Originally Posted by borisbaggins
Hate to quibble, but I've actually heard that this "Kay" is mind-blowing, toe-curling, life changing, heart racing, slap your mama, awesome. 
At least that's what all the boys (and girls?) say.
Lol slap your mama that is hilarious. And that is awesome u know that movie too . But you know I do what I can
Originally Posted by LayneLaughlin
I personally think she's the bees knees. :-)
if im the bees knees you must be that cats whiskers u gorgeous girl you
Originally Posted by Gladiator69
You are BEYOND AWESOME Gorgeous!! And for once, YES I know what I'm talking about 
Awe babycakes you've always thought I was awesome so I was under the impression you must ALWAYS know what you are talking about.
Originally Posted by bo_nebraska
Hmmm. Gia and Kay. That would be a winning pair in any room
Me and Gia.. now that would be one helluva combo. But if we do that we would have to include LadyY, Layne , ms E Ms O AmyLove and of course DallasRain. Then it would be just one big lesbian corkhusker fuckfest and we would probably forget all about you guys . Now how fun that would that be lol