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Old 02-28-2014, 09:51 AM   #16
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I also think that most gents wouldn't mind a PM when business is slow, offering them a concession to come visit. Hell, it might be rate or time accommodation. (There was a thread about that recently, and PM's are fine if they are individualized.) That allows you to control your consistency in private, with rifle shot marketing accuracy. Heck, my suit guy at Nordies always calls, texts or emails me when he sees something I might like, has a promo coming up, or finds a reason to reach out. The similarity is that retail is also "walk in based" and that's the way these folks improve their month to month volume consistency.

Just a suggestion...
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Old 02-28-2014, 10:11 AM   #17
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Grance, I have not been in the shoes of a lady (well, I may have tried my mother's high heels on once to see how you walked in those things), I don't think low rates scare off clients. At least that should not be a factor, in my opinion.

You may have to alter your screening because lower rates increase your potential client pool. However, there are a lot of very nice guys in the hobby who would appreciate a lady of your quality becoming within their reach.

You have a good goal to stabilize your income. I think the worst that could happen is limited availability because you have filled your available time slots.

If a few snobs refuse to see you because they want to pay more, they will be replaced by a more stable flow of regulars.

For some reason, there have been several posts on the board claiming that lower rates mean lower quality. I have not found that to be true. Frankly, I think it is coming from those who have a much larger hobby budget and want to appear exclusive. So THERE!!!

That's another 2¢ worth.
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Old 02-28-2014, 10:24 AM   #18
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There's a reason for the saying "Hotter then a hooker on nickel night". Finding that price point that keeps customers, pays the bills but doesn't wear out the lady parts is tough and does fluctuate with the market. So I'll join those saying 'Your business, your choice'.
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Old 02-28-2014, 10:45 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
There's a reason for the saying "Hotter then a hooker on nickel night". Finding that price point that keeps customers, pays the bills but doesn't wear out the lady parts is tough and does fluctuate with the market. So I'll join those saying 'Your business, your choice'.
I don't think Grace is looking for 10 sessions a day. By setting the number of sessions she can handle comfortably, she can adjust her rates to be relatively assured of a consistent income. If her rates are too high, some slots will go unfilled. If they are too low, she will have a full slate, but not enough money to cover expenses.

Grace seems intelligent enough to balance the number of openings and rates to reach her objective.
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Old 02-28-2014, 10:53 AM   #20
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Grace, I agree. This is a conundrum. But you have options.

I'm a big fan of experimentation. It's about finding that magic combination for you. Lowering my rates isn't the first step I'd take. I'd offer more time first. But only if that's your comfort zone.

Texasm31 mentioned giving regulars that discount first, and I agree with that. I have a mailing list, and my regulars are the first to know about my availability. If there's a group that enjoys your company, I would let them know what's going on, and even ask if you can count on them, and at what frequency. That way you can keep your rates the same for new clientele.

Old-T mentioned the increased need for screening when you lower your rates, and I also agree with that. It would definitely be the last course of action.

There's been a lot of great information. I would try things out for no less than month, and see what brings the boys to the yard.

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Old 02-28-2014, 10:57 AM   #21
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It makes more sense to raise the rates for new customers. That way, your existing clients will feel special and you will cover the extra costs and hassles of dealing with new clients, including the risks.
Higher rates do not dissuade me. I go for looks, availability, sweetness, and dependability - $300 per hour for a good looking girl who has sex with me and pretends to like me seems like a bargain, in fact. Complaining about everyone else's small dick is a nice bonus, too.
I just wish I had the time to see even more girls than I do.
The mailing list (suggested above) when you are available is a good idea. Most of your regulars should have a safe email and you can occasionally send them something letting them know you like seeing them and could do so quickly if they are in the mood.
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Old 02-28-2014, 11:01 AM   #22
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I always comment on threads like this that increasing value is more important to getting more income. Within a specific price point range, over time, those that give better value will do better than those that don't.

Price in not the only factor of value. Menu, quality of services, lenght of sessions are all factors as well. Consider those factors and others as well as price. What works for one may or may not be as effective for someone else.
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Old 02-28-2014, 11:04 AM   #23
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I think trying a "special" rate for a day (especially a normally slow day) is a good start. One of my favorite providers who is now semi retired did so (Monday Madness Incall Special) and from what she told me it helped her business and introduced her to some new regular clients. Your location will be important....not too far out.
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Old 02-28-2014, 11:36 AM   #24
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This is a great thread, Grace. Very interesting. I love some of the points raised by others. It's definitely an interesting mix of strategies.

It sounds like you're getting more business when your rates are lower? I assume that's what you mean when you say that the lower rates generate more consistent CALL volume, not necessarily session volume. Are they NEW customers or REPEAT customers that call when the rate is lower? It's important because posting a lower rate may generate new business, while offering exclusive deals to existing customers may generate more frequent/repeat business.

Anyway, I applaud your efforts. Great thread!
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Old 02-28-2014, 11:39 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick View Post
No need to justify yourself. Your life, your business and you do what you need to do.
i agree wholeheartedly.

how a woman runs her providing business is her choice. what she does with her revenue is her choice.
so, i wont even comment or suggest on what kinds of fees, specials, etc. to try or what's worked / hasnt worked for providers i know.

it's kind of like "black box" in engineering - i only what to know what the inputs are [fees, screening info] and what the results are [quality of the consulting session].

so, for me, just advertise your consulting hours, general location, screening requirements, fees, and any special offers. then, let's "consult for delites"!!

Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
Great post/answers!!

My dear friend Grace...I know how you feel!

New Orleans can be feast or famine during certain times of the year...that is why I travel.....I think my rates are a little low for my reputation and for what I have to offer.....But I feel that it's working for me,so I stay there.

I think you should market yourself in accordance to with what makes you feel comfortable...You have a great reputation and offer a great service.....So if you think your rates are working now,cool...if not,then I would offer my regulars a special rate to keep them active with you.

Maybe we can get some doubles when I visit!

Rock on sexy lady!!
i agree wholeheartedly.

kaylee and dallas - thanks very much for sharing your experience, insight, and wisdom!!

grace - i still want to consult with you!!!
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Old 02-28-2014, 12:16 PM   #26
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Thank you, everyone, for the input. (And for keeping things respectful!!). A few points...

1. My consistent regulars do get better deals already.. whether it is rates, priority, or more time-- depending on their needs, of course. My repeats (but not really consistent enough to be "regular") do get priority. I do this to thank those who return and because it saves me the time and hassle of screening.

2. Lower rates does not really change screening. When I first came around, my rates were low- in fact, that is where I intend to drop back to-- I screened the same way then that I do now. I'm not particularly "newbie friendly".. so it has always been a matter of either P411 or references.

3. My menu has consistently been the same since the beginning. I'm most definitely a GFE... and my reviews reflect that. I don't offer Greek and with my "soft touch" approach, I don't think ANYONE would EVER consider me PSE. I'm known for being good at what I do, and being VERY easy to talk to. Most of my repeat clients like the fact that they can talk with me about a variety of topics and that I am genuinely a "people person".

I've done quite a bit of experimentation in the past few months, I've just kept it relatively quiet. I've only brought this to the court of public opinion because it is a serious change.. and one that opens itself to a good discussion, at least from what I've seen so far.
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Old 02-28-2014, 12:29 PM   #27
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Should I start offering email marketing to providers?? Tee Hee.
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Old 02-28-2014, 12:58 PM   #28
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If a provider could figure out a way to make variable pricing work, like the Rangers will be experimenting with this season to maximize ticket sales revenue, that might be the answer to the question posed here.
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Old 02-28-2014, 03:06 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
If a provider could figure out a way to make variable pricing work, like the Rangers will be experimenting with this season to maximize ticket sales revenue, that might be the answer to the question posed here.
Or like the airlines have been doing for years -- "yield management," they call it. But they have computers and algorithms and lots of people to stay on top of that.

I'm just spitballing here. I've never used an online calendar before, either as a client or in RL. Maybe you could set one up and use it to assist you in scheduling and pricing? Like I said, just spitballing.
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Old 02-28-2014, 03:24 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot View Post
Or like the airlines have been doing for years -- "yield management," they call it. But they have computers and algorithms and lots of people to stay on top of that.

I'm just spitballing here. I've never used an online calendar before, either as a client or in RL. Maybe you could set one up and use it to assist you in scheduling and pricing? Like I said, just spitballing.
This is where I think the P411 ads, twitter and other "limited shelf life" means of communication would come into play. The lady posts her regular rates in her profile or showcase, then when she's looking to fill in some free time offer a special only through those media. She keeps her "base rate", but might be able to fill in the gaps through these other outlets.

Good record-keeping (not of individual clients, mind you) might yield some interesting patterns that could be useful in predicting the best time to offer specials. Is there a time of day/week where guys are more willing to pay full price? Similar question as to when specials seem to work best?

The analytics of this fascinate me. Too bad I don't have the time to collect and analyze the data LOL!
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