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Old 03-13-2014, 07:01 AM   #16
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Generally if I know I have time to see someone, I start browsing in the morning around 8:30. I check P411 ad boards, Eccie Dallas and Ft Worth, ISO, and OPM. If someone has placed and ad and says they are available from say 7am to whenever. I may shoot them a tell to see if they are available. I usually wait 15 or 20 min, I will shoot someone else a tell. Same deal rinse and repeat. First one who reply I book. If it is someone I have seen then I may call or text depending on their preference. If I make a date and leave before I get a response from others I contact, I usually try and reply back later in the day to say I made other arrangements, maybe next time.

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Old 03-13-2014, 07:36 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by thathottnurse View Post
Cum say it on top of me while you fcuk my face.
That ^^^^. Right there ^^^^. Yea, that ^^^^ up there^^^. What THN said.
Say that!

If more ladies said that I would be a much busier man!
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Old 03-13-2014, 07:58 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Maggie_May View Post
Hello I am new around here and am wondering a couple of things...
I am wondering why most men here ask if I'm available, I say yes and then they either never respond or they arrange for me to call them to chat and then never answer and never follow up. I guess these are not technically no shows but it is still quite frustrating. There are also many men who want to talk and flirt but never make appointments. I would say 99 percent of my communication here results in no appointment.."Tire kickers" is what I call them. I am wondering if its because I'm new or if it has something to do with the spring break crowd?
Or maybe it's because I'm not very technical and so I don't post a lot of eye catching ads?
Thank you for any input, it is appreciated.

When I first joined ECCIE, I can't tell you the amount of time I spent writing messages, calling, flirting, and talking to gentlemen who were only interested in making small talk. Even had one hobbyist go so far as to telling me he was booking a session with another a provider after he had been giving me false hopes for future date - and he knows who he is!

While conversation is nice, talk is cheap and doesn't get the bills paid unless you're a phone sex operator. As THN said it before, as much as I'd like to talk dirty, I'd rather have you come over and put that love stick inside of my mouth so you can fulfill my dirty thoughts!

To all the men who would rather have more titties than talk - Thank you and cum again!
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Old 03-13-2014, 08:03 AM   #19
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Thank you for all of the great advice! I've read each reply and it means a lot!
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Old 03-13-2014, 08:29 AM   #20
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First, welcome to Dallas. I hope you get over the initial obstacles you've encountered and do well here.

Let me say that I just found out that I may be a good prospective client, and the only reason I know that is because of this thread. I happen to spend most of my hobby dollars in the vicinity in which you're located, yet you weren't on my radar screen until now. I think that may be indicative of part of your problem, which is shared by a lot of newbie providers here (many of whom aren't as smart as you in asking for advice).

DFW is a huge market, with lots of buyers and sellers. Most of us don't read every ad and review because there are just too many. I preach this all the time: highlight where you're located in the title of your ad, and then provide more relevant FACTS in your ad and Showcase.

Don't go overboard with the cute turns of phrase or other filler. If the ad is too long, I won't read it. Tell me when you're available (you did), if you're offering any specials (and where to find that information), and anything else that makes you stand out from the dozens of providers that posted ads that day.

Hope that helps, and that we we get a chance to meet soon!

EDIT: I just read your Showcase. I think it's well-done, with much of the information I look for when I'm researching a provider. I suspect once you get a few more reviews under your belt things will go much more smoothly for you.
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Old 03-13-2014, 10:08 AM   #21
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Are you Madison May's sister? J/K...

I saw your Showcase and for me, I like pics of legs. More so than breasts (but yours look fabulous). I understand the "no face" pics but it is an issue with several guys until you get popular. Maybe more pics like full body shots, standing, laying down, all fours, etc.

Also, take full advantage of the ad forums here. Your rates seem pretty decent to me so that isn't the issue. More pics, more ads...more visibility.

Welcome to Dallas.
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Old 03-13-2014, 10:22 AM   #22
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Some guys think this is a web-cam site, and all of the cameras are down
at the moment.
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Old 03-13-2014, 10:46 AM   #23
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+1 with TinMan as always,

Maggie ,

This may be a viable tactic as well.

BnG Sessions:
Selling pussy is like selling ( Y ) [you will learn about forbidden topics later if you have not already]

From a marketing perspective it's good for business to offer a good initial tasters at a discounted rate.

Offering BnG's that usually caps at max of 20 min's will certainly up your inquiries.

I recommend 3~5 min icebreaking and 15min blowing with no more than 10 min of actual dick in mouth time, if you mix in HJ and ball massage and nipple play on dudes)

More specifically in your case you can either leave your bra on to tease dudes into higher level sessions, or you can toss those puppies into the deal (more clean up concerns to balance out time-wise)

Also it's a great icebreaker when we Clients have our dicks in your mouth.

Amongst the increased inquiry, screen for the dudes that have high post counts (700+) and high review counts (>20+).
*some young looking handles are actually ancient, but ppl can explain that one to you later

Those are the dudes you wanna send home with a big smile on their face.

Great for you if you can pick out seeing the one's that are good at telling their friends about a good session.

Price Setting:
BnG sessions are usually priced from 80~100 for eccie.

Just gotta experiment a little with the price-point and inquiry to find the perfect balance.

Rehash on Location:
The importance of location cannot be stressed enough.

Knowing the location down to a 5 mile radius allows clients to create a plausible alibi and fitting that appointment slot more snugly with our RL obligations.

Keep in mind to highly prioritize your anonymity, never wanna learn this lesson the hard way.

Learn your local landmarks and make sure you know it well and can quickly help them find you.

Timing and scheduling:
Shit will happen and ppl will be late from time to time.

Know when to reschedule a dude (we are more agreeable than you might think cuz we know we late and wanna make a good first impression too, especially with your boobies that awesome)

Do not bend yourself too far over to accommodate that one late dude if it means multiple rescheduling with several other dudes.

Being nice to one late dude and pissing off several other :r m_telletubbie: potentially always-sharp-and-punctual dudes is not recommended nor worth the effort in the long run.

*I'm not saying you should do this kind of volume in one day, they just look really cute together so I'm not editing them out.

============================== ============================== ====

This is an example post of a client posting with an agenda

My motives are to get my dick sucked at a good price that we can happily agree on.

Sorta like buying a car from a new car dealership really:

Clients don't really wanna pay the full listed price unless it's a reputable dealer.

Client offers to spread good words for a good deal.

============================== ============================== ====

Stay safe Maggie! May you find the bright pretty happy spots in this hobby, and don't you take your eyes off them!

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Old 03-13-2014, 12:31 PM   #24
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Posting taint photos usually helps business ... ijs.
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Old 03-13-2014, 02:44 PM   #25
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Nice upgrades on the showcase. Just more pics, actually (and a deletion of the MSOG upcharge), but they're great pics.

I bet you'll do really well. Just be patient. Pretty girls who provide solid session always do well around here. Pretty simple, huh?
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Old 03-13-2014, 03:51 PM   #26
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Her tits are really spectacular in the selfies. Like really!
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Old 03-13-2014, 04:25 PM   #27
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They're just as impressive in person. And those eyes!!!...and just greets you in very warming welcoming way. She's awesome : ).
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Old 03-13-2014, 04:26 PM   #28
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wait are those boobies natural?!?!? WOW!
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Old 03-13-2014, 04:27 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by franoo2oo6 View Post
They're just as impressive in person. And those eyes!!!...and just greets you in very warming welcoming way. She's awesome : ).
You need to help the girl out with a review, if you've had a session.

That, more than anything, is what she's lacking.

Write it, and I will read it. Guaranteed.
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Old 03-13-2014, 04:36 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by eccienewbie View Post
You need to help the girl out with a review, if you've had a session.

That, more than anything, is what she's lacking.

Write it, and I will read it. Guaranteed.
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