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Old 02-04-2014, 02:12 PM   #16
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You right wingers care more about a fetus than you ever do once the little fuckers are born!
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Old 02-04-2014, 03:53 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You right wingers care more about a fetus than you ever do once the little fuckers are born!
Not sure who the "right wingers" are .. anything right of you I guess ... but it would be better to worry about the fetus than put them on the government tit for the rest of their lives ... like you want to do.
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Old 02-04-2014, 04:07 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Not sure who the "right wingers" are .. anything right of you I guess ... but it would be better to worry about the fetus than put them on the government tit for the rest of their lives ... like you want to do.
You seem to have trouble with logic.

If I am pro abortion.... there is no one to put in jail or on the government tit as you say if you abort them. Why not have children to parents that are ready and wanting kids....not to some broke teenager that will need government assistance to help her raise her potential convict?

You on the other hand seem to be against abortion and for spending BILLIONS sending these kids to prison
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Old 02-04-2014, 06:44 PM   #19
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learn some history....
if it wasn't for ms. sanger most of you mooks would still be telling your partners...."don't worry....i'll pull out in time"....
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Old 02-04-2014, 07:11 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by stevepar View Post
learn some history....
if it wasn't for ms. sanger most of you mooks would still be telling your partners...."don't worry....i'll pull out in time"....
Really? really? Maybe you better go study. There were many others involved with birth control but not abortion. Sanger always gets the glory if you want to call it that.
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Old 02-04-2014, 07:41 PM   #21
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why are you so anti abortion....you're not a woman....although it was suggested your avatar was you in drag....be that as it may....do you believe you and other men are qualified to make medical decisions for women....if women wanted to make medical decisions most of you would be eunichs....if for example you are married and got a provider pregnant....along with being financail responsible...she wants you to be responable in the way you're responsible to your other children....she wants you to tell your wife....although to spare you the grief of having to tell your kids about their new baby bro or sis and your wife about her new step daughter she will have an abortion....if your wife finds out....she and the kids are gone....your children will hate you....you'll spend thousands just to get visitation rights....you will pay through the nose for the divorce settlement....
you have some major problems....and they can all go away with a simple medical procedure....
if i'm you....she's at the clinic the next day....
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Old 02-04-2014, 08:04 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by stevepar View Post
j.d....you have some major problems....
When you finally conclude that JD Idiot could not possibly say something that would make him appear to be less intelligent, he somehow manages to lower the bar even further!

In the race to the bottom, the Prof will always lead the pack!
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Old 02-04-2014, 08:36 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by stevepar View Post
why are you so anti abortion....you're not a woman....although it was suggested your avatar was you in drag....be that as it may....do you believe you and other men are qualified to make medical decisions for women....if women wanted to make medical decisions most of you would be eunichs....if for example you are married and got a provider pregnant....along with being financail responsible...she wants you to be responable in the way you're responsible to your other children....she wants you to tell your wife....although to spare you the grief of having to tell your kids about their new baby bro or sis and your wife about her new step daughter she will have an abortion....if your wife finds out....she and the kids are gone....your children will hate you....you'll spend thousands just to get visitation rights....you will pay through the nose for the divorce settlement....
you have some major problems....and they can all go away with a simple medical procedure....
if i'm you....she's at the clinic the next day....
You don't do this very much do you? So, according to you, someone is either anti-abortion or PRO-abortion. So the other side is pro-infanticide is what you're saying. Good to know... Half those children being aborted are male so, YES, I can have an opinion and I am qualified to argue against abortion.

Your second part of your statement is funnier than the first part. So you get a provider pregnant and you're married. You solution is to go out on some street corner and kill someone. What? You wouldn't kill someone just to save you some embarassment? That is exactly what you're doing and what you are recommending. Make a mistake and kill someone to cover it up.

Since you don't get it. I am not against abortion in general but I am against the use of abortion to replace birth control or common sense. You make a decision to wear a condom or get a vasectamy, she makes a decision to make you wear a condom, take the pill, or generally be careful. Sometimes an abortion is necessary but 90% are not. I recommend that you read the defense of abortion by a pro-choice philosopher http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Defense_of_Abortion
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Old 02-05-2014, 02:32 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You don't do this very much do you? So, according to you, someone is either anti-abortion or PRO-abortion. So the other side is pro-infanticide is what you're saying. Good to know... Half those children being aborted are male so, YES, I can have an opinion and I am qualified to argue against abortion.

Your second part of your statement is funnier than the first part. So you get a provider pregnant and you're married. You solution is to go out on some street corner and kill someone. What? You wouldn't kill someone just to save you some embarassment? That is exactly what you're doing and what you are recommending. Make a mistake and kill someone to cover it up.

Since you don't get it. I am not against abortion in general but I am against the use of abortion to replace birth control or common sense. You make a decision to wear a condom or get a vasectamy, she makes a decision to make you wear a condom, take the pill, or generally be careful. Sometimes an abortion is necessary but 90% are not. I recommend that you read the defense of abortion by a pro-choice philosopher http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Defense_of_Abortion
Why you try to do it at all never ceases to amaze me.

No one said you can't have an opinion. You can have all the opinions you want.

But you have no say. You have never understood the difference between opinion and fact.

One side says you must take the fetus to full term and wants to bring more government control into our everyday lives to enforce THEIR decisions about which medical procedures others can use. They use ignorance of laws and terminology, IE, infanticide where no infant is present or is killed, to add to the moron base in an attempt to usurp our rights.

The other side is not anti or pro abortion. They want us to be able to make our own decisions. Like you claim to also want, "except on this one little thing".

They have no plans for any boards, death, sham, or any other type, to look at the personal decisions others have the right to make. They have pre-decided what their answer will be. So why even ask?
The perfect job for you. Giving an answer arrived at with no logic or arrived at in the face of logic. You could stop pretending you were trying to educate students when all you want is to do is control them. If you had your way, that term of control goes from one semester to the rest of their lives.
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Old 02-05-2014, 02:47 PM   #25
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Well done. Your "in drag" comment made him take off his wig and makeup and post his real picture.

And of course "he" might feel so strongly about having a say because by our rules "he" does.

If you want a seat at the negotiating table, admit the truth about your gender.

Plus if it's not too much to ask,, before the girls kick you out, ask them why they always go to the bathroom in twos.

Originally Posted by stevepar View Post
why are you so anti abortion....you're not a woman....although it was suggested your avatar was you in drag....be that as it may....do you believe you and other men are qualified to make medical decisions for women....if women wanted to make medical decisions most of you would be eunichs....if for example you are married and got a provider pregnant....along with being financail responsible...she wants you to be responable in the way you're responsible to your other children....she wants you to tell your wife....although to spare you the grief of having to tell your kids about their new baby bro or sis and your wife about her new step daughter she will have an abortion....if your wife finds out....she and the kids are gone....your children will hate you....you'll spend thousands just to get visitation rights....you will pay through the nose for the divorce settlement....
you have some major problems....and they can all go away with a simple medical procedure....
if i'm you....she's at the clinic the next day....
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Old 02-05-2014, 03:06 PM   #26
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I wonder how ole Nancy, who proclaims to be a "good Catholic", feels about her new Pope coming down hard on the practice of abortion.


Also, since M's Sanger cavorted with people who didn't think much of Catholics, how does Pelosi reconcile her beliefs with those of Ms Danger.

Good Catholic. What a Fukin joke.
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Old 02-06-2014, 01:50 AM   #27
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I know you didn't read the link. Just lazy or stupid?
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Old 02-06-2014, 06:05 AM   #28
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The irony is that if the so called right wingers were to support Sanger they would be called genocidal racists but when the communist left does it they are benefiting society.
Interesting how WTF believes that these people will automatically become criminals and need to be incarcerated. Typical of a disgusting liberal elitist.
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Old 02-06-2014, 06:21 AM   #29
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It puts more people on welfare, and gives the right more to bitch about.
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Old 02-06-2014, 08:38 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
The irony is that if the so called right wingers were to support Sanger they would be called genocidal racists but when the communist left does it they are benefiting society.
Interesting how WTF believes that these people will automatically become criminals and need to be incarcerated. Typical of a disgusting liberal elitist.

The facts are the facts... poverty unwanted pregnancy and prison go hand in hand in hand. BTW providing poor people with the option of abortion is not being genocidal racists you lying fuc. Poor has no color distinction.

I'm not sure why you keep lying about wtf I write.

Will next you inject some family issue looking for sympathy as if others do not have parental issues of loved one's in harms way. I do and have and do not then use that as an excuse for idiotic posts or actions.
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