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Old 03-03-2014, 06:54 PM   #46
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WRT impact of "turn-aways",

To me, it all depends on how unique I think the particularly lady is. There have been several over the years who grandfathered me at a low rate and threw out the clock when we were together. I mean, the stay-as-long-as-you-like lack of time management...not the measly 15-30 minute extended time.

Being a reasonable man, I know if a lady is going to treat me this special, then I gotta expect that if a better financial deal comes along she's gonna take it. I mean, a girl has to pay the rent, right?

But I know, in those cases, that if my date does happen, it is going to be a memorable evening.

You better be pretty darn special, however, for me to keep calling after several turn-aways.
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Old 03-03-2014, 10:54 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson View Post
That's an interesting theory. Care to elaborate?
It's as simple as it reads. Some have high(er) rates to discourage SOME from calling them.

When a lady is 'done' for the day with her providing, she can simply turn her phone off as opposed to having to hear those unwanted calls when she's met her 'quota' for the day. No need to raise rates to curb calls.
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Old 03-03-2014, 11:07 PM   #48
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I expect a true gentlemen to meet the standard rate with out comment, for our first meet. The first date is a "get to know each other" date. It allows the 2 to see if there is a connection or chemistry. That's what it's all about, right? The passionate spark? And if that's there, then naturally the gentlemen will want to repeat the experience. Us providers should understand that this can become an expensive hobby if it's done on a regular basis. So if the man has to chosen to continue to visit with just you on a regular basis, then we should naturally try to work with them. I prefer to build an ongoing friendship with my clients, that contains trust, respect and a mutual passion for each other. I lower my rates depending on how long and often I see the person. But I think it's disrespectful for a man to call trying to negotiate prices over the phone. My rates are on the page. If you can't afford it, please call some one else because there are plenty others who may help you; but it's not necessary to talk negatively to a woman because she feels she's worth more than that.
And my honest opinion~
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Old 03-03-2014, 11:28 PM   #49
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The best experiences I have are when I click with a provider and start seeing them on my weekly saturday morning and I will over a few sessions eventually get a "regular rate", which helps me financially keep seeing her weekly and she gets my business. Not to mention as a provider gets to know what you like and feels more comfortable the sessions typically get soooo much better for me and I imagine she prefers knowing who she is seeing every saturday morning.
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Old 03-04-2014, 12:32 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
It's as simple as it reads. Some have high(er) rates to discourage SOME from calling them.

When a lady is 'done' for the day with her providing, she can simply turn her phone off as opposed to having to hear those unwanted calls when she's met her 'quota' for the day. No need to raise rates to curb calls.
It's rarely as simple as it reads with you, Rambro.

Need is a very strong word, though. And when you makes statements like that, it implies a matter-of-factness about this business that you don't have. The subject of rates is highly individual. Usually there's more to a lady's decision to raise her rates. Most likely it's the level of clientele, and the ratio of idiots to gents that contact her that she intends to change, not the number. And there are personal issues, like Grace's, that also influence a lady's decision to change her rates. My rates were lower when I was in school and offered incall as well.

Raising rates can also have the reverse effect sometimes. For every guy who lets a $25-50 rate increase stop them from meeting a great lady, there are at least two that gain interest.

A lady who does not consider her business needs to take the opportunity change is not very smart.
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Old 03-04-2014, 02:39 PM   #51
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I just think it depends solely on the provider. For instance for me, I can only see a select number of men a week, have a very tight schedule due to my regular job, and am able to cover all of my bills but not easily. For this reason, I'm only going to go so low. I have to make it work for me when I only have so much time in the first place.

If something ever happened like I lost my regular job and I wasn't getting the amount of bookings I needed for stability than I would do what was necessary. It's whatever fits the needs of the individual
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Old 03-04-2014, 02:53 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
Diddle--- I often go to lunch with gents I see. That is nothing new for me... as long as my schedule allows it, who am I to refuse a meal with a gent I enjoy spending time with?
Then whats for dessert? You? hehehe, nothing wrong with lunch/dinner!
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Old 03-04-2014, 06:16 PM   #53
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In this economy, businesses need to find a nitch and stay fresh.
Even WallyWorld and MickyDs are going backwards in sales and client growth.
But that is another story.

Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
(for those of you who know me.. no, I am not doing what was originally planned... I'm going in a different direction).

^ regular Joes

The regular Joe knows to take a great experience with a "special" any day.

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
It makes more sense to raise the rates for new customers. That way, your existing clients will feel special and you will cover the extra costs and hassles of dealing with new clients, including the risks.
Higher rates do not dissuade me. I go for looks, availability, sweetness, and dependability - $300 per hour for a good looking girl who has sex with me and pretends to like me seems like a bargain, in fact. Complaining about everyone else's small dick is a nice bonus, too.
I just wish I had the time to see even more girls than I do.
Now that their or there or they're is good stuff!
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Old 03-04-2014, 06:24 PM   #54
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I would agree with tatman if the sessions get sooo much better at a regular rate. But then you would miss the the variety available
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Old 03-04-2014, 08:51 PM   #55
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I suspect that the men on here are poorly positioned to give advice on this question. Providers would likely be a better source. But with that caveat, here's my guesses. First, I doubt you can eliminate the "all chicken or all feathers" nature of the provider business. That's just the nature of the beast to some degree. Second, I think you are on the correct track to increase demand for your services by marginally lowering prices. Whether it makes things more consistent or not, I have no idea. But it should increase business. Third, the pointers you are getting about good marketing are all generally valid. Given your reputation, however, my guess is you're already running your business professionally. But, you can always improve.

If I had to guess, the single best thing you could do is to make known to your customers that you're willing to substantially discount your price if they will make a weekly or bi-weekly standing appointment on a certain day and use reasonable diligence in keeping that appointment. "I'll see you, Joe, every Thursday from 3 p.m. to 4:10 p.m." type of thing. That won't suit the schedules of some, but it may entice a few folks into becoming more regular. But $10 off isn't going to be enough to make a different. Nor, I expect, will $25. I'm guessing $50 or $100.
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Old 03-05-2014, 06:35 AM   #56
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What a great idea, TTH! At first I thought "well, a standing appointment won't work for ME", but then I realized I'm not most guys. OTOH, if it was a lady I really liked, she was convenient to where I work or commute, and I knew she was in danger of forgoing another appointment (at a better rate) if I missed mine, then I think I would try to make it work.

Hell, at $100 off I would be willing to say "let's pencil it in" with the understanding that if either of us had something come up (a better paying client who needed that time slot), I'd be willing to go that route. The only difference between that and some arrangements I've had in the past is the setting of the day and hour in advance.
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Old 03-05-2014, 09:28 AM   #57
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Another spitballing idea: Identify the blocks of times that you want to work and the ones that you'd be willing to but would prefer not to in a perfect world. Clients get a preferred rate for accommodating your schedule, but another rate applies for times when it's less convenient for you.

Oh, God, if I would work out something such as TTH describes with any girl in my rotation, I'd be soooo there.
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Old 03-05-2014, 09:55 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
with the understanding that if either of us had something come up (a better paying client who needed that time slot)
Implicit in the arrangement TTH described - how many clients could absolutely guarantee making the appointment every week? But it's a complicating factor, in terms of enforcement, particularly with the inability to verify the reason for missing and possible differences of opinion regarding what is justification. (The client is getting the discount in return for the not-absolute-guarantee, so it's probably the client missing the agreed appointment that is more likely to create problems. If she can't make it, he's not out anything more than the opportunity to get laid cheaply, and none of us are guaranteed that.) What happens if she agrees to a steep discount and then he only makes one or two appointments?

She may trust the client sufficiently to be confident that will not happen and therefore not require any type of security. If not . . . . It's somewhat similar to the potential problems with a review special, so perhaps the solution could be similar as well. The client gets the benefit only after providing the quid pro quo. Maybe something like Lena's "frequent fucker" plan - 4 sessions at normal price, and 5th session is free. (I may not have the details exactly right; that was a long time ago, and I never qualified.) And of course, then the client is concerned about whether she might duck that 5th (free) session.

It's absolutely workable but not for everybody. However you structure it, one party will need to trust the other. It likely would not be available to any new client who asked about it.
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Old 03-05-2014, 03:41 PM   #59
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i keep my rates as is.. when i offer specials it is usually while im on the road.. not desperation!
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Old 03-05-2014, 05:40 PM   #60
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Wow TTH, I would think a $50/100 discount would have an impact on the level of service a regular would receive at that reduced rate.
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