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Old 02-14-2014, 12:51 PM   #61
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I have a friend in the industry. the shoot out was done with a special camera attached to the chest. the cameraman follows along with the actors. its all one continuous shoot. this is state of art stuff.

serious series are here to stay. entertainment is shifting from movies to TV series.
this summer Extant will arrive. Si-Fi buffs are going to love it.
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Old 02-16-2014, 10:06 PM   #62
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Who is the Yellow King?
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Old 02-17-2014, 12:35 AM   #63
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Sounds like the Yellow King might be the real serial murderer. Maybe Reggie Ledoux was some kind of fucked up disciple. I think Cohl has never stopped investigating this case, that's why he's always in the neighborhood when these other murders are being investigated. Also, Cohl seems to think there is some kind of cover up going on. Knowing Louisiana as I do, that's not too far fetched of an idea.

Cohl went off on another one of his esoteric rants about the 4th dimension or some such shit like that. It's hard for me to tell if he really believes what he's saying of he's trying to baffle everyone with bullshit.

I feel sorry for the two guys that got caught in the 3-way with Rusty's underage daughter. 16 will get you 20. That's if Rusty doesn't give them the Reggie Ledoux treatment first.
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Old 02-17-2014, 08:20 AM   #64
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Default The King in Yellow


I saw this referenced somewhere else on the Interwebs. Interesting that a book from 1895 is influencing a show in 2014.
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Old 02-17-2014, 09:36 AM   #65
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Im gonna have to watch it a few more times to digest all of what happened last night but somewhere it was said the yellow king is a pretty powerful public figure and the governor's reverend brother from the first few episodes flashed through my mind. Then they showed a clip of him on the teaser for next week. Hmmmmmm......seems way too obvious though.....

Oh ya the yellow king is from antler-chick's diary that they picked up at the trailer park ranch.
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Old 02-17-2014, 02:35 PM   #66
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Betcha its that pastor they was introduced to at the police department(not the one from the evangelist church)
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Old 02-17-2014, 08:29 PM   #67
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FYI, if you want to read 'The King in Yellow', you can get a free copy (legal given it was published so long ago) at Project Gutenberg site here; has it in various formats, from html to e-book.

Originally Posted by Super Sonic View Post
Sounds like the Yellow King might be the real serial murderer. Maybe Reggie Ledoux was some kind of fucked up disciple. I think Cohl has never stopped investigating this case, that's why he's always in the neighborhood when these other murders are being investigated. Also, Cohl seems to think there is some kind of cover up going on. Knowing Louisiana as I do, that's not too far fetched of an idea.
I agree with all of this. I think Cohle hoped Hart would go along with him when he began re-investigating the 1995 case after the pharmacy killer interrogation, but Hart didn't seem to respond; he was back to his "steady as she goes" way of living and didn't want to rock the boat, so along with the theme of reverting to old ways that Hart mentioned, Cohle did likewise: he took off on his own, the way he works best, with the intent of solving the case once and for all.

I think Cohle let himself be seen at those crime scenes. Ten years he's off the grid but just happens to get id'ed at multiple crime scenes, repeatedly having his picture taken? He's not that careless. With his experience, if he wanted a look at a crime scene, he'd have it, and no one would be the wiser. A man like Cohle does not stand behind yellow tape gawking.

I think he was putting himself out there in hopes of being brought in as a consultant (knowing the investigators might suspect him), perhaps to see what info the police have (and maybe to see if he would want to share what he has with them if his 'read' on them was favorable, if he felt they weren't part of any cover up). As Hart put it to the new detectives, "You weren't gettin' a read on Cohle; if you talked to him, he was gettin' a read on YOU."

And I feel there is definitely some kind of cover up going on. During the aftermath of the pharmacy killer interrogation, Cohle told one of the detectives that he'd be back "tomorrow!", and the pharmacy killer just happened to get a phone call and commit suicide before Cohle could return. Cohle wanted info on the officers that had led the pharmacy killer to/from his cell he was so suspicious of everyone, even other cops. Present day, he calls the new detectives "company men." I believe someone present at the interrogation of the pharmacy killer was a "company man" who got word to the powers that be and the situation was dealt with.

Damnit, I try to avoid all the speculation on the net about this show because I really do love the characters but here I am rambling. heh.

Cohl went off on another one of his esoteric rants about the 4th dimension or some such shit like that. It's hard for me to tell if he really believes what he's saying of he's trying to baffle everyone with bullshit.
I was able to follow along during his previous rants, but I must admit, this one went right over my head. I think that was intentional, though. With the detectives revealing him as a suspect and even planting seeds of doubt in Hart's mind, I think the show runners wanted to also plant doubt in the mind of the audience.
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Old 02-17-2014, 08:55 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by theboss21422 View Post
Betcha its that pastor they was introduced to at the police department(not the one from the evangelist church)
First off, good points everyone....I feel the same way.
Boss, you're referring to Billy Lee Tuttle and the tent evangelist does mention in an earlier episode that he studied under Tuttle's ministry.

Not much more I can add to what's been said, but I was confused when Rust started slapping the pharmacy killer. That was out of character for him. I mean he already had the guy against the ropes and he probably could have milked more info out of him easily.
Now that bothers me....was he trying to shut him up? Kind of seems that way. I think the guy would have continued on his own.

I don't see how Rust could be involved in the killings. We, (the audience) all know how Rust risked his life to penetrate that biker gang to get to Reggie Ledoux. Hell, he could have been killed by both sides that night, the bikers and the drug dealers they were robbing. I just hope Rusty's storage locker doesn't contain a bunch of devil's nests.
Maybe the yellow king is this Miles character they keep referring to. Him or Billy Lee Tuttle.
I can see how the detectives investigating the St Charles murders are pointing to Cohle, but they are misguided...it's only circumstantial. Sure, they have pictures of him there at the St Charles crime scene standing behind the yellow tape but why wouldn't he be there? He was probably listening to conversations, poking around.

This is a captivating series. I find myself thinking about it while driving to work, riding in an elevator, standing in line at the grocery store.....
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Old 02-18-2014, 03:45 AM   #69
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Just a theory here but looks like Marty's daughter could be headed toward becoming a "victim" of the killer and that could be what causes the anticipated blow up between Marty & Russ...not suggesting Russ has something to do with it but a connection is there somehow. As Marty said in this week's episode his biggest mistake was not the infidelity but his "inattention" to what was going on right under his nose.

Damn this is a good show!
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Old 02-18-2014, 02:43 PM   #70
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I'd just like to say I hate being an episode behind...
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Old 02-18-2014, 02:50 PM   #71
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I think the daughter is more symbolic. I see this turning out to be (very objectively) a deeper awareness piece. I'm completely enthralled.

The 4 dimensions is somewhat of a Myan helix (64 parts and a sphere = human dna) type thing. Tap into some old Art Bell.
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Old 02-18-2014, 02:50 PM   #72
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I keep seeing clues everywhere.... :/

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Old 02-18-2014, 02:56 PM   #73
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Sd2011 you create Balance in the universe. And not in a halfassed way
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Old 02-19-2014, 09:57 AM   #74
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Time Warner...that's funny. I heard Billy Lee Tuttle was on their Board of Directors for a while.
Seriously, I think that Rust has been quietly investigating the involvement of "big people" involved in these killings and he hoped that the 2 detectives had something along those lines. When they accused him, I didn't see 1 iota of fear on his face. All I saw was disgust and disappointment. When he said- "How did you keep this out of the press?"
"You must know some big people. You wasted my day company men."
So, is it the wealthy religious evangelists, who are secretly a murderous cult?
I don't know. That's kind of too obvious as well.
I'm really curious about the rift between he and Marty.
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Old 02-20-2014, 11:52 PM   #75
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Wonder why Woodys' character got the big promotion too and had to beg for Matts' character recognition, think Woody as another balancer in life than just cheating on wife
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