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Old 01-11-2014, 02:37 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post

JD is trying to play 6 degree's of separation by trying to blame everything on Obama. You following right along like a fucking lap dog.

JD sounds like the hard rights version of Cindy Sheehan who blamed Bush on her son's death.
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Old 01-11-2014, 02:38 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You get the message that your son is dead... ... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out?
wouldn't you think the parents would be grieving at the loss of their son rather than looking for blame ....or what kind of political spin they could put on it?

what if their son was killed accidently in boot camp? ....do they still blame Obama for that?

your hatred for Obama is starting to pickle your brain.
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Old 01-11-2014, 02:39 PM   #18
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This is a pretty bad thread.

If one is to have a problem with one's son/daughter dying in war, I think a prerequisite would be a daily record of spending every free moment objecting to that war, dating back to before that son/daughter went. One can't just have the problem once it goes bad for one's family. And then, the blame lies not with one individual (as reprehensible of a fucktard he might be), but with the whole war machine: the enemy, those that sent your kid, those that profit, etc.
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Old 01-11-2014, 02:45 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by JohnnyCap View Post
If one is to have a problem with one's son/daughter dying in war, I think a prerequisite would be a daily record of spending every free moment objecting to that war, dating back to before that son/daughter went. One can't just have the problem once it goes bad for ..... .
I'm guessing they were proud of him when he "uniformed up" and hugged him good bye.

Probably even put window and bumper stickers on their vehicles; and bragged to friends.

Haven't checked lately, but 30,000 to 50,000 folks die on our highways ...

........ majority young ones.

Who built the cars, who built the highways, who issued a license. Who gets the blame.
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Old 01-11-2014, 04:40 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I'm guessing they were proud of him when he "uniformed up" and hugged him good bye.

Probably even put window and bumper stickers on their vehicles; and bragged to friends.

Haven't checked lately, but 30,000 to 50,000 folks die on our highways ...

........ majority young ones.

Who built the cars, who built the highways, who issued a license. Who gets the blame.
Bush He is pro business Pro auto Pro petroleum
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Old 01-11-2014, 05:31 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out?
What do you think about Kennedy, LBJ, and Nixon in Vietnam
What about Reagan and that fiasco in Beirut Lebanon, Clinton and Somalia
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Old 01-11-2014, 06:43 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates View Post
What do you think about Kennedy, LBJ, and Nixon in Vietnam
What about Reagan and that fiasco in Beirut Lebanon, Clinton and Somalia

As far as I am concerned LBJ was guilty of mass murder. His management of the war was completely incompetent. You could make pro or con arguments about the others but to me LBJ is an easy conclusion. I do believe that Obama like LBJ is more interested in politics than military effectiveness. That attitude costs the lives of troops. Men and women far better than him.
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Old 01-11-2014, 07:12 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
As far as I am concerned LBJ was guilty of mass murder. His management of the war was completely incompetent. You could make pro or con arguments about the others but to me LBJ is an easy conclusion. I do believe that Obama like LBJ is more interested in politics than military effectiveness. That attitude costs the lives of troops. Men and women far better than him.
I don't think it would matter who is in office, the result most likely would be the same, this is asymmetric warfare we are involved in, and the longer a conflict goes the more likely the invading nation will lose, not on the battle field but in the hearts and minds of the people of the invading nation. so they just leave. and as long as they have people that are ready to join the ranks of the rebels to keep them stable you have a losing proposition.

To most people in the US this war doesn't affect them, as long as you don't volunteer you won't be personally involved in the fighting and dying, and the vast majority of young people are voting with their feet to not get involved by not going to the recruiters office, and those who do are task with repeated tours, stress, and a public that really not that interested anymore. it's not sustainable if the majority of the country is not willing to make the commitment
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Old 01-11-2014, 07:54 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
It is a volunteer service you know.
Wow. So that makes it OK for the President to throw troops lives away on a surge he doesn't believe in?

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Maybe as a parent you should have swayed your son into another field. Instead of blaming the President, start looking from within. That is wtf is wrong with this country....always looking for someone to blame and never taking responsibility for your own failures.
Once again, wow. Blame the victim much?

And what "failures" of the troops are you talking about? Joining the military and trusting the Commander in Chief?

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That is how the fuc you take politics out of stupid posts like these.
And how do you take the stupid out of your stupid post?
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Old 01-11-2014, 08:06 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Wow. So that makes it OK for the President to throw troops lives away on a surge he doesn't believe in?

Once again, wow. Blame the victim much?

And what "failures" of the troops are you talking about? Joining the military and trusting the Commander in Chief?

And how do you take the stupid out of your stupid post?
If you really feel this way you should be out in the streets protesting to bring the troops back, it worked in Vietnam it will work now, but instead that's not happening, it's just let's blame Obama while you let the war progress.
The military does what it's ordered to do, that's their job, as a military member you don't get to agree or disagree to the mission and it goals. don't like it don't join or get out when your time is up. yes sometimes lives are wasted, but that's the nature of war.
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Old 01-11-2014, 10:22 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out?
You're a fucking asshole, is what I think, JDIdiot.

I know what you think ... "Can I get a picture of his JUNK?"
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Old 01-12-2014, 03:56 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post

Wow. So that makes it OK for the President to throw troops lives away on a surge he doesn't believe in?

Once again, wow. Blame the victim much?

And what "failures" of the troops are you talking about? Joining the military and trusting the Commander in Chief?

And how do you take the stupid out of your stupid post?
WTF have you done to stop the war you political fucking hack. You and 2 dogs use dead soldiers as political pawns on a hooker board and then have the nerve to Bitch about Obama.
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:44 AM   #28
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WTF, you fail to understand my position and it is a position I have held for many many years. Our military should not be used as the world's police force unless we are being paid to do so. The only reason to have a military presence outside of our borders is to protect our trade routes. If we are any place else the only other excuse would be in support of those bases. All of the rest should be paying us to be there as their protection.

The goal in Afghanistan was to capture and or kill Obama, not to nation build. Iraq may or may not have been a mistake but it seems that there is a LOT of WMDs being removed from Syria that more than likely came from Iraq. Understand that the belief that there were WMDs in Iraq was what Bush inherited.

Obama could have extricated us from that region a long time ago but he did not. We continue to give money, that we must borrow, to governments in that region that harbored Osama, that support the Muslim brotherhood along with the help of Al Qaeda and that money is used against us.

As to the remarks that you are tying to crawfish from, I am not butt hurt. and your response does not change my opinion in the least. You are a typical elitist liberal. You have no idea of the motivation of individuals that enter voluntarily into military service. They are not all poor kids from the hood. You still disgust me.
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:52 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
WTF, you fail to understand my position and it is a position I have held for many many years. Our military should not be used as the world's police force unless we are being paid to do so.
I find this to be comical 2Pups. I do not recall you making the claim that GW's losing focus and going into Iraq was anything more than the correct thing to do at the time. In fact, you repeatedly defended it! Now you are trying to alter your previous position to make us believe that you have felt all along that "our military should not be used as the world's police force unless we are being paid to do so."

Give me a friggin' break 2Pups. You are sounding more than a little hypocritical this morning! Why don't you go back and get you a well deserved puppy dog nap and get back to us when you are a little more rested. OK?
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Old 01-12-2014, 10:50 AM   #30
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Just don't make fun of him, BT.
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