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Old 03-11-2014, 10:20 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle View Post

So this just brings me to wonder if it is because black women just aren't as desirable in Texas, this is the only state I have escorted in, and frankly Dallas is as far as I have been. I am however anxious to get out of the south so I can spread my wings a bit wider. If I want to become one of the escorts who brings in 10k+ a month and gets 100 (heck i would be happy with 10) inquiries a week. where should I move to where hot young fit black women are in demand like the young hot white and latina pictures you posted?
This is definitely very dangerous territory to chime in as a guy but there is no shortage of threads started by AA providers addressing this very subject.

Somehow I suspect you already know the answer to your question as you have been around awhile and have discussed it with other providers.

For any guy to offer anything but the perfect answer would be board suicide.
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Old 03-11-2014, 10:23 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle View Post
Well SL we need to talk about what I am doing wrong because I am young, hot, and work very very hard 110% of the time and I have never even began to have more than even 5-7 inquiries in a day and that was probably one day. I do this full time have been trying to figure out how to master it how to become Soooo popular and everyone raves about you. Before I discovered eccie it wasn't happening, when I first discovered eccie it wasn't happening, welcome wagon it wasn't happening, been around 2 years so far and still isn't happening in no way close to the scale of numbers you are reporting.

So this just brings me to wonder if it is because black women just aren't as desirable in Texas, this is the only state I have escorted in, and frankly Dallas is as far as I have been. I am however anxious to get out of the south so I can spread my wings a bit wider. If I want to become one of the escorts who brings in 10k+ a month and gets 100 (heck i would be happy with 10) inquiries a week. where should I move to where hot young fit black women are in demand like the young hot white and latina pictures you posted?
I got you Listener.
Honestly, like Hunter said. You're not doing anything wrong, but you are right. It is a racial thing. But you can't concentrate on numbers for other people, just your own. You represent Black women to the best of your ability. Be the positivity in Black culture the men that love us or even those curious about us need to see.

The only question you should be asking your self is:
Are you meeting your financial goals? Comfortably?
If you are, then that's all that matters. If not, make the necessary changes.

Going to Europe doesn't help the situation AT all. But it is an adventure I recommend. Having been to London, I did well (like REALLY well), and that was the first time I was EVER full time. But the consensus is still the same. Black girls' rates are ƒ50 lower on average, and the quickest way to get AIDS treatment is to say you were barebacked by a Black person. But I'm surprised that you haven't been touring at all.

But your focus is off. Being the 'Best Black Ho' is nothing to aspire to. Aspire to a goal in your real life. That way you're not racking your brain out over your popularity in this world. Don't let "Mya" become all you are.
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Old 03-11-2014, 11:02 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson View Post
I got you Listener.
Honestly, like Hunter said. You're not doing anything wrong, but you are right. It is a racial thing. But you can't concentrate on numbers for other people, just your own. You represent Black women to the best of your ability. Be the positivity in Black culture the men that love us or even those curious about us need to see.

The only question you should be asking your self is:
Are you meeting your financial goals? Comfortably?
If you are, then that's all that matters. If not, make the necessary changes.

Going to Europe doesn't help the situation AT all. But it is an adventure I recommend. Having been to London, I did well (like REALLY well), and that was the first time I was EVER full time. But the consensus is still the same. Black girls' rates are ƒ50 lower on average, and the quickest way to get AIDS treatment is to say you were barebacked by a Black person. But I'm surprised that you haven't been touring at all.

But your focus is off. Being the 'Best Black Ho' is nothing to aspire to. Aspire to a goal in your real life. That way you're not racking your brain out over your popularity in this world. Don't let "Mya" become all you are.
I understand what you are saying, and it felt like maybe a little weight has been lifted off my shoulders in response to your kind words. However the thing about I should not want to become the best black ho, I think was a little uncalled for. I do not think the term "ho" could ever be used to describe me, and yes I understand your candidness, but I feel like this profession is worth giving my all, and I have been treated like nothing but a princess from the gentlemen I have met (and I am very appreciative). I just love this profession so much it really is my passion! I know society says i'm a "ho" but I feel like a "princess"!

I also am working on investment plans and retirement and honestly from the past 2 years and only being 24yrs old I know I have a life span to provide for atleast 10 more years. I know I can save up a retire fund on that and maybe get into some other work when I turn 30. I'm not a ditz what so ever when it comes to managing money. I don't live session to session.

I believe this is a real field of work, one that I can be proud of to put my life into. Now I don't know if i can accept the message that "No, I'm sorry Mya but you know that the way this world is set up you can never be a great Top Provider in the sense that you see other women praised." But isn't that the same thing they would have told Obama? Look what happened.

And Elli King is really doing well, she is my Escort Idol, You can tell how much her hard work pays off. Her whole presentation is mesmerizing.

I do need to find something else to pour myself into and care about so much like I do my profession. I need to work on that for sure! You Tiffany are a wise woman for sure and I appreciate you taking out the time to give me that heart felt advice. It did really make me feel better.
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Old 03-11-2014, 01:29 PM   #124
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It's so funny how you communicate. First, you give me neckroll, then you give me respect. It's like talking to my kid sisters. Which are your age, by the way. And like I tell them, please understand that I don't mean you any harm. I'm the most honest/candid person you'll ever know, and anything I say is only meant to help you and incite thought.

Elli King is a beautiful lady with an awesome presentation. But for the umpteenth time I'll say this in this thread, this is a HIGHLY individualized business. That's the problem with women. We're too comparative and competitive. Comparing yourself to anyone else is useless.

All I'm saying is to develop your own standard of success. You've achieved many things already, and you have plenty of time to achieve notoriety, and save for retirement. The money is going to be out there until the value of the dollar drops to shit level. You're at an age now where you're supposed to be in school, and discovering your talents and passions. Sign up for a class. Start a business. Just find yourself doing more 'you' stuff than "Mya" stuff.

Best of luck to you darling.
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Old 03-11-2014, 01:55 PM   #125
Kitty Bunny Fuck
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Tiffani Jameson I think we should meet!! We could possibly be BFF

Your mind is sexy.

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Old 03-11-2014, 02:01 PM   #126
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Old 03-11-2014, 02:30 PM   #127
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Yes! Podcast from Tiffany. I would totally listen to that. Love your blog, btw.
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Old 03-11-2014, 02:40 PM   #128
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I had the idea for a tee shirt a while ago, a jesus fish with Oprah's head with the tag line, "What would Oprah do?" Now, I think it should be "What would Tiffany do?" Also, I had that idea before it became a running gag on 30 rock. I'm just saying. Tina Fey steals my ideas.
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Old 03-11-2014, 03:11 PM   #129
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Just an observation here, but about 2 years ago I started the exact same thread. And I was pummeled by the ladies. Really took a beating.
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Old 03-11-2014, 03:20 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck View Post
Tiffani Jameson I think we should meet!! We could possibly be BFF

Your mind is sexy.

Aww! Thank you sweetheart! I hope it's possible one day. And that's not all that's sexy about me...

Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
You know, I actually thought about doing that. I even had a BTR acct. There's too much on my plate as is.

Originally Posted by chelseabean View Post
Yes! Podcast from Tiffany. I would totally listen to that. Love your blog, btw.
Thank you, Miss Bean! LOL Cute name by the way. And I appreciate you reading my blog. I definitely need to knock the dust off of it, but it's not the right time.
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Old 03-11-2014, 04:19 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle View Post
Well SL we need to talk about what I am doing wrong because I am young, hot, and work very very hard 110% of the time and I have never even began to have more than even 5-7 inquiries in a day and that was probably one day. I do this full time have been trying to figure out how to master it how to become Soooo popular and everyone raves about you. Before I discovered eccie it wasn't happening, when I first discovered eccie it wasn't happening, welcome wagon it wasn't happening, been around 2 years so far and still isn't happening in no way close to the scale of numbers you are reporting.

So this just brings me to wonder if it is because black women just aren't as desirable in Texas, this is the only state I have escorted in, and frankly Dallas is as far as I have been. I am however anxious to get out of the south so I can spread my wings a bit wider. If I want to become one of the escorts who brings in 10k+ a month and gets 100 (heck i would be happy with 10) inquiries a week. where should I move to where hot young fit black women are in demand like the young hot white and latina pictures you posted?
I've checked your pictures... DAYUM! I checked your reviews and menu... DAYUM! Looks like there is only one thing missing.... a "STILL LOOKING" review.
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Old 03-11-2014, 04:41 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson View Post
I remember Shanna. And I don't judge you, SL.

You never paint with broad strokes, but you should know that there are more than a few that escape your categorizations. Other than that, I was actually defending you.

I know you love me TJ. Strictly from a comedic stand point! which definition of "board" do you think I was using? LOL Broad: Wide, In General or perhaps Broad: Lady, Girl, Chick, Escort.

I'm not surprised that you found some duds on the higher end of things. A lot of those women wouldn't touch the average client for any amount of money. They don't screen for chemistry because their attitude is no better than the average BP girl. At that rate, they're trying to make every appointment happen.

Yet some just pick and choose and their PM box is constantly full.

Women like to think that they're escaping cheapo's at certain rates, and that higher rates mean richer clients, but they can't be further from the truth. But it's not cheapo's they need to worry about, it's about how she's representing her value. Guys that don't value women beyond a certain price range are quick to tell a woman that she'll lose business if she raises her rates, but if her value is high, she'll see an increase.

This is true but certainly not the rule. I've watched providers raise their rates and then of course most of the guys are grandfathered. The new ones request the old rate and more often than not its granted especially if business has been slow followed but in the review PLEASE put my new rate. There is a provider that raised her rates in SA. She even published she is so busy she is not even going to take any new clients. So I contacted a few guys asked if they would do me a favor and try and get sessions. Both had never seen her. Well cut my legs off and call me shorty both were able to secure a date for the OLD RATE. shocking I know!

And in this business, you don't have to be young to get a shit load of business. Just hot. There were people waiting on me to raise my rates when I did.

I stand corrected... Young and Hot, Old and Hot, Damn near dead and hot.

Getting back to the topic, some of us are not all about the money. The balance is way more important. That's 'old ho mentality' to quantify a woman by how much she earns in this business. They figure you better be financially compensated for the emotional damage you suffer being a companion. I prefer to work in a way that I still have hope for the future, and my opinion of men has not been changed.

Let's keep in mind your prospective is that from an escort not working full time as an escort whom also happens to interests other than making money. And also perhaps an escort without many of the bad habits other providers fall into. And I'm sure you know as well as me what those bad habits might be.

I could go full time, but with my salary, this way is much easier. Plus, my child gets the normalcy she deserves. I don't have to lie to her about what I do for a living, there's no odd phone conversations about locations and rates, and when mommy gets dressed up to go out, it's no surprise that she has a date. Men hit on her all the time. There's nothing wrong with indulging a gentleman for dinner and a nightcap.

Very nice situation to be in!

The problem with being in this life is that the women don't realize that they have no one to impress but themselves. Who they see and how often is no ones business. The only issue that I have with review culture is that it is not conducive to discretion. But I actually believe that reviews are valuable. But I think a lady has control over who reviews her by screening for chemistry.
I think were both right TJ. The hobby is what you make if it. Good or bad for both hobbyist and providers alike.
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Old 03-11-2014, 04:43 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by NipLover View Post
Just an observation here, but about 2 years ago I started the exact same thread. And I was pummeled by the ladies. Really took a beating.
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Old 03-11-2014, 05:14 PM   #134
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So, did anyone decide on a number?!
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Old 03-11-2014, 05:23 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi View Post
So, did anyone decide on a number?!

What was the question?
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