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Old 01-16-2014, 03:43 PM   #31
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Stuck in BP? Making assumptions? Hows that working out for ya? Unbeknownst to you I've seen the cream of the crop, posted (posted mind you) tipple digit reviews on excellent, nay stellar, providers over the years. The problem, as I see it, in Nashville, is the over abundance of old hookers!!!!! (not pointing any fingers, but if the shoe fits...) And the prevalence of the over indulgent LAP DOG!

Furthermore, you seem not to like the reference to BOI? Perhaps, thy protest to much? Hit too close to home for you?

Lastly, "I don't have to take bullshit from sorry ass tricks who can't even PAY to get laid they are so disgusting"... You will continue to take my shit, and any other tricks shit, because WE are the Customer... We pay your bills because something didn't work out in your "private" life... End of story!
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Old 01-16-2014, 05:07 PM   #32
Tits McFloppin
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Originally Posted by HOSS_ View Post
In my years of Hobbying I’ve hardly ever had the patience to “pre-book” with a provider. My reasoning’s are simple. I have little to no impulse control!

Is it unfair or too demanding to expect communication from a provider in a timely fashion? (looking for the girls response more so..)

Here’s the latest fail…
1. Tuesday - Find the ad, sent a PM asking her to clarify the dates she was going to be in town. She is/was “visiting”..
2. Wednesday – She responded with the information needed and asked me to set an appointment (P411).
3. Wednesday – Appointment request sent for today (Monday)…
4. Thursday – Nothing
5. Friday – Nothing.
6. Friday – Send a PM telling her that I had to make arrangements for the play time requested (an extended hour in the middle of the day). As I had heard nothing in response, I cannot plan. As a result, I regrettably have to pass…
7. Saturday – response saying all was a go.

Like most in this, I suspect we all have our hobby times, mine are M-F. I don’t check emails, I don’t have my Hobby phone with me. Had she simply responded earlier, I would be spending my time with a great looking red head!.

Maybe my perceived lack of communication explained her response: “Please call me for I still have u on my schedule and if you cancel that will be 3people and if anyone else cancels I most likely won’t ever come back to Nashville.”

i see where HOSS says P411 BUT i stil dont see nothing about BP in his 1st post. but feel free to insalt me if you dont agree. maybe everybuddy guess HOSS mean BP sense he see alot from there. i think there was alotta good info ofered before all the insalts. like BABEE give a reel good exampel of tours and how the emails can be.
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Old 01-17-2014, 06:30 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by HOSS_ View Post

Stuck in BP? Making assumptions? Hows that working out for ya? Unbeknownst to you I've seen the cream of the crop, posted (posted mind you) tipple digit reviews on excellent, nay stellar, providers over the years. The problem, as I see it, in Nashville, is the over abundance of old hookers!!!!! (not pointing any fingers, but if the shoe fits...) And the prevalence of the over indulgent LAP DOG!

Furthermore, you seem not to like the reference to BOI? Perhaps, thy protest to much? Hit too close to home for you?

Lastly, "I don't have to take bullshit from sorry ass tricks who can't even PAY to get laid they are so disgusting"... You will continue to take my shit, and any other tricks shit, because WE are the Customer... We pay your bills because something didn't work out in your "private" life... End of story!
Damn, Hoss, I read this thread and understand why you got pissy. It has lot of good stuff on it.

For you to assume that provides do not talk, is a fuck up.

Then. You said "you will continue to take my shit" is another assumption.

It was a p411 that got you aggravated , so think. Who ever is on p411 you have seen or want to see, if they read this, they will get to form an opinion of what kind of guy are you.

I am not not captain save a ho , or am being derogatory towards you. Just stating facts.

Hell we all hear to have fun.
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Old 01-17-2014, 08:37 AM   #34
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@ mike1701.

Appreciate the even keeled response. thanks!... That said, (again), I've done been in this hobby of ours for a number of years. Over those years of trial and error, I like most have gleened ways to make this work. One of which, is never to put all of your eggs in one basket. If I wanted to see ANYBODY on this forum, they would ask for my references, of which I have many and I'd be fucking them by close of business. Guaranteed!

For any of these girls that think otherwise, how many men lurk on these types of forums and don't post? How many have seen "referable" providers? Laughable that these girls are taking such huge offense to the postings of an "unknown entity". No one in this town knows "me", yet they think they do... Laughable!

The lap dog extraordinaire "Sodomite" (the definition of "boi") rambles off on another tangent off topic,(again) gets pushed back in his hole, then some "BJ queen" lacking a GED chimes in an attempt to disparage my retort? Gloves off!! Initially each one responded to the question in a tone conducive to the conversation. Only later, when the feeble attempts were made did I jump in the frey. Can't handle the heat.....

The most annoying trait about ECCIE (Nashville). Lapdogs that go out of there way, each and every time they get a chance. We;re all paying for pussy here. Yeah, sure, some are nice to befriend, some are nice repeat fuck buddies even. BUT, are they fucking you for free or a fee? if its the latter, wake the fuck up! they are in this to get YOUR m-o-n-e-y!

Lastly... "It was a p411 that got you aggravate"... the site is not aggravating, the lack of communication was the issue. That was solved the next day however, when I sent the young lady a text at noon the next day. She arranged for a late check-out and all was right with the world of P4P again..
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Old 01-18-2014, 02:45 PM   #35
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Hello.... Lets get this cleared up really quick... I was on tour... YES...
Multiple Cities...YES.... DRIVING not Flying.... MAJOR YES...
Because it is my first time in all of these cities... 8 major cities in 12 day...
and driving can be a lot on one person but no one is going to come out
here and do it for me so Here I am on the road and need Just one day of
rest which puts me behind and then people want to act like little whispering
gossiping kids instead since my ad states On P411 NOT BACKPAGE PEOPLE....
I AM A P411 MEMBER.... You must call to Verbally Schedule your appointment
This Gentleman Never had an appointment in the beginning since he never
called my phone and spoke to me verbally. I have a set of guidelines on my ad
and my profile which states things very clear. Ladies.... you think all this gossip
makes you look cute no... all it is, is incentive for these guys in gets their jollys all
happy and then goes and calls another lady... Why even participate? Its not about U!!
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Old 01-19-2014, 10:28 AM   #36
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Old 01-19-2014, 10:31 AM   #37
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Default My mistake

I just saw this and I stand corrected. I have to admit that I didn't read your post in it's entirety before my earlier comment. That being said, it appears that the back page comments didn't apply to your particular situation. My apologies for my error.

QUOTE=HOSS_;1054844044]@Gfe Juliette - At the risk of continuing my sarcastic tone... (not directed to you) Does no one read the prior posts before commenting?

Funnier thing, I've not had a bad (save one) experience in Nashville with the BP Girls. Each to their own, but after years of trial and error, I think I have a system that works...[/QUOTE]
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Old 01-19-2014, 09:32 PM   #38
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@ Erin...uh chill? You KNOW what's gonna happen when someone posts erm...whines. But aren't you glad you didn't see him?

Uh yeah...we ladies do talk.

@ me & Sono & the use of boi....boi & Sono are 2 different things. You'd know that if you weren't such a fucktard. Me? hahaha Well one...I'm not in Nashville Mr. Smartypants. Soooo wrong there. Take shit? No. No I dont. Who's gonna make me? My boss? The BBB? EEOC? Who? You? hahahahahaa...just wow. Stupid and insane. Like I said, I'd almost feel sorry for your pathetic lil existence...but then you post and dayum....

Keep trying your idiot condescending insane bullying behavior.
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Old 01-20-2014, 08:39 AM   #39
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@Erin Blake : Decent retort to all the crap in this thread. Although I do not see anything disparaging said towards you personally. However, in hindsight, I suspect I could have "denied" my question was about you.

@Gfe Juliette: No worries!

@babee: You simply can't be THAT stupid, can you? Rhetorical question; no response needed...
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