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Old 03-13-2014, 07:00 PM   #1
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Default confused and aggravated

Ok, I need to vent here. I am currently visiting DC . I have had many inquiries but on so many occasions, when I ask the gentlemen to either send me an email with his references or fill out my contact form, I never hear from them again. Am I missing something here? Do most ladies in this area just let a complete stranger come up to their room without ever meeting them beforehand or without knowing anything about them. If so, how does the lady know that she will be safe? She could get robbed, beaten up, or worst. It's not like I am a new provider.


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Old 03-13-2014, 10:07 PM   #2
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I understand what you mean but for someone like me who hadn't seen a provider in over 6months it can be hard to come up with references and some people don't feel comfortable giving out work info.
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Old 03-14-2014, 07:19 AM   #3
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I often wonder about the level of hobby "sophistication" around DC too. How many guys use verification services like Datecheck or P411? How many ask prior providers for permission to list them as a reference. Often that's an awkward question to begin with because it infers that you're looking for another provider and therefore may not be a repeat visitor. And, how many first timers are there who don't know the song-and-dance routine? How many think that they can pick up a phone/text/email and a lady magically arrives at his doorstep?

If you don't mind sharing, how many of these would-be callers seem like rookies vs how many seem like seasoned hobbyists?

I've not met somebody in DC without having to provide some credentials. Granted, that doesn't mean that the ladies have do e their due diligence either. But she's given the illusion of doing her homework.
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Old 03-14-2014, 07:54 AM   #4
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Also, where are these guys saying they found you? Here or TER, etc?
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Old 03-14-2014, 04:19 PM   #5
Gfe Juliette
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Thanks for the imput. I can understand why a gentleman would not feel comfortable not sharing his work info. if I was new to the business. But I have an impeccable reputation. I have been in the business for over 7 years. Approx. 85% of my reviewers has shared with me their work info. and not one of them regrets it. I don't keep the information so a lot of them I don't recall where they work. Does that not stand for anything? Are the guys afraid to give their work info. because they are embarrassed of where they work or is it because they are afraid a provider will call them there? Please explain. Can someone suggest an alternative way of screening a guy here in DC and feeling comfortable with him enough to let him come to your room without worrying about getting hurt. This is not a problem with me in Nashville. Trying to get info. from the guys is like pulling teeth. thanks everyone.

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Old 03-14-2014, 08:26 PM   #6
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Sorry to hear of your issues with the gentlemen actually, its not the apt term because a gentlemen would not act the way that you describe. DC is historically known to have no shows, which unfortunately makes it difficult for touring ladies, some who decide not to visit because of the issues. Hope that you have met a few of true gentlemen while in DC and do not have too negative thought of DC.
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Old 03-16-2014, 08:32 AM   #7
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Ah Juliette, your 2nd post shed a lot more light for me than your 1st. Work info vs references. To me these are entirely different things. If I wanted to see you I would have no problem giving you my P411, DC, my handle on all of the various boards I am a member of and multiple references from established verifiable ladies with websites, etc. In fact I'll give you as many references as you want. However I would not give you or any other provider or hobbyist any more of my real life info than you get with my P411. If that means I cannot meet you then I can live with that.

This is in no way a reflection on you personally, I have never even spoken to you before so I don't know a darn thing about you. But I do know that nobody, regardless of how established they are, is getting my real life info, it just isn't worth the risks involved with that. Personally I have enough history that nobody should need any of my real life info for screening, but every once in a while I get a lady ask, I politely decline and offer her more references if she would like. If that doesnt work for her then oh well.

If you are talking about noobs, well most of them don't know enough yet to know there are only 2 roads into this hobby, see a bunch of ladies who see noobs to establish a history, or shell out your real life info.
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Old 03-16-2014, 01:03 PM   #8
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Hi, I am referring to gentlemen who is not on date-check or P411. The problem is that once I ask for references or for them to fill out my contact form, I never hear from them again. Do they expect me to just allow them to come to my hotel room without knowing anything about them and just hope that they won't rob me or worse?

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Old 03-16-2014, 05:27 PM   #9
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I would say in that case 1 of a few options applies and it might be a different one each time

1. They are noobs with no refs who won't give out info
2. They are blacklisted or have negative info on them out there
3. They carry shiny chained bracelets and badges to their dates
4. They are used to BP chicks who don't screen
5. You have one or more people trying to mess with you.

I would say that in each and every case you should be glad they stopped communicating. Just my 2cents.

Sometimes the best date you ever had is the one that never happened.
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Old 03-17-2014, 06:35 AM   #10
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Maybe DC is more paranoid about sharing RW information due to government work, political connections, etc. But the reluctance to provide RW information is fairly universal. A lot of guys have a hard enough time willing to pass along information to P411.

So, I agree with AG. Unless you are newbie-friendly, these guys clearly don't pass muster. Yes, noobs definitely think this hobby is on-demand without having to do their homework or due diligence. No, I don't think it's a reflection of you that they stopped communicating.
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Old 03-17-2014, 07:57 AM   #11
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Thanks to both of you. I feel better knowing that it just wasn't me or perhaps I wasn't being too paranoid about visiting with a complete stranger without some sort of a verification that they are who they say they are. Have a wonderful week.

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Old 03-17-2014, 10:26 AM   #12
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Thanks for the lively banter. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions any time.
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Old 03-22-2014, 01:28 PM   #13
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I’m sorry I didn’t see this thread earlier.

DC is indeed different than “other places” from what I have seen.

First, the demographics seem different. Talking with a lot of DC area ladies who travel there seem to be—by comparison to other places—more mature/gentlemanly guys who look for longer dates, and the looking-for-a-cheap-bargain guys. Some, but not a lot, little in between.

Second, the nature of the gov’t sector does—as some have pointed out—make work information much more guarded. But the guys who have their act together understand that for their own interest they want to see ladies who are themselves careful. Both P411 and D-C seem to be well represented in the DC area.

Third, DC does have a lot of scams, rip-offs, intentional NC/NS guys looking to protect “their” ladies, and LE activity. Those who don’t have references or a screening svc presence are generally best avoided in DC.

A lot of ladies do well there. Many have a relatively steady group of regulars who meet them when the lady travels to DC. For this city, that is probably the best option if you can get there. Several don’t even post any ads about coming; they fill their time with e-mails to repeat clients and word of mouth.

I am sorry this happened to you. It is sadly not a unique experience with ladies trying to establish DC on their touring schedule. It also gives DC a bad rep with touring ladies, and probably does contribute to the higher rates there.
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Old 03-23-2014, 09:43 AM   #14
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Hopefully this experience has not soured you on DC. I for one hope you come back and soon! Redheads are best!
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