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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 01-12-2014, 09:27 PM   #1
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Default Understanding P411 for noobs

Newb question, here. It's my understanding that one of P411's main purposes is to somehow shift some of the risk from the provider to the client.

Apparently if a new client has no established references, then P411 takes the route of verifying employment. I've read where some providers also do this. However, it's unclear to me how employment verification protects a provider - especially when performed by P411.

I could see the purpose being to have some avenue of recourse - i.e., to locate the client should something bad happen (heaven forbid - such as robbery, rape, etc). But I've read where P411 destroys personally identifying info after verification, which seems like it would negate the whole purpose of verification in the first place.

So, what does anyone have to gain by verifying employment? Is it simply the peace of mind of knowing that that I'm a responsible individual who can hold a job?

Any light that can be shed would be appreciated.
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:46 PM   #2
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Clearly the point is mainly to prove that a client isn't LE. But it seems that verification of employment wouldn't be sufficient to guarantee that.
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:39 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by SaintGiacomo View Post
Newb question, here. It's my understanding that one of P411's main purposes is to somehow shift some of the risk from the provider to the client.

Apparently if a new client has no established references, then P411 takes the route of verifying employment. I've read where some providers also do this. However, it's unclear to me how employment verification protects a provider - especially when performed by P411.

I could see the purpose being to have some avenue of recourse - i.e., to locate the client should something bad happen (heaven forbid - such as robbery, rape, etc). But I've read where P411 destroys personally identifying info after verification, which seems like it would negate the whole purpose of verification in the first place.

So, what does anyone have to gain by verifying employment? Is it simply the peace of mind of knowing that that I'm a responsible individual who can hold a job?

Any light that can be shed would be appreciated.
I think you should just deal with what you are comfortable with. I haven't been with eccie too long but have had no problem with not having P411. There is just no way I want to share too much private information. I have shared this concern with a few providers and It doesn't seem to be a problem. As a new guy, find the ladies that will take a chance with you being new. (They are out there), write reviews, read over the various area's on eccie site and make some comments. What you want to do is make it easier for the providers to know what you're like, what kind of person you are (nobody wants to hang out with a jerk), and finally the more providers you review, the better comfort level you provide for the picky ladies. They just want to feel safe!
I see no reason to stress over P411 if your not comfortable with it. Just be patient. However, P411 is really good if your going to some location where eccie is not popular. Have fun and play safe.
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Old 01-13-2014, 08:51 PM   #4
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For me, having P411 made the "newbie friendly" providers willing to see me because Gina and crew confirmed that the information I gave them "checked out". From there, those known and accepted providers OKAYS, opened other doors for other providers to see me, knowing I was a hobbyist and not someone out to hurt the ladies/LE and it just built from there.

Is it required? Nope as Hermosa and others have said, it is possible to hobby without it. I just found it quicker and easier going the P411 route.
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Old 01-14-2014, 05:30 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by SaintGiacomo View Post
Clearly the point is mainly to prove that a client isn't LE. But it seems that verification of employment wouldn't be sufficient to guarantee that.
Not necessarily, because LE can obtain the cooperation of a private company to establish an employment history for such checks (even get private vehicle registration and DL's issued), just as many Federal, state, and local agencies do for undercover work .... at home and abroad.

Now you can get paranoid.
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Old 01-14-2014, 11:12 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Not necessarily, because LE can obtain the cooperation of a private company to establish an employment history for such checks (even get private vehicle registration and DL's issued), just as many Federal, state, and local agencies do for undercover work .... at home and abroad.

Now you can get paranoid.

Highly unlikely that LE is going to spend the time/money to that extent to make a misdemeanor arrest.

Honestly though, if you choose to play, you have to be willing to pay. I have never had an issue with P411 screening. I have never had a problem when I screen myself. My guess would be that most 'issues' occur when there is no effort to screen .

peace n love....J
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Old 01-14-2014, 11:45 AM   #7
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Your point is well-made. I don't take "employment verified by p411.". Then again, I don't take p411 okays as references either.

In the case of no refs/employment check via p411..No. I'll do that myself thank you very much. It is MY ass therefore it is MY responsibility to cover said ass. the okays are just that "I saw him, he didnt arrest me." We are not allowed any comment that can be viewed by other providers - an ok is therefore in no way a reference. That is an okay ....as in a frozen dinner is okay. Not good, far far far from great...just ok. A refernce - a good ref - is a bird of a different feather and is not available thru p411. P41 is a handy tool for screening only in that your reference info is located in one place for me to obtain the reference for myself.(ie provider, her contact info, approx date you saw her etc)

Better bet - find a newbie friendly lady, suck it up & be screened however she requires. THEN ask her to invite you to p411.

If you don't want to be screened - hit the local stroll. If you dont want a SW -read BP. If you're scared of SW and you're scared of BP and you're scared to be screened....you need to leave the escort world entirely & invest more heavily in plastic dolls & porn.
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Old 01-14-2014, 03:29 PM   #8
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Good reply Babee!! I agree.
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Old 01-15-2014, 07:31 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Not necessarily, because LE can obtain the cooperation of a private company to establish an employment history for such checks (even get private vehicle registration and DL's issued), just as many Federal, state, and local agencies do for undercover work .... at home and abroad.

Now you can get paranoid.
LE doesn't always pay that well either. A lot of LE are part time and work two jobs.
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Old 01-16-2014, 09:36 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by canny View Post
LE doesn't always pay that well either. A lot of LE are part time and work two jobs.
or corrupt
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Old 01-18-2014, 09:11 AM   #11
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Default Many opinions on this topic

I've gone back and forth on this P411 and as one writer confirms, P411 really means squat when addressing this procedure of screening. Please God bring back the good old days when guys like me didn't have to jump through hoops to satisfy the whims of xenophobic providers as it is now. Luckily not everyone is the same, suspicious and distrusting.
It isn't a matter of do I or don't I want to be screened. I don't have a problem with making sure I'm not some kind of whacko but having LE around isn't exactly new news. They were there when I started in the hobby some 20 plus yrs ago. Screening didn't exist then, but now we've got to overcome this situation which in many cases is unfortunate. It doesn't help guys like me who sail UTR for long periods of time, and as I've found out you've gotta keep current or be left behind. Many of my gals have disappeared or retired so I'm in the process of re establishing my short list.
Just as you gals are adamant in screening til the pips squeak, I'm just as tenacious not to get involved in the practice. Your choice and it's my choice too.
I've managed to find some real gems out there inc a couple that adv on BP !!
Thus I'm not going the P411 route. There's plenty of choices and some ladies are more than willing to accept me at face value. You win, you lose. I'm sure many experienced and decent guys like me would share the same views, that there's just too much BS in the world today and it's only gonna get worse. I'm sure some of you won't like my comments but that's the way it is. I've got a stance just like you. But hopefully despite our differences, we can all stay safe and have mutual fun. Cheers
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Old 01-18-2014, 08:43 PM   #12
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I have used P-411 for final screening for several years and find it a good tool. My OKs on P-411 mean more to a provider than a several names I may send them. The OKs on P-411 are from verified providers and cut down on the providers time screening me. I figure the money I spend to keep my P-411 account open is money well spent. I would never even consider BP or a SW for my fun.
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Old 03-14-2014, 05:00 PM   #13
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2 blogs everyone needs to read about P411, I personally got kicked off of P411 after having concerns about there security and then warning others of the risks.


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Old 03-14-2014, 05:30 PM   #14
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Default P-411

Due to the price increase I have decided I will no longer use it. They were willing to give me the old price but after thinking on it I decided it wasn't worth the expense.
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Old 03-15-2014, 09:46 AM   #15
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I am retired and new to the hobby and p411 wanted all kinds of bank information to check me out. I do not think this is ever a good idea, just find providers that will see new guys and you will get references with out paying p411
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