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Old 01-12-2014, 11:09 AM   #31
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates View Post
If you really feel this way you should be out in the streets protesting to bring the troops back, it worked in Vietnam it will work now, but instead that's not happening, it's just let's blame Obama while you let the war progress.
The military does what it's ordered to do, that's their job, as a military member you don't get to agree or disagree to the mission and it goals. don't like it don't join or get out when your time is up. yes sometimes lives are wasted, but that's the nature of war.
Actually it wouldn't. If these people took to the streets then the story would be how people who supported the war and our military are now against the war. Why? The story would be that they are racist because Obama is black and not that Obama (black or white) is mismanaging the war and costing lives. This would be the press story and the democrats would boot strap themselves to that same story without ever explaining why they were against a war that they now endorse because Obama is the president.
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Old 01-12-2014, 05:11 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Actually it wouldn't. If these people took to the streets then the story would be how people who supported the war and our military are now against the war. Why? The story would be that they are racist because Obama is black and not that Obama (black or white) is mismanaging the war and costing lives. This would be the press story and the democrats would boot strap themselves to that same story without ever explaining why they were against a war that they now endorse because Obama is the president.
Really it would, stop with the Obama blaming and say you want them home because the war isn't worth the blood and treasure of the american people,
or would you prefer they keep fighting and dying if someone else in your view was incharge, it would be OK with you.
In Vietnam people wanted the war to end period, not change the leader and keep the war going on.
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Old 01-12-2014, 06:51 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post

As to the remarks that you are tying to crawfish from, I am not butt hurt. and your response does not change my opinion in the least. You are a typical elitist liberal. You have no idea of the motivation of individuals that enter voluntarily into military service. They are not all poor kids from the hood. You still disgust me.
I am not trying to crawfish from a fucking thing. Unlike you , I see no reason to inject who in my family has serve and what price they paid. If you argument wasn't so God Damn weak neither would you have. You are hiding behind your sons service to further animosity towards me on a fucking hooker board. I find that disgusting.
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Old 01-12-2014, 06:56 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates View Post
Really it would, stop with the Obama blaming and say you want them home because the war isn't worth the blood and treasure of the american people,
or would you prefer they keep fighting and dying if someone else in your view was incharge, it would be OK with you.
In Vietnam people wanted the war to end period, not change the leader and keep the war going on.
Demonstrations in the street was one of the reasons we went to an all volunteer military. Senators and Congressmen are not sending their kids off to war. And yes JD switches back and forth his support for a war based on who is President. ..that much is obvious.
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Old 01-12-2014, 08:03 PM   #35
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I am not hiding behind shit. You are the one that made the statements, not me.
Typical libtard elitist trying to deflect from another moronic statement that a person that makes a decision to join the military somehow had inferior parenting.
You still disgust me.

Bugtux, you don't know shit. You think I am a Republican. It is no wonder you do not understand much.
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Old 01-12-2014, 08:36 PM   #36
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Sure you are hiding behind your sons service. Next I did not imply that sons and daughters that joined the military had inferior parenting. Take your guilt somewhere else.
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:08 PM   #37
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Jesus. Gnad is not hiding behind anyone. The topic is what would think if your child was killed in battle in a stupid war. He can identify. WPF is just trying to deflect the fact that he is an idiot. Give it up, WPF. We know that already.

I don't give a damn what color or gender the POTUS is, or what party s/he belongs to. These stupid wars have to STOP! Not ONE DROP of blood should have been lost in these unwinnable and poorly planned skirmishes. The leaders who have directed these wars should be tried for war crimes. These include Bush, Obama, Cheney, Biden, Hillary, Rummy, Gates and more. My kids are not in the military. I'm glad. I don't want to lose them in some stupid war for oil or defense contractor profits.

And don't fucking tell me how to protest. You have no idea what I do. But my voice is out there.
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Old 01-12-2014, 11:44 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Jesus. Gnad is not hiding behind anyone. The topic is what would think if your child was killed in battle in a stupid war. He can identify. WPF is just trying to deflect the fact that he is an idiot. Give it up, WPF. We know that already.

I don't give a damn what color or gender the POTUS is, or what party s/he belongs to. These stupid wars have to STOP! Not ONE DROP of blood should have been lost in these unwinnable and poorly planned skirmishes. The leaders who have directed these wars should be tried for war crimes. These include Bush, Obama, Cheney, Biden, Hillary, Rummy, Gates and more. My kids are not in the military. I'm glad. I don't want to lose them in some stupid war for oil or defense contractor profits.

And don't fucking tell me how to protest. You have no idea what I do. But my voice is out there.
Big surprise, wWhiny is WKing for the RWWs.
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Old 01-13-2014, 12:00 AM   #39
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates View Post
Really it would, stop with the Obama blaming and say you want them home because the war isn't worth the blood and treasure of the american people,
or would you prefer they keep fighting and dying if someone else in your view was incharge, it would be OK with you.
In Vietnam people wanted the war to end period, not change the leader and keep the war going on.

You notice that YOU call it Obama blaming but that is not what this is. Tell me I'm wrong about how the media would react along with the democratic party. Tell me that I have it wrong. It is more about the changing nature of life. A war may be just in the beginning but if you find that a leader never believed in victory, does not care about victory, and doesn' t even believe that a victory is possible then what do you do. Do you follow blindly because maybe it was your guy who started the war or do you follow blindly because your guy has now got the job. If we thought that Obama was trying to win, trying to save American lives, and protect the innocent in Afghanistan....then you might have a point. Sadly, that is not the case.
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Old 01-13-2014, 12:29 AM   #40
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GWB invaded Iraq because he wanted to and fooled folks into thinking they had something to do with 9/11. Where was the right outrage? All the right did was cheerleaders and brow beat the Cindy Sheen an types. Of course Obama makes political decisions...just like we all do. In fact batching about Obama is a political choice.
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Old 01-13-2014, 01:39 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Jesus. Gnad is not hiding behind anyone. The topic is what would think if your child was killed in battle in a stupid war. He can identify. WPF is just trying to deflect the fact that he is an idiot. Give it up, WPF. We know that already.
Gnad wasn't who I was talking to you pretentious shit. The problem lies in folks who just blame one party. I agree with you on that point COG. People like 2dog.
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Old 01-13-2014, 05:10 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out?
He would have sent there by Bush.
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Old 01-13-2014, 06:02 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
As far as I am concerned LBJ was guilty of mass murder. His management of the war was completely incompetent. You could make pro or con arguments about the others but to me LBJ is an easy conclusion. I do believe that Obama like LBJ is more interested in politics than military effectiveness. That attitude costs the lives of troops. Men and women far better than him.
The mission was fucked in Vietnam, same as Afghanistan. Sorry, but Obama was right to be skeptical about what we're doing there and right to be pessimistic about our chances to accomplish whatever the fuck it is we are trying to accomplish. The thing he was wrong about was not to pull every single American out of that shithole the day he was sworn in.

Don't you get it yet? Afghanistan is a black hole that we can pour treasure and blood into for the next 20 years and nothing is going to change. Read your fucking history books. Ask the Russians, ask the British, we're just the latest in a long line. We should have been out of that god-forsaken place 12 months after American boots first hit the ground there.
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Old 01-13-2014, 06:35 AM   #44
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From post #3 by WTF: Maybe as a parent you should have swayed your son into another field. Instead of blaming the President, start looking from within. That is wtf is wrong with this country....always looking for someone to blame and never taking responsibility for your own failures.

So you deny that you are blaming the parents for a son or daughter choosing to volunteer for service as if it is a failure on the parent's fault.

I do not hide behind my son. You do not know him and have no idea of his motivations or character. I have nothing but pride in my son and not because of his military service,; there is no guilt.

You disgust me even more.
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Old 01-13-2014, 09:04 AM   #45
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In context to the question where JD was trying to blame Obama for a parents loss...A parent ignorant enough like say Cindy Sheenan to blame Bush for her sons death. Yes those type of parents should look at their own responsibility for their sons death. You disgust me with bringing up a family member every time you are getting your ass handed to you by me.This is the second time you have done this. If you have a problem with me....try and concentrate on that and quit bringing up personal information for some perceived advantage on a hooker board. It is beneath you or any other Mod.
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