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Old 01-06-2014, 01:17 PM   #1
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Default Stocks ideas - what are you buying?

Almost feels like a new bubble with new school stocks like Facebook, Priceline etc
Is it ready to pop again? Never know but I think we have another good year in the cards.

Just wondering what some of you are buying.

I bought a bunch of a stocks with stock symbol Mnkd under 2 a year and half ago. They make an inhaler that delivers drugs through the lungs. The drug is absorb through the lung tissues. Their first product is for Inhaled insulin. They are seeking FDA approval for the third time this spring. Hopefully three is a charm. Last time they changed inhaler design at last moment and got denied because of insufficient data with new inhaler. High risk, high reward type.

I see all types of drugs eventually delivered through this manner if it proves to be safe. Migraine and melanoma drugs are in the works. Possibly an ED drug in the future.
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Old 01-06-2014, 02:17 PM   #2
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I stick to muni bonds. Sure they are low yield, but if your guy is good they are safe and tax free.
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Old 01-06-2014, 02:33 PM   #3
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Cash is king. When the government checks its balance sheet, the bubble will burst big time. The bailouts are being passed along on the books, at some point those losses and the current deficit will meet.

This may be the most risky year ever.
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Old 01-06-2014, 02:54 PM   #4
General Feuerbacher
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I am buying food,bullets,firewood,guns,and toliet paper.LOL
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Old 01-06-2014, 02:59 PM   #5
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Stocks are manipulated these days. Take Apple...the projection for their Fiscal 1st qtr. 2014 is 60 billion and the big brokerage houses and players know this. So what do they do? Sell the shit out of it to drive down the price...and snap it back up a day or so before Jan. 22, when Apple posts it's results.

Investing hardly seems about company value anymore...just speculation based on what the other guy is gonna buy or sell.
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Old 01-06-2014, 03:04 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by General Feuerbacher View Post
I am buying food,bullets,firewood,guns,and toliet paper.LOL
General, are you one of the guys that stands in line at Academy Sports and Outdoors at 5:00AM and snaps up bullets? STOP IT, man! Lol...
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Old 01-06-2014, 05:22 PM   #7
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I think apple's best days are behind them. It may have a couple of more years of going sideways. Love their products but the market is saturated. How many more iterations of the iPhone or iPad can they have before people realize it's the same product.

Stock market gives me my online gambling fix only with a lot more money at stake. The only way to win is to day trade or try to find some hidden gems with a bright future or some beaten down stock that might rebound.

I'm still waiting for the first mushroom cloud from a house fire from someone storing to much ammunition.
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Old 01-06-2014, 06:12 PM   #8
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Mainly food,firewood, toliet paper and i forgot Propane. I spend most of my mad money helping young women pay for rent,tuition,car payments,car ins.,food, make up and rubbers. I am just trying to do my part to help them get a start
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Old 01-06-2014, 06:27 PM   #9
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I recently bought a couple of stocks of companies involved with the research and sale of the legal marijuana. As it spreads to other states I can see that being big - it's a long-term, not short-term investment.
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Old 01-06-2014, 06:56 PM   #10
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Must be a pink sheet.

Originally Posted by EasyLover214 View Post
I recently bought a couple of stocks of companies involved with the research and sale of the legal marijuana. As it spreads to other states I can see that being big - it's a long-term, not short-term investment.
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Old 01-06-2014, 08:25 PM   #11
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I really wanted to buy some Netflix stock... regretted not doing that.

This year i'm thinking Nokia. The'yve been working on new product development for a long time.
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Old 01-06-2014, 08:54 PM   #12
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Cash is King, I'm with Jarvis on this... if I was in the prediction game, I would say the S&P has another 4-5% rise, then a collapse begins in March...

the Federal budget deficit has nothing to do with it, though... the deficit is not "real" for the most part, it's largely a phony Fed balance sheet scheme, that allows money to be injected into the system.. it it was "real" we would have had runaway inflation.. there is a greater risk of deflation, despite the enormous deficit.. the Fed balance sheet is a victimless Ponzi scheme.. the Fed creates money, the asset side of the balance sheet, then acknowledges the same amount as a liability, along with a small interest payment.. that allows us to spend now, stimulating the economy, while the so-called debt is paid incrementally over many years, most of it staying on the "books" at any point in time. essentially money is created from thin air.

the staggerring debt, economic crash fallacy will never occur, because the debt is postponed.. a crash can only happen if all outstanding debt was "callable" at a single point. besides that, most of the debt is "owned" by the Federal Reserve itself.. not China, as the media likes to believe.

think of it like this: a man and wife have a yard sale, they put household items out in the yard, and nobody shows up to buy.. the husband "sells" the old couch to his wife for $200, she "sells" her husband some old dresses for $70, they take everything inside, lock the door, and go shopping with the $270 they just made.

that's how the Federal Reserve operates..
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Old 01-06-2014, 09:06 PM   #13
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Thanks alot Chung. I was going to write what u just did. However, I opted to make a funny corny answer. Now your answer makes me look like a hillbilly. I thought u were my friend.LOL Note: I was in Fort Worth a few years ago. The lead 10:00 story on tv was the mint had to close because they had run out of ink.
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Old 01-06-2014, 09:49 PM   #14
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I bought 1000 shares of Ford back before the auto companies bail out for less than $3 per share. Today it closed at $15.58 and has traded for as high as about $17.50. I believe it will be a $30 per share stock in less than 2 years. They have a lot of new products in the pipeline and have a lot of cash and have been buying back their own stock. Now I'm kicking myself for not buying 5000 shares.
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Old 01-06-2014, 09:55 PM   #15
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Buy AAL, the new American Airlines run by US Airways guy Doug Parker. They have a billion in union concessions, and a billion in synergies from the merger, and lots of new, fuel efficient planes on the way. They are the largest in a business the government has allowed to be monopolized by a big few. Their planes are full and they are raping the customers with fees.
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