disease, unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and AIDS stalk, presenting constant and grave risks for women and girls in prostitution, and militating against a healthy sense of and relationship with their own bodies."
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:05 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient View Post
Desperado, i met her like you normally would meet a girl a bar, resturant, store , get together etc. No a illegal website that invlolves illegal exchange of money for sex.

I can asure you that
Yea.. I'm so sure... On top of that, it's money exchanged for TIME. Nothing else.

Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient View Post
Desperado- please man, get off the band butt buddy wagon--- i have nothing to say to you.9
Well, you just did.. or typed... or whatever. You're really a waste of time. And I bet you're just waiting by your keyboard waiting for responses. Oh, and you don't have to beg. Just yet... What a joke lol.
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:06 PM   #63
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BOOOM -- i dont want anyt comments afther this.. Take that to the heart!
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:07 PM   #64
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Hey just like everyone else in 2013 -- i have a smart phone - that being said it does something that notifies you of postings messages etc. What a tard!
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:08 PM   #65
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I do have to run my daily 6 -- so bye
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:16 PM   #66
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"One cannot support the reduction of AIDS infections and support legal prostitution at the same time. Prostitution remains one of the leading vectors for AIDS infection. This is true in the case of both legal and illegal prostitution...
Prostitutes, because of their many partners, have a greatly increased risk of exposure to HIV. They are likewise able to spread HIV to many other partners...
The redefinition of prostitution as 'commercial sex work' is just an attempt to legitimize sex trafficking. It should come as no surprise the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have signed on. While both groups are considered 'pro-woman', it is odd that they support an industry of flagrant abuse of women...
There are a multitude of studies to show the high level of abuse that prostitutes suffer. Women are literally bought and sold as property. The incidence of drug addiction is high among women, partially explaining why they became prostitutes to begin with.
The argument for legalization goes something like this. Prostitution will happen anyway but legalization and regulation will help stem the abuses. The argument has 50,000 foot appeal. Using the same logic, slavery (which still exists in many places) should be legalized so underground slaves can be given some measure of human rights. The fact that the ACLU and the bevy of left-wing international groups don't argue for the legalization of slavery shows the logical inconsistency of their position.

Further, the legalization of abortion has shown that it lead to a radical increase in abortion. The legalization will lead to an untold number of women being forced into sex slavery. Make no mistake, women will be forced into commercial sex work in greater numbers if it were legalized."
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:17 PM   #67
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Get with the fucking program, JOHNS!

Where prostitution is legalized or tolerated, there is a greater demand for human trafficking victims and nearly always an increase in the number of women and children trafficked into commercial sex slavery...
Few activities are as brutal and damaging to people as prostitution. Field research in nine countries concluded that 60-75 percent of women in prostitution were raped, 70-95 percent were physically assaulted, and 68 percent met the criteria for post traumatic stress disorder in the same range as treatment-seeking combat veterans and victims of state-organized torture. Beyond this shocking abuse, the public health implications of prostitution are devastating and include a myriad of serious and fatal diseases, including HIV/AIDS...
State attempts to regulate prostitution by introducing medical check-ups or licenses don’t address the core problem: the routine abuse and violence that form the prostitution experience and brutally victimize those caught in its netherworld. Prostitution leaves women and children physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually devastated. Recovery takes years, even decades—often, the damage can never be undone."
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:18 PM   #68
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Think about your mother, daugther, grandmother etc
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:19 PM   #69
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"I ask you to think about your own bodies--if you can do so outside the world that the pornographers have created in your minds, the flat, dead, floating mouths and vaginas and anuses of women. I ask you to think concretely about your own bodies used that way. How sexy is it? Is it fun? The people who defend prostitution and pornography want you to feel a kinky little thrill every time you think of something being stuck in a woman. I want you to feel the delicate tissues in her body that are being misused. I want you to feel what it feels like when it happens over and over and over and over and over and over and over again: because that is what prostitution is.
...And so, many of us are saying that prostitution is intrinsically abusive. Let me be clear. I am talking to you about prostitution per se, without more violence, without extra violence, without a woman being hit, without a woman being pushed. Prostitution in and of itself is an abuse of a woman's body. Those of us who say this are accused of being simple-minded. But prostitution is very simple. And if you are not simple-minded, you will never understand it. The more complex you manage to be, the further away from the reality you will be--the safer you will be, the happier you will be, the more fun you will have discussing the issue of prostitution. In prostitution, no woman stays whole."
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:24 PM   #70
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You are no better than a prostitute cause you hire prostitutes. You think anyone buys your crap about "she was a friend" "I went to her hotel so we can talk" ! Yeah right!! You were her trick, she got tired of fucking you for cash so she planned a farewell meeting, and you went to her hotel to pay her for sex. Then something happened who knows what really went down

So you're no better than us "prostitutes, whores, sick men feeding their sex addictions"
I'm sure you knew about this site. You say you googled her number and found this site , I doubt that. You GOT her number by this site which is what Lurkers do! You were a lurker until whatever triggered you to sign up !
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:25 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient View Post
BOOOM -- i dont want anyt comments afther this.. Take that to the heart!
Well... that was easy...
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:29 PM   #72
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First off, this is some pretty funny stuff...

Secondly, I agree some women are probably trafficked "on this site", again the context of this is "on this site" If you could please show me the .gov website that shows that fact that it's actually 90%...

Thirdly, it sucks, but frankly I personally don't give a shit where my money goes or who it goes to after i spend it.. My tax dollars go towards paying for a whole lot worse shit than this and the shirt on my back was probably made by a four year old starving kid being whipped somewhere in asia or Wyoming.

Lastly, you are a little bitch for running from a little gang banger. If you really wanted to help that girl you wouldn't have pussied out and ran. He could have killed or mutilated her in the time that it took you to follow him outside and jack off to him jacking up your car.

Did you report the sex trafficking to the police when they arrived, or just that your car was broken into?

How did you befriend this gal in the first place? If she's locked up in a hotel room being a sex slave how did she have time to make friends?

Also I'm not sure where you got your facts, but according to the DoH only 6 to 8% of STD cases in the US are related to prostitution.

"You can't ever trust something you find on a .gov website" ~ Abraham Lincoln
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:36 PM   #73
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All this talk about prostitutes made little dbeartx horny... NovaTX, I'd let you spank me for being a sick bastard feeding my sex addiction anytime
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:42 PM   #74
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DBEAR- youre another fucking nutt hugger ...look the point is proven- i dont need your dumb self commenting when you clearly stated you dont give a fuck where your money goes... Let me clarify that i didnt run because i was - i ran to get a better assement of what he was actually carrying. In addition, as i stated before being in a confined area is settling yourself up for failure. Why am i constantly explaining self ? Read i recall my initial posting had a introduction, thesis, argument, and a precise conclusion. HOLY SHIT!
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Old 04-04-2014, 06:46 PM   #75
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Nova .. Whatever gets your stank pussy off. Look, i meet this girl at a bar off 281 month ago for whats its worth. Nova i feel sorry for your upbringing .. I will neve understand why you and many others think it is cool to have a random guy come over and exchange in illegal activity. Thats on you.. You can get off my nuts now--- youre swangin like tarzan. Can you say " ahhhh "
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