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Old 01-20-2014, 07:10 PM   #106
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AG is correct.
indys was the first site I was introduced to. By a gentleman friend.

I found ASPD shortly thereafter, then eccie was introduced to me via an email I received asking me to check it out. Then after ASPD was eraps which didn't seem to stay around long at all.
I'm also a member of various other sites, some I merely read or don't visit anymore as they weren't feasible in my area.
And, I am still amazed at how many sites there are out there.
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Old 01-25-2014, 07:52 PM   #107
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Can a person "like" their own post on this site? This is just a test post to answer my own question. Carry on.
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Old 01-25-2014, 07:54 PM   #108
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Why yes, a person can like their own posts. Someone makes a lot of posts on this site that all have 1 like. Just sayin hehe
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Old 01-25-2014, 07:59 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by o_t View Post
Why yes, a person can like their own posts. Someone makes a lot of posts on this site that all have 1 like. Just sayin hehe
You ok?
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Old 01-25-2014, 08:00 PM   #110
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They aren't liking their own posts, one of their other personalities is.
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Old 02-02-2014, 12:18 AM   #111
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Oh my god. Ive been kind of hit and miss on this site for a while so this was the first time Ive checked this discussion for a couple of weeks and its 8 pages long! As lame as it sounds thankyou for everyone who has shared.

After reading some of this, a couple things. It should be ok for everyone to state their feeling/thoughts. That was my whole purpose for doing this. Problem was there was a couple instances of some "name calling" and "finger pointing". No one has to agree with each other if they dont want to but STOP TAKING IT OUT ON EACH OTHER! Ive been there enough times, I can tell you it doesnt accomplish anything.

Also this was a discusion about the cost vs benefits. Indys still seems to be the best bet for Pittsburgh based providers (I cant speak for anyone else). On average there are at lesst a dozen ads per day there. Eccie's is probably lucky to get that many in a week. Also the providers there are generally more reliable than ones you will find on bp. The biggest problem I see is that there are to many fundamental problems with the site and the quality of the people there (my perspective is generally focused on providers and the "system" itself). Like stated before, the site is only as good as the sum of its parts. If something doesnt work, then it needs to be fixed. No matter what anyone else may think, I feel there is a lot of room for improvement. Unless I would start seeing a better quality, and safer, system I dont see the need to pay.

Will I still use the site, yes. But its not a sure thing any more... at least for me. Ive personally have had more problems and half ass appointments from that site in the last year than I had in all the previous years combined. That to me says something.... that its not getting better. The quality just isnt there as much. Maybe if anything it was a product of its own success. After it grew to a certain point the only place it could go is down.
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Old 02-02-2014, 12:11 PM   #112
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Couple of things to ask, since I am too lazy today to go to Indys and check.

You say there are at least a dozen ads per day on Indys. How often do they allow providers to post ads. Are providers there putting up an ad every day? Every other day? Etc? Here on Eccie, the providers are allowed to post only one ad every 7 days in a city forum. So, if there is not the rule on Indys, the comparison is not valid.

Don't get the idea I think we are as good a resource as Indys. Quantity wise anyway. I do think Eccie is of more value with a free flow of info, whether it offends a provider or not. I hear that is a problem at Indys at times.

And looking at cost vs benefit. There is no comparison. Eccie wins hands down. $0 vs $50 wins everytime.
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Old 02-02-2014, 12:44 PM   #113
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I'm pretty sure a provider can post an ad every 24 hrs. They can also post an ad in the vouched and non vouched forums simultaneously on Indys. I don't see a problem with that, I actually prefer it.
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Old 02-02-2014, 10:34 PM   #114
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Yea, at Indy's a provider can post an ad once every day. And as bambino said, they can post simultaneously in the vouched and non-vouched areas. So as a result you will see a lot more ads there. Alas, most are tired repeat ads posted on a daily basis

Also the review system is better here than at Indy's. You really can't rely on it at Indys as too many guys have the penthouse letter mentality. Here, guys are more honest IMO and if something is bad, it is stated which very rarely ever happens at Indys
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Old 02-02-2014, 11:19 PM   #115
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Referring to cost/benefit. "$0 vs $50 wins everytime."

No. It does not.

The world is full of free products which are worth less than products with higher prices. There are also products that are 'free' but too expensive - because they require too much of my time, other resources, etc., relative to their benefits.

I agree - I do not mind if providers can post an add more than 1/week. Especially as their schedules are so varied, that their availability varies from day-to-day. Frankly, at this point, I don't see how it can hurt as it's not as if Eccie is being overwhelmed by ads at this time. One possibility - loosen that restriction at least until demand for ad space improves at Eccie.
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Old 02-03-2014, 08:58 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by cabot View Post
Referring to cost/benefit. "$0 vs $50 wins everytime."

No. It does not.

The world is full of free products which are worth less than products with higher prices. There are also products that are 'free' but too expensive - because they require too much of my time, other resources, etc., relative to their benefits.

I agree - I do not mind if providers can post an add more than 1/week. Especially as their schedules are so varied, that their availability varies from day-to-day. Frankly, at this point, I don't see how it can hurt as it's not as if Eccie is being overwhelmed by ads at this time. One possibility - loosen that restriction at least until demand for ad space improves at Eccie.
Cost and worth are not the same thing. I was talking cost only, not the worth of the benefit.. lol

The ad rules will not change. Many providers travel the country. And since Eccie is a National board, they go into many city forums. If we had different rules in different forums, two things would happen. Massive abuse by the providers or many points received for breaking ad posting guidelines in a different city.

For instance, in Houston where I also moderate, there were 15 ads yesterday. On Super Bowl Sunday. We also have a weekend ad forum that most providers use for weekend ads. Most regular ads come out in the middle of the week. We may have 50 in a day. For their one weekly ad. Once a week is plenty. lol
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Old 02-03-2014, 09:48 AM   #117
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I've forgotten what the original point of this thread was but I think the focus should be how to get more of the quality providers on TOS to come over here. There seems to be some momentum in that regard and I applaud those members here who seem to be encouraging it. I hope it continues and this site can provide the more positive aspects of the hobby without the negative ones.
As a current non-member on TOS, I'd be curious who should be highest on our draft list.
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Old 02-03-2014, 10:01 AM   #118
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Yes, Ladies can place ads once a day in each of the ad forums.
Technically, I can place 6 ads a day and still be in my target area(s)

Yes, There are a LOT of ads placed on a daily basis over there. Which does have it's drawbacks.
For instance, if I place an ad in the early morning, chances are it will fall to the 2nd page before noon. This leads some ladies to place multiple ads per day, just trying to stay on the first page..........

Personally, I like placing one ad for the week and not worrying about it every day. Especially since the one ad seems to usually take care of the whole week for me.

I wouldn't watch for the tidal wave of new ladies to come over though, most of them will but it you don't watch for the ads you'l never know it.
Because they won't be posting. Face it, this board isn't full of conversations on the local levels like some of the other areas are.
The ladies will come because it is of course free advertising, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to join in the "lively" discussions going on here.
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Old 02-03-2014, 10:37 AM   #119
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Buy a sticky ad.
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Old 02-03-2014, 11:28 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
Yes, Ladies can place ads once a day in each of the ad forums.
Technically, I can place 6 ads a day and still be in my target area(s)

Yes, There are a LOT of ads placed on a daily basis over there. Which does have it's drawbacks.
For instance, if I place an ad in the early morning, chances are it will fall to the 2nd page before noon. This leads some ladies to place multiple ads per day, just trying to stay on the first page..........

Personally, I like placing one ad for the week and not worrying about it every day. Especially since the one ad seems to usually take care of the whole week for me.

I wouldn't watch for the tidal wave of new ladies to come over though, most of them will but it you don't watch for the ads you'l never know it.
Because they won't be posting. Face it, this board isn't full of conversations on the local levels like some of the other areas are.
The ladies will come because it is of course free advertising, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to join in the "lively" discussions going on here.
You mean like the intelligent, mature, lively discussions on Indys? Poor Devo.
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