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Old 03-08-2014, 06:15 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
In short no, not even close to the same general rule violation as they don't have their genital area as the main subject of the actual picture, nor is it easily noted,,, we allow as much leniency as possible when it comes to our members,, they are (when found in violation of our guidelines) given ample time to fix the picture, it is only when they don't respond that further measures are warranted.
There you have it ladies.. As long as it is NOT the main subject matter go ahead and start posting those shots.. Since you have it in writing clearly from an administrator in the above quoted.
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Old 03-08-2014, 06:41 AM   #47
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They will never let you post a pic of your brain in a open forum with your pants off, just sayin
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Old 03-08-2014, 02:08 PM   #48
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Of course, once it is posted, it becomes the main subject of the picture, so... you can follow the intent of the guideline, or you can follow Blads interpretation of the guideline. One path is likely to lead to drama and the other is not. Thankfully most of the ladies in Ar. have enough class not to throw their "money-maker" out there in a fashion that that causes problems with this guideline. As to those that would show such pics, Blad will happily use you to further promote this tempest in a teapot, remember, it costs him nothing to goad you into testing the limits he perceives.

Blad, you really should just start your own site, as our rules are to restricting for you, you could set your own. Hell, I'd pay to join it, believe me, I would.

Now, it's cold and rainy here, so I think I will contact a lovely and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with a dash of Bailey's, some warmth and provocative company, everyone have a good weekend.
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Old 03-08-2014, 08:33 PM   #49
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42,000 porn sites on the Internet, a good half dozen links to other adult sites here, and Blad is mad because this isn't a porn site.

If you wanna good look at the pussy, Blad, you are gonna have to pay these ladies in person to see it. This isn't a jack-off site.
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Old 03-08-2014, 09:09 PM   #50
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Another beautiful thing about taint is that taint does not violate icky guidelines in any way. All showcases should have at least two taint photos.
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Old 03-08-2014, 10:12 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
.......Please explain what you consider naively hypocritical sir.........Do you really have a problem with that? If so perhaps you would be happier on a site that charges for it's use so you aren't so offended.
No, I don't have a problem with your advertiser's payment for what is a great site , but to pretend that close up photos of female genitalia push the site's chance of legal problems over the line is either naive or just plain ridiculous. Everyone knows what the intent and purpose of the site is. It just so happens to highlight activity which is unfortunately illegal, except in a handful of counties in Nevada. Even there, outside of the whorehouses.

Eccie is a great site, highlighting a great hobby. Implying that I am offended by anything that is said around here is also ridiculous.
bayou boy
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Old 03-08-2014, 11:32 PM   #52
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Are you suggesting camel toe panties to dance around guidelines?
Talking about photos .
Teach us almighty Razor Beak.
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Old 03-09-2014, 12:23 AM   #53
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actually they do,,, I don't need to teach you all anything, it is laid out quite clearly in the site guidelines:

#12 - Respect the posted "Image Standards" which apply to our public coed forums. (including Showcase) In short, images which depict subjects which are topless are allowed, but below the waist nudity which displays exposed genitalia or images depicting pornography are to be avoided. Additionally, posting URL links to external sites depicting pornography is not permitted. (use RTM to report images which you feel may not be in compliance)

camel toes are not nude, and show no exposed genitalia so they do indeed "dance" around the intent of the guideline, good call sir. Just a point of order,, paint does not conceal nudity,,, so pics of a lady's bits that are painted, yet nude are still out of order,,, yes, it has been discussed already, lol.

The guidelines are part of the TOS (terms of service) which everyone agrees to when signing on to the site.
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Old 03-09-2014, 12:32 AM   #54
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Wait a minute, it gets confusing if her legs ARE CLOSED and none is exposed. I have seen pictures dissappear
and her genitals were covered. A little baby fat was trying to bulge out but genitals WERE COVERED.
why the Gone?
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Old 03-09-2014, 09:05 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Another beautiful thing about taint is that taint does not violate icky guidelines in any way. All showcases should have at least two taint photos.
You got that right brother 3sides!!

Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
42,000 porn sites on the Internet, a good half dozen links to other adult sites here, and Blad is mad because this isn't a porn site.

If you wanna good look at the pussy, Blad, you are gonna have to pay these ladies in person to see it. This isn't a jack-off site.
Son I have paid more than you ever could. And your statement above seems your trying to be a certain granny hookers bitch boy. She won't give you a freebie or discount so cut the umbilical cord to granny and try being yourself for a change.

But your just not smart enough to have figured out my pointing this out in such an abrupt manner was trying to find out what I will go into below.

Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
you can follow the intent of the guideline, or you can follow Blads interpretation of the guideline. One path is likely to lead to drama and the other is not. Thankfully most of the ladies in Ar. have enough class not to throw their "money-maker" out there in a fashion that that causes problems with this guideline. As to those that would show such pics, Blad will happily use you to further promote this tempest in a teapot, remember, it costs him nothing to goad you into testing the limits he perceives.
Or better yet your interpretation to the guideline rule where I pointed out two pictures that broke said rule and you stated the below.

Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
In short no, not even close to the same general rule violation as they don't have their genital area as the main subject of the actual picture, nor is it easily noted,,, we allow as much leniency as possible when it comes to our members,, they are (when found in violation of our guidelines) given ample time to fix the picture, it is only when they don't respond that further measures are warranted.
So which is it exactly? All we are looking for is a little consistency. Which the two above offered explanations do not offer since they differ so much.

Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
actually they do,,, I don't need to teach you all anything, it is laid out quite clearly in the site guidelines:

#12 - Respect the posted "Image Standards" which apply to our public coed forums. (including Showcase) In short, images which depict subjects which are topless are allowed, but below the waist nudity which displays exposed genitalia or images depicting pornography are to be avoided. Additionally, posting URL links to external sites depicting pornography is not permitted. (use RTM to report images which you feel may not be in compliance)

camel toes are not nude, and show no exposed genitalia so they do indeed "dance" around the intent of the guideline, good call sir. Just a point of order,, paint does not conceal nudity,,, so pics of a lady's bits that are painted, yet nude are still out of order,,, yes, it has been discussed already, lol.
It seems quite clear yet when I pointed out two reference pictures which indeed are (or were) currently on the site with exposed genitalia which in short is a violation of said rule #12 your replied to my query with
Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
In short no, not even close to the same general rule violation as they don't have their genital area as the main subject of the actual picture, nor is it easily noted,,, we allow as much leniency as possible when it comes to our members,, they are (when found in violation of our guidelines) given ample time to fix the picture, it is only when they don't respond that further measures are warranted.
Which leads one to believe as long as it is not the "focused subject matter it is ok. Yet the rule clearly states but below the waist nudity which displays exposed genitalia or images depicting pornography are to be avoided. Additionally, posting URL links to external sites depicting pornography is not permitted. (use RTM to report images which you feel may not be in compliance)

Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
In short no, not even close to the same general rule violation as they don't have their genital area as the main subject of the actual picture, nor is it easily noted
Not the "main subject" yet still exposed.. So which exactly is it? Consistency is a great thing to have on a board as it tends to solidify the general comprehension for any given rule.

Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
Blad, you really should just start your own site, as our rules are to restricting for you, you could set your own. Hell, I'd pay to join it, believe me, I would.
Been there done that. Will never do it again. Too many headaches and I have very limited free time.
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Old 03-09-2014, 09:21 AM   #56
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It boils down to favoritism or pussy.
They dictate how this place operates and you can have ONE person
accuse you of being rude, disrespectful, etc and your gone.
I don't prefer older escorts with flat butts but some CRY BABY will
make it about them. Life isn't fair.
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Old 03-09-2014, 04:07 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
Son I have paid more than you ever could.
Good for you. I had no idea this was a contest. That's okay. You can be a the famous john.

Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
And your statement above seems your trying to be a certain granny hookers bitch boy. She won't give you a freebie or discount so cut the umbilical cord to granny and try being yourself for a change.
I have no clue who you are referring to. I just dislike weirdos who harass staff members who volunteer their time. Weirdos waste time demanding rule delineation when they should just go start a board of their own if they disagree with the rules here.
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Old 03-09-2014, 04:32 PM   #58
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You know what Blad,, playing word games with you is boring.

I have posted the sites stance on this matter as well as the guideline that all agree to (yes even you dear) when they join this site. If you want to drone on about this please do continue, I guess we will just see if there is a problem when you post a pic of your pussy.

Now, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my weekend,,, carry on folks.
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Old 03-09-2014, 06:36 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
Good for you. I had no idea this was a contest. That's okay. You can be a the famous john.

I have no clue who you are referring to. I just dislike weirdos who harass staff members who volunteer their time. Weirdos waste time demanding rule delineation when they should just go start a board of their own if they disagree with the rules here.

And I despise wanna be little boy white knights.
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Old 03-09-2014, 06:42 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post
You know what Blad,, playing word games with you is boring.

I have posted the sites stance on this matter as well as the guideline that all agree to (yes even you dear) when they join this site. If you want to drone on about this please do continue, I guess we will just see if there is a problem when you post a pic of your pussy.

Now, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my weekend,,, carry on folks.
At least you can consistently avoid what you signed on to do. Selective moderation is what is akin to utter malfeasance. You clearly stated everyone who signs in must adhere to said rule but when shown two clear examples of a violation you also stated it was "not enough" yet per the stated written rule you signed in to enforce and agree to every time you sign into this site it states that none will be tolerated. Your stand is well against the one you agreed it seems.

I can type it r----e-----a----l s----l----o---w---l----y--- if you need the time to comprehend this.
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