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Old 03-24-2014, 04:29 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
You retards do know that the flippant high-jack remarks only give whispers more room to operate.........right?
Seriously? At this point I welcome ANY poster without some SG avatar and banned provider third party ad campaign.

I do think it's a little unfair that she's banned but has an army of guys advertising for her in CoEd. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. One that needs to be rinsed away by Vodka...

Whispers may have been over zealous, but anyone who can't see that he has some valid points needs to think again in my opinion. I'm mean, for the love of God, he has SofaKingDoMeAlready basically agreeing with him on most points...
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Old 03-24-2014, 04:51 PM   #32
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It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
You're starting to sound like my ex.
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Old 03-24-2014, 05:23 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by LilMynx69;1055Maybe808
Seriously? At this point I welcome ANY poster without some SG avatar and banned provider third party ad campaign.

I do think it's a little unfair that she's banned but has an army of guys advertising for her in CoEd. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. One that needs to be rinsed away by Vodka...

Whispers may have been over zealous, but anyone who can't see that he has some valid points needs to think again in my opinion. I'm mean, for the love of God, he has SofaKingDoMeAlready basically agreeing with him on most points...
Please - fair - NOT! Maybe the army is protesting an unfair ban by an overzealous mod regarding a post referencing ML info that was leaked by a fucktard in open forum.
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Old 03-24-2014, 07:52 PM   #34
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I don't know what happened, I don't give a $&!t what happened, I just wish you and Slave could just deal with it and quit throwing it all over the board

This is an information board, thanks for the information, now move on.
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Old 03-24-2014, 11:39 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Louigi View Post
Please - fair - NOT! Maybe the army is protesting an unfair ban by an overzealous mod regarding a post referencing ML info that was leaked by a fucktard in open forum.
Are you suggesting that Whispers is correct and the SA modtards are out of control?
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Old 03-25-2014, 01:17 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
Are you suggesting that Whispers is correct and the SA modtards are out of control?
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Old 03-25-2014, 04:04 AM   #37
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I suspect the rabbit hole runs a lot deeper than most of us can imagine. I have 2 theories for the recent drama:

1) The owners brought up news of ECCIE possibly having to close down soon due to low advertising dollars, and the income is insufficient to cover for the expenses. Whispers learned of it, and had a discussion with SG, SL and Ricky. They decided to drag Savak and a few other mods into the plan. So then, the big drama was performed to increase board traffic.

Meanwhile, SG is getting good business during her ban period. The members of Cheap Bastards Club made a special arrangement to keep her biz afloat during her absence from the forum.

2) Whispers, SL, SG, and Ricky plotted together on some way to expose the local mods' inefficiency. The drama was staged to polarize the crowd and force the mods into dilemmas.......whichever decisions the local mods made would have angered either side.

Meanwhile, SG is getting good business during her ban period. The members of Cheap Bastards Club made a special arrangement to keep her biz afloat during her absence from the forum.





Hate to break it to everyone.......but we all got played.....
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Old 03-25-2014, 07:53 AM   #38
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Now you're even being redundant with your ignorance
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Old 03-25-2014, 08:15 AM   #39
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Can't believe this all started with an innocent dog meme
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Old 03-25-2014, 11:09 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Flyinghawaiian View Post
Can't believe this all started with an innocent dog meme
Nobody else can either.
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Old 03-25-2014, 11:33 AM   #41
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It's really quite simple... I'm not a provider... In my job, I've never been stalked. I've never gone to a business meeting and got beaten or sexually mistreated. I can only imagine what ladies go through so I give deterrence and the benefit of the doubt to any gal who feels something posted may put them at risk.... I may disagree in some cases but I can do so politely. In this case, an admin saw fit to edit out some content. The picture may have been a meme, but in its context, she felt it posed a potential risk. Again, disagree if you want, but I'd defer to a ladies own judgment... Any ladies judgement on what makes them uncomfortable. It's just a meme... So pick a different picture.. That would have been the gentlemanly thing to do.

Disagree, but do so without calling the lady a wh*re or a b!tch. Posting pictures and nice comments, even changing an avatar, for a banned provider is not against any guidelines I've found. While some are skilled at skirting those guidelines and mods don't think an offense has occurred, the guidelines do talk about rudeness, Vulgar slang. Stalking those affirmative posts and threats to stalk said posts in a sig line also are borderline offenses. Implying things about someone's 'current' medical state - beyond what was previously admitted to - is in my book, speculating about medical condition. Cloaking yourself in glory and skirting guidelines is not an impressive to way to make a point...

But I guess it does get views, unfortunately.
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Old 03-25-2014, 12:15 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Netx9 View Post
It's really quite simple... I'm not a provider... In my job, I've never been stalked. I've never gone to a business meeting and got beaten or sexually mistreated. I can only imagine what ladies go through so I give deterrence and the benefit of the doubt to any gal who feels something posted may put them at risk.... I may disagree in some cases but I can do so politely. In this case, an admin saw fit to edit out some content. The picture may have been a meme, but in its context, she felt it posed a potential risk. Again, disagree if you want, but I'd defer to a ladies own judgment... Any ladies judgement on what makes them uncomfortable. It's just a meme... So pick a different picture.. That would have been the gentlemanly thing to do.

Disagree, but do so without calling the lady a wh*re or a b!tch. Posting pictures and nice comments, even changing an avatar, for a banned provider is not against any guidelines I've found. While some are skilled at skirting those guidelines and mods don't think an offense has occurred, the guidelines do talk about rudeness, Vulgar slang. Stalking those affirmative posts and threats to stalk said posts in a sig line also are borderline offenses. Implying things about someone's 'current' medical state - beyond what was previously admitted to - is in my book, speculating about medical condition. Cloaking yourself in glory and skirting guidelines is not an impressive to way to make a point...

But I guess it does get views, unfortunately.


It does.

But that is not what it is all about.

The board is about the free flow of information.

YOU would have it be about the free flow of only Positive information and information you agree with or that some lady deems is allowable.

Be honest, In all of this why do you choose to ignore that she has outed information about a client publicly? You and the other handful of lapdogs she has here doing her bidding?

There should be no talk about her at the moment at all. She is banned. Let the other ladies have the stage for a while. She can make it about her when she returns.

The stalkers here are you and Louigi and others like you.

I never posted to the thread here regarding her until she posted in Austin to get my attention.

Same with Savak.

I'm not suggesting any of you do not have the right to praise her. Simply that if you are choosing to do so and make the San Antonio Forum about nothing and no one OTHER that SG than let ALL the information flow in regards to her..

She is worried about being outed by a picture of a dog that she claims to look to buch like hers. Yet she discusses a rare medical condition as well as a large number of other unique personal issues......

If you want this to be about nothing other than her ....well..... fine.....

But accept that there will be all the opinions... not just the ones that agree with you..

Have you paused to read some other comments?

Other ladies are getting pretty disgusted on what has happened here.

There is ZERO support from her peers..... Just a couple of lapdogs here to do her bidding.....

Obsessed at all?
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Old 03-25-2014, 03:52 PM   #43
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Default Rules rules rules...

A dog she referenced in her showcase. I remember because I like that particular dog too. Not as much as a pug, though...

That said, it was fine to ask it be removed, but that was actually where the potential outing occurred. I had a similar incident when someone made an offhandedly comment in a thread I had posted in that mentioned my real name. It actually didn't have anything to do with me and I knew it...someone else (who knew my name) RTMd it and told me about it and I was like...dude! Really? Now you actually did OUT my name, lol...but it was an innocent mistake and handled nicely my the mods...who now all know my real name, lol.

While there are mods and admins here, this is a community where we should self police. It's everyone's responsibility to keep us all safe, while ensuring the free flow of information.

Unless you create fake handles, it's not that easy to get banned around here...it takes a bunch of bashing...and rule breaking. The rules are easy...follow them and no one can ban out no matter how annoying you are...

But what do I know?
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Old 03-25-2014, 05:08 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

It does.

But that is not what it is all about.

The board is about the free flow of information.

YOU would have it be about the free flow of only Positive information and information you agree with or that some lady deems is allowable.

Be honest, In all of this why do you choose to ignore that she has outed information about a client publicly? You and the other handful of lapdogs she has here doing her bidding?

There should be no talk about her at the moment at all. She is banned. Let the other ladies have the stage for a while. She can make it about her when she returns.

The stalkers here are you and Louigi and others like you.

I never posted to the thread here regarding her until she posted in Austin to get my attention.

Same with Savak.

I'm not suggesting any of you do not have the right to praise her. Simply that if you are choosing to do so and make the San Antonio Forum about nothing and no one OTHER that SG than let ALL the information flow in regards to her..

She is worried about being outed by a picture of a dog that she claims to look to buch like hers. Yet she discusses a rare medical condition as well as a large number of other unique personal issues......

If you want this to be about nothing other than her ....well..... fine.....

But accept that there will be all the opinions... not just the ones that agree with you..

Have you paused to read some other comments?

Other ladies are getting pretty disgusted on what has happened here.

There is ZERO support from her peers..... Just a couple of lapdogs here to do her bidding.....

Obsessed at all?

I never saw the day I would be in complete agreement here with you, but this day has come and has been here for a few weeks now.

All these accusations from her about "stalkers" and the behavior I see by her lapdogs are nothing short of major STALKER behavior. She needs to reassess for sure.

MOST of the active guys (active as in seeing providers BCD) on here NEVER post, I know this and has been verified in passing with providers and other hobbyists. Guess what most of these guys are thinking? I will NEVER see Slave G. I can guarantee that.

She needed to stop and think that her future clientele are in the shadows reading and watching all this.

Now what will they think? Oh shit I am overweight, and Slave may out me on the board and issue a summons for some Olympic Games or at bare minimum they are intimidated to even go BCD and request an appointment. I am taking great joy typing this knowing she is reading it. You got what you asked for Slave, and hell I was trying to be sincere and was giving you some "tough love" should have taken it!

I am sure most of the ladies are truly disgusted as you put it. But I would be willing to take wagers, that most of the reputable providers on this board are seeing an increase in appointment requests. Slave dominated the board with her ThreADs and BS and was rather hard to even pick out another lady from all of her posts and BS. (that is if you are like me and like to poke around and get an idea of the ladies personality from the Coed section, etc.) I love to cross reference a lady I find on P411, to Eccie. A wealth of knowledge can be learned how they post, what they reply to, how well their grammar is, and most importantly how much AT RISK I am going to be with a new provider. What risks you ask? Risks to my absolute need for discretion. I like to share a few "real" things about myself after getting to know a provider. Wow that would have been a mistake with the lovely Slave G. To the people that think she has had an influx in business since her banning, I would bet it is the complete opposite, and if so I hope she FINALLY learned a lesson here. Judging on her complete inability to shut her mouth, I bet she will come back blazing and calling people out. And we will witness more of this.......

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Old 03-25-2014, 08:35 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Flyinghawaiian View Post
Can't believe this all with an innocent dog meme
This shit goes way back before the dog picture! That's why Beagle and anyone else who starts there is missing half the story - which is really a stalking issue!

Starting with the dog is like starting to read a book in the middle and trying to figure out what's going on.
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