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Old 01-09-2014, 11:11 PM   #16
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Old 01-10-2014, 04:06 AM   #17
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The arrogance and stupidity from some in here is truly numbing.
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Old 01-10-2014, 05:14 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by ToriStarr View Post
I also saw this on Facebook and just love love love it!!! I think it's a beautiful idea. And as for nutrition, sure that's all fine and dandy but sometimes it just nice to indulge and the less fortunate should be able to enjoy these little pleasures(a hot cup of coffee) just like the rest of us. I've gone through the drive through at Tim Hortons a few times and told the employee to keep my change and pay for the next few orders, it's a great feeling doing something nice for someone else I would definitely participate in a suspended coffee program.
Any suspended blowjobs available?
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Old 01-10-2014, 05:23 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by clearlylost View Post
There's tons of that in Florida. Another concern I'd have for this coffee problem is that many successful capitalist cut costs, value low expenses, and would take without true need. I'd bet 10% or more of the retail store managers would collect for suspended product without giving it away.

Originally Posted by Doove View Post
The arrogance and stupidity from some in here is truly numbing.
You could say that in any thread. Have you the fortitude to make a point so I can learn from your insight?

Pardon me for not quoting you Tori but you make a nice point about stereotypes.
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Old 01-10-2014, 05:40 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
The arrogance and stupidity from some in here is truly numbing.
I'm with you Doove.
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Old 01-10-2014, 05:58 AM   #21
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So much for positivity on Eccie. There always must be a few who bitch and complain no matter what the subject is.

I'm sure that the few of you who made terrible comments about the less fortunate are also the ones making rude comments about "feel good" news stories as well.

As Tori pointed out there are many reasons people become homeless, it's usually not a life choice. Does anyone grow up in life saying, "Wow, I'd LOVE to be homeless!"

The program above did speak not only of coffee, but sandwiches and full meals as well. Whether you think the program is a good idea or not is your opinion, but it amazes me how little respect there is from members here for human life in general. You folks are very sad.

Most of those living on the street have mental illnesses and are unlikely to hold traditional jobs. Sure they could probably work at Wegman's as Helping Hands, but many companies won't hire people who don't have a physical address AND a mental illness. Not only that, but are these homeless people going to walk up to a McDonald's and ask for a job with their bodies covered in dirt, raggedy clothes, and a funky smell? They have no address and of course will not be hired even if they truly wanted the job.

I just worked on a floor at Strong Hospital which had many patients with mental illness. One man was a resident on the floor for 52 days shy of a year because he had no where else to go. He was schizophrenic and violet toward nurses and hospital staff and had to have 2 security guards stationed outside his room at all times. He was waiting placement at a facility that can care for him, but since Reagan, there are not a lot of choices left. There were also a lot of people who came into the ED there because they knew that they could get free coffee, sandwiches, ice cream and food. They pretended to have a medical illness just to get warm and to get food.

Reagan closed many mental health clinics and hospitals and many of those people took to the streets. Many mental ill just have nowhere to go. Perhaps those who are bitching that the piss-smelling homeless men and those saying they should get jobs should open your homes to them or donate money to funds that help them seek shelter and jobs. Hey, with a physical address they can get a job!

Look at the poor kid from Greece who ended up on the streets of D.C.! What happened to him?

Like someone else said, your lack of compassion is disgusting. Let's just hope you never run into a situation where you may need a little help from those around you.
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Old 01-10-2014, 06:11 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by aj14620 View Post
ive "brownbagged" it for the homeless before..coffee and biscuits in the am..not to diff once your organized..and gear stocked up..
winter months are hard for me to do this..however warm months..very easy..
gotta pay it forward..
Originally Posted by ToriStarr View Post
I also saw this on Facebook and just love love love it!!! I think it's a beautiful idea. And as for nutrition, sure that's all fine and dandy but sometimes it just nice to indulge and the less fortunate should be able to enjoy these little pleasures(a hot cup of coffee) just like the rest of us. I've gone through the drive through at Tim Hortons a few times and told the employee to keep my change and pay for the next few orders, it's a great feeling doing something nice for someone else I would definitely participate in a suspended coffee program.

Kudos to you ladies for being wonderful!
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Old 01-10-2014, 06:43 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by TheRedMonroe View Post
So much for positivity on Eccie. There always must be a few who bitch and complain no matter what the subject is.

I'm sure that the few of you who made terrible comments about the less fortunate are also the ones making rude comments about "feel good" news stories as well.

As Tori pointed out there are many reasons people become homeless, it's usually not a life choice. Does anyone grow up in life saying, "Wow, I'd LOVE to be homeless!"

The program above did speak not only of coffee, but sandwiches and full meals as well. Whether you think the program is a good idea or not is your opinion, but it amazes me how little respect there is from members here for human life in general. You folks are very sad.

Most of those living on the street have mental illnesses and are unlikely to hold traditional jobs. Sure they could probably work at Wegman's as Helping Hands, but many companies won't hire people who don't have a physical address AND a mental illness. Not only that, but are these homeless people going to walk up to a McDonald's and ask for a job with their bodies covered in dirt, raggedy clothes, and a funky smell? They have no address and of course will not be hired even if they truly wanted the job.

I just worked on a floor at Strong Hospital which had many patients with mental illness. One man was a resident on the floor for 52 days shy of a year because he had no where else to go. He was schizophrenic and violet toward nurses and hospital staff and had to have 2 security guards stationed outside his room at all times. He was waiting placement at a facility that can care for him, but since Reagan, there are not a lot of choices left. There were also a lot of people who came into the ED there because they knew that they could get free coffee, sandwiches, ice cream and food. They pretended to have a medical illness just to get warm and to get food.

Reagan closed many mental health clinics and hospitals and many of those people took to the streets. Many mental ill just have nowhere to go. Perhaps those who are bitching that the piss-smelling homeless men and those saying they should get jobs should open your homes to them or donate money to funds that help them seek shelter and jobs. Hey, with a physical address they can get a job!

Look at the poor kid from Greece who ended up on the streets of D.C.! What happened to him?

Like someone else said, your lack of compassion is disgusting. Let's just hope you never run into a situation where you may need a little help from those around you.
I agree 100 percent. And whereas my comment was made in jest I believe some of these folks are actually this heartless. Well said.
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Old 01-10-2014, 06:48 AM   #24
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Boy, you folks sure know how to smoke a lurker out into the open! I think this is a great idea in concept. Just because the details aren't there, like carrying the thinking through such that it doesn't result in some of the unintended consequences mentioned by others, doesn't mean the concept is bad...it just means it is a concept...not a complete plan.
I think it is a great idea that I can see being very successful..given some more thought. Thanks to Liz for introducing it for our thoughts! <returning to lurking mode...>
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Old 01-10-2014, 06:50 AM   #25
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Even animals help out other animals in distress. We humans can and should do better. There are those who use the excuse of "abuse" to oppose any effort to be charitable. There is plenty of abuse in Wall Street. Perhaps we should shut that down.
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Old 01-10-2014, 07:39 AM   #26
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I much prefer charity to government redistribution. Private citizens and groups do much better.

That said, I think there'd be better ways of going about insuring homeless get a cup of Joe.... like insuring soup kitchens have the supplies and staff to keep their doors open 24/7 as warming shelters and always have hot coffee available (or soup, tea whatever) for the taking. Sadly, many homeless are there by choice.... even if mentally disabled, some do make the choice to live that way instead of being institutionalized.

So, if this sounds like s good idea, give away!
If you are offended by the new clientele hanging about, go somewhere else. Free country.

(Kinda anyways. )

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Old 01-10-2014, 07:40 AM   #27
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thinking the polar vortex froze the compassion and empathy right outa some folks around here..
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Old 01-10-2014, 07:41 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by aj14620 View Post
thinking the polar vortex froze the compassion and empathy right outa some folks around here..
Blame global warming
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Old 01-10-2014, 08:12 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by jackfengshui View Post
Wall Street. Perhaps we should shut that down.
Great idea! I don't think there could be a more charitable act for the world as a whole.

I suspect, and of course don't know, that some of the folks in this world, not necessarily this thread, who call the naysayers on this concept insensitive, have no idea where all the charitable money comes from. For example, the 'generous' guy who bought 12 suspended cups of coffee may be an 'efficiency' expert who made millions by putting thousands of people out of work. I can respect the naysayers for at least being honest about their unwillingness to share.

No disrespect to the kind providers, but if 25% of your income was from executives who make enough to afford you by putting people out of work, cheating on their taxes, stealing (like the 911 disability fraud), or denying health care claims, would you still accept those clients? Very few have a pure enough source of income to point fingers.
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Old 01-10-2014, 08:23 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by gaijin1969 View Post
Blame global warming
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