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Old 02-04-2014, 08:43 AM   #1
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Default Is Chivalry Lost?

My son's mustang has had some battery issues, there was an amp wire attached that I yanked out a few months ago. Replaced the old battery, and last night the damn thing wouldnt crank! Mind you, this is after I asked him to go get me these lil chocolate covered marshmallows--it was a sign haha.

Anyway, this morning before I took out the battery to take back to the auto parts place I decided to check out the cables. Im pretty independent and it was dark last night so why not. There were 3 city employees in my front yard working on something, walked by me with the hood up, and NEVER asked or offered help!

WTF!!!! Seriously?

I tightened the connections and it now cranks. And not that I can't handle these things on my own, trust me I can, but what has happened to men?

And people wonder why I am single....

That said, I know all men are not this way, and I wonder if I should mention it to the Mayor that his men SUCK ASS!!
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Old 02-04-2014, 10:17 AM   #2
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Chivalry is NOT lost. It lies with the few who deserve it. Those who have had some raising by grandparents. And those lucky enough to have it, use it and use it right. I consider us rare enough to equate us to ninja's....romance ninja's.

I'm a romance ninja!
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Old 02-04-2014, 10:31 AM   #3
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Then move your ass to the Northshore, lol
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Old 02-04-2014, 02:23 PM   #4
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The ole big breasted marginally attractive female under the hood trick..........nope

Hasn't been pulled on me yet.

Chivalry would be if he offered to help or take a look and left it at that...........

But most times..........its based on looks. Was there distress in your face, messed up hair, tears shed........ then we might consider it........

But really if your fuckable looking......and we offer to help.....then offer up our number or ask for yours......is that really chivarly.

But also this is in your neighborhood. Your already at home and safe......so we assume you are not in any distress. If your neighbors know you (are you socialable and approachable with them) enough they will help or assume the same. The city employees are minding their business....u might just be changing fluids.

All women have to do is ask for help......and it will be offered. Unless I'm actually interested in a lady I won't even ask for the time. Most ladies are mean lol.
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Old 02-04-2014, 02:29 PM   #5
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Has nothing to do with any of that gimme...

Im talking about a man seeing a hood up, and just being a gentleman and offering help, even if I didnt need it, which I did not.

Point is, my Dad would have NEVER walked past a lady and not offered to help. I guess he set the bar too high.

And what your saying that unless she asked for help or you saw a piece of ass that is the only reason you would offer help?

Whats wrong with just being a good person?
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Old 02-04-2014, 02:39 PM   #6
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I was born and raised a southern gentleman..you open doors for ladies,you talk to them with respect,and offer help when they need it...chivalry isn't dead Chella,it just hasn't been taught as nuch as it used to..
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Old 02-04-2014, 02:40 PM   #7
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I would help you ANYTIME....oops sorry I am not a mna,but I was raised a southern lady! lol
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Old 02-04-2014, 02:47 PM   #8
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Thanks Ti and Dallas, I was just shocked that they didnt offer. Like I said I could handle it, but Ive been known to see someone on the side of the road, male or female, and offer help. And also, in my travels have had the offer of help--like this one guy in palm springs fixed my side view mirror that for some reason after driving thru the desert decided to fall off, or adding fluids to my car in Memphis when I had a power steering leak, and the flat tire on the interstate in Mississippi that while waiting on roadside this guy turned around and came back, changed it--he has a lucky wife.

REAL MEN, that no offense to anyone, but I havent seen much of in this area. They tend to have the same attitude of Gimme--that if there is nothing in it for them they dont bother.

Regardless of looks(yeh I saw that cheap shot), age, or whatever, just be a good person. Why is that so hard for people?

I mean, I know I am butt fucking ugly, but damn...LOL
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Old 02-04-2014, 03:01 PM   #9
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I don't think chivalry is dead. I think for me this is more an ethnic situationally aware street sense thing. I would observe the person first......some people are fiercely independent.

Again this is at your residence in this scenario......not on the side of the road....distinct difference. The roadway is important too. Is it public.....or next to a swamp with trees hidden where I can't see someone else coming.

If some guys with dreads and baggy jeans listening to gangsta rap with knock in the trunk pulled over to your curb, and walked up offering to help you with your car.......would you be so accepting of help then.....city employee or not?

In lue of people having misunderstandings of violence on their private property.......it doesn't always yield the best result to be overly helpful unless its just in your nature. Closed mouth don't get fed. This might just be an ethnic thing as well.

I would be willing to bet there are far fewer females pulling over to roadways to assists guys in their moment of vehicular weakness.
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Old 02-04-2014, 03:06 PM   #10
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In Australia, if you a shelia with the hood up, she either forgot to fill up at the last station or she's lost and needing direction.

If she's lucky, a bloody road train my stop to help out. Not many stations in the southern part of the Northern Territory.
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Old 02-04-2014, 03:10 PM   #11
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You know Gimme, maybe it is ethnic for you since your a man of color, however these were white guys in a white area. That being said, there is some diversity where I live--not much but a little, and it would not frighten me at all. Had a few black guys one night who were lost, asked me for directions, and I never felt threatened. This isnt the hood and most everyone here is upper or middle class. Hell the black families here are freaking loaded, Im poor white trash to them lol.

My point was that regardless of any factors, age, race, etc. why not just ask? Ive had several messages from guys apologizing for the lack of real men. Like I said, there is nothing wrong with being a good person. Period!
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Old 02-04-2014, 03:11 PM   #12
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Default LMAO!

Ive been to your country, never drove, you people are NUTS!

And hey, Ive got a gps, and my car dings and warns me how many miles I have left to go haha

Would you stop Aussie?

Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun View Post
In Australia, if you a shelia with the hood up, she either forgot to fill up at the last station or she's lost and needing direction.

If she's lucky, a bloody road train my stop to help out. Not many stations in the southern part of the Northern Territory.
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Old 02-04-2014, 05:23 PM   #13
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I stop and help people all the time especially women... most are extremely appreciative. I figure if i help someone's daughter and treat her kind and respectful then maybe if my daughter is in same situation some one kind will recropricate if i am not there to help... Just sayin... However, random acts of kindness is rare and not understood by masses...
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Old 02-04-2014, 07:40 PM   #14
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They were what we in the 80's called "Lard Bricks", a waste of public money and an insult to other men. I apologize for them chella , on behalf of us old school southern gentleman , there is no reason they could not of at least asked you if you needed help.
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Old 02-04-2014, 08:46 PM   #15
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And while we're at it, what has happened to women? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR_hrIqXUA0 FUCKING SEXY!!!!! We need more like this.

I am a gentlemen when the situation is right. For instance, a year or so ago I was waiting to get into a store. There was a really sexy brunette chic that was probably 20 yrs old waiting by herself as well. When the employee unlocked the door I opened it and held it and motioned the brunette to walk in. As she thanked me some dude decided to think that he was sexy and special to and tried to get past me. With my quickness I let it go as soon as he tried to enter. So yeah wtf is wrong with men anyway?
I have seen men that will say, "bitch this, and bitch that", and will pick up things for other men. Gay if you ask me.
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