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Old 01-14-2014, 11:11 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward;1054843672[SIZE=3

…………………….I’m not judging you; just trying to keep score. But you’re right, it is checkers, but not the way you think. Your boyz aren’t defending you just ass grabbing each other.

I wasn't awareI had boyz to defend me. Maybe trannys. I also wasn't aware your opinion mattered.
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Old 01-15-2014, 07:23 AM   #182
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Originally Posted by LilMynx69 View Post
Hummmm...I first opted to ignore the trailer trash talk...but 5, yeah count them 5 Martinis later...hummmm...

Gosh, Mya Michelle, your charismatic self seems super duper bitter. You can't take a joke? Well, then learn to spell...you're so upscale, and educated after all...

Sorry you don't feel like you fit in and are the target for jokes and disdain...perhaps a little kindness and humility would help your cause. I'm Just Sayin' (I spelled it out for you...just in case).

Don't fuck with me. It won't end well...promise.

well considering you are a troll and have no showcase, obviously you have nothing to loose and can say whatever you want.

Since you THINK, I THINK I am so much better than you, I will give you a definite reason of why I AM BETTER than you LilTROLLMynx*

1. I don't have to sit on the computer and talk down to people in order to make myself feel better, because....

2. I live a healthy life style, including eating healthy, not being pimped out, working out almost everyday, not doing drugs, and taking care of very important obligations like a REAL woman does.

3. I don't get excited over hate, and I don't antagonize people over and over and over, who have never even typed my name in a sentence.

4. I don't pop up in different forums and insult whoever I can find, not knowing any history behind the drama, I don't throw myself in drama. Though I am developing quite a following of haters who bring the drama to me like you and various other characters.

but like I said you being a troll with no showcase and not even a verified provder on this board you have nothing to loose.

So bring out your internet troll muscles. There are lots of people here who will be more than inspired by your HATE and feed off of it. That is a common thing that unites many on this board. HATE HATE HATE.

Run with it Troll, I know you will and plenty will follow, have fun with your hate brigade.
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Old 01-15-2014, 08:37 AM   #183
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Originally Posted by Mya Michelle View Post
well considering you are a troll and have no showcase, obviously you have nothing to loose and can say whatever you want.

Since you THINK, I THINK I am so much better than you, I will give you a definite reason of why I AM BETTER than you LilTROLLMynx*

1. I don't have to sit on the computer and talk down to people in order to make myself feel better, because....

2. I live a healthy life style, including eating healthy, not being pimped out, working out almost everyday, not doing drugs, and taking care of very important obligations like a REAL woman does.

3. I don't get excited over hate, and I don't antagonize people over and over and over, who have never even typed my name in a sentence.

4. I don't pop up in different forums and insult whoever I can find, not knowing any history behind the drama, I don't throw myself in drama. Though I am developing quite a following of haters who bring the drama to me like you and various other characters.

but like I said you being a troll with no showcase and not even a verified provder on this board you have nothing to loose.

So bring out your internet troll muscles. There are lots of people here who will be more than inspired by your HATE and feed off of it. That is a common thing that unites many on this board. HATE HATE HATE.

Run with it Troll, I know you will and plenty will follow, have fun with your hate brigade.
Thanks for you honest and well-thought out thoughts. I'm sober now, so I won't be as rude or curt as I was before, but there I do feel the need to point out a few misconceptions.

Why would I have a showcase when I'm not a PROVIDER? Between ASPD and ASPD, I've been on these boards since you were in high school. While I have seen just about every side of this industry, my current focus (that I speak about frequently here, especially in the Legal Forum), deals with the Decriminalization of Prostitution and the reform of Prostitution Laws in Texas and the U.S.

I also do a great deal of pro bono work regarding First Amendment protection, the type of protection that keeps sites, such as these, open and free from criminal prosecution.

Additionally, I know about more about past disputes than most people would like here.

Lastly, I know many many people here in real life...they know me. We have lunch, we are Facebook friends, they come to my office with problems, I sent them customers, whatever.

So, while I seem to know quite a bit about you and your history here, which I do actually suspect is quite different from the way you behave in public, you obviously spouted off without knowing the first thing about me.

It stands by the advice I gave you before. Think before you hit enter. Stop putting down others when you feel threaten. Focus on yourself and not others. Know it's ok to ask for and accept advice if you need it.

But above all, step back and look at your "haters" and see what you can do to keep people from reaching o you with such scorn and disdain.

I said it before. You're a very pretty girl, but a little humility goes a long way.

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Old 01-15-2014, 10:36 AM   #184
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Sorry for the typos. On my iPhone. Hope I still made my point.

If I may, Mya Michelle, let me try to make one more point. Please try to open your kind a bit more and see other people's viewpoints and situations. In retrospect, I think that may be the crux if the problems you're having here on ECCIE. The fact that you immediately made the assumption that I was a "troll" simply because I'm female and don't have a "showcase" is a good example of snap judgments. A simple search would have priced you wrong and taken less time than responding in the way you did.

I posted a spiteful reply to you, not out of anger or haste, but to engage you the only way I know how.
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Old 01-15-2014, 11:22 AM   #185
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I get it you're from "the perfect place"

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Old 01-15-2014, 11:35 AM   #186
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Originally Posted by Mya Michelle View Post
I get it you're from "the perfect place"

I have no clue what you meant by that. If you meant it literally, then I'm the first person to admit my "place" is nowhere near "perfect."

That said, thank you for your acknowledgement that you did take time to read my posts. I really mean that.

Good luck to you. If you'd like to chat privately, you may email me.

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Old 01-15-2014, 11:56 AM   #187
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Originally Posted by Boltfan View Post
I also wasn't aware your opinion mattered.

It does. Now can we return to the actual drama between LilMynx69 and the long list of people she’s decided to offend?
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Old 01-15-2014, 01:46 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by Mya Michelle View Post

1. I don't have to sit on the computer and talk down to people in order to make myself feel better, And yet you do it, anyway.

2. I live a healthy life style, including eating healthy, not being pimped out, working out almost everyday, not doing drugs, and taking care of very important obligations like a REAL woman does. You forgot plastic surgery. That's an important part of your health regimen, too.

3. I don't get excited over hate I don't know if the board has enough bandwidth to handle "excited" if your last several posts don't qualify as excited, and I don't antagonize people over and over and over, who have never even typed my name in a sentence But those who have typed your name are fair game, right? Oh, wait, I forgot: you're just "defending" yourself, so that makes YOUR posts different, right? Any antagonism associated with same is just a necessary by-product. Cool..

4. I don't pop up in different forums and insult whoever I can find, not knowing any history behind the drama Not very difficult to be a quick study on your drama history, dear. Just a quick peek at your last 100 posts would get most folks up to speed in a big hurry. ijs, I don't throw myself in drama I suppose there is a distinction between being a constant source of drama and "throwing yourself" into it. I mean, creating male alts, writing fake reviews, and invading the mens lounge certainly is more akin to creating original drama than it is to throwing yourself into existing drama, so you make a GREAT point!. Though I am developing quite a following of haters who bring the drama to me like you and various other characters.
Other than the comments in red above, +1 to everything you wrote. Great post! Would read again....
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Old 01-15-2014, 02:00 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by eccienewbie View Post
Other than the comments in red above, +1 to everything you wrote. Great post! Would read again....

Is in inappropriate to have a public man crush on here? Besides your knocking one of my ladies I love your posts almost as much as your signature.
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Old 01-15-2014, 02:13 PM   #190
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Originally Posted by EasyLover214 View Post

Is in inappropriate to have a public man crush on here? Besides your knocking one of my ladies I love your posts almost as much as your signature.

Hey, just knockin' the way she presents herself on the board; not knockin' the person. Listen to EL, Mya. He's tellin' you that you don't have to present yourself in this way on the board. He's telling you that you are in fact worthwhile. Very worthwhile. So don't obfuscate all that with more of these overly defensive, passive aggressive novellas that you're so fond of writing. It clouds the issues and hides the real you (according to EL) from the rest of us.
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Old 01-15-2014, 02:31 PM   #191
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Originally Posted by eccienewbie View Post

Hey, just knockin' the way she presents herself on the board; not knockin' the person. Listen to EL, Mya. He's tellin' you that you don't have to present yourself in this way on the board. He's telling you that you are in fact worthwhile. Very worthwhile. So don't obfuscate all that with more of these overly defensive, passive aggressive novellas that you're so fond of writing. It clouds the issues and hides the real you (according to EL) from the rest of us.
I like how you say that about the way it's not against the person of my other girl.

As for me saying that about Mya? No idea, I don't read or understand most of the babble that comes out of my mouth. It's what I'm thinking at that point in time when I'm taking a smoke break.

And what do you mean in your post referring to her tits? If she did something to her tits it must have been UTR because I missed it...
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Old 01-15-2014, 02:47 PM   #192
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Alright, then I'm saying it, mya.

Quit, girl. You've got some fans. Give yourself a fair chance to gain some more by no longer writing these manifestos of insecurity. Just stop. Don't write a long post about how you're going to stop (nor one about how you're not insecure). Just do it.
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Old 01-15-2014, 03:23 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post

It does. Now can we return to the actual drama between LilMynx69 and the long list of people she’s decided to offend?
Is this a joke? I think LilMynx69 is one of the best posters here. Not because she's into it with Mya but because she's smart, witty, and very insightful.
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Old 01-15-2014, 03:29 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by EasyLover214 View Post
Is this a joke? I think LilMynx69 is one of the best posters here. Not because she's into it with Mya but because she's smart, witty, and very insightful.
Thank EL! For the record, I've tried being nice and helpful to Mya before but she didn't acknowledge. So this time I tried a different tactic and it seems to have worked. I really just want her to look at others' view of her to make herself more successful. She's 90% there, but the on board attitude is a but much.

I really hope to chat with her one on one sometime.
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Old 01-15-2014, 03:30 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
What, all out of high in probiotics, fermented sauerkraut?
It's good for weight loss too, if your interested.
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