Originally Posted by Tits McFloppin
looks like your rite TOM. here is 1 http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=186128
so maybe there inconsestent BUT at leest in the TN part i allways see mods move the revue and say there doing it sence there wasnt any actevetes and to give her chance to respond.
well i cant say enouf that making a time to meet and then getta NCNS is actevetes . it shouldnt mater if you dont fuck her cuz the actevetes was you get in touch and she agree to meet and then NCNS.
1) Yes, there is inconsistent enforcement of the rules across various forums. And yes, in TN they enforce the "must meet to count as a review" rule. Maybe they don't elsewhere. I pretty much only hang out here (and STL/E. MO.) so I don't see what goes on in the other review forums.
2) It's been the rule as long as I've been here that NCNS appointments need to be posted to Coed Discussions, not Independent/Agency Reviews (I'm recalling that the same rule applied at the late, lamented ASPD, which is where many of the old timers hung out until it went tits up back in early 2010 or so, but I'm getting senile so I won't insist on it). Until I see evidence to the contrary, I assume that's what the site owner wants. And s/he's paying the bills for this site, so s/he gets to make the rules.
3) That leaves you with three options, as I see it:
a) Continue to bitch and moan about it,
b) Learn to live with it (or die with it on your mind, as My Great And Good Friend is wont to add), or
c) Start your own "hooker board" where you can make the rules, and place the NCNS reports in the review section to your heart's content. Just remember that if you do you have to pay the cost of running the hooker board, and those costs can amount to a lot of money.
Go ahead and continue to bitch and moan about it if that makes you feel better (I'm not unsympathetic to your reasoning, but I long ago stopped fighting City Hall). Just realize you're doing it as psychotherapy, and it's pretty clear that you're not going to change the minds of the Powers That Be.
bcg (who noticed that this very thread is now in Coed Discussions...
