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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 12-26-2013, 05:50 AM   #1
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Default Iphone 5 security

I just got an Iphone 5 as a gift.
I am concerned about privacy and the ability of the phone to be tracked.

How easy is it to track one of these?
Is turning off the location services of the phone enough to restore privacy?
Am I just worried about something that is really no big deal?

I have a cheap hobby phone that I make ALL hobby related calls on. I am only concerned about GPS tracking of the Iphone.

Thanks in advance.

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Old 12-26-2013, 06:02 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by JROD View Post
I just got an Iphone 5 as a gift.
I am concerned about privacy and the ability of the phone to be tracked.

How easy is it to track one of these?
Is turning off the location services of the phone enough to restore privacy?
Am I just worried about something that is really no big deal?

I have a cheap hobby phone that I make ALL hobby related calls on. I am only concerned about GPS tracking of the Iphone.

Thanks in advance.

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Old 12-26-2013, 09:26 AM   #3
The Slut
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Depending on who is doing the tracking any phone that is on can be tracked period. Turning off the GPS will reduce tracking but if you use the phone then if someone wants they can triangulate you location depending on the cell towers that are used. I always turn off location services when I am visiting friends who I prefer to keep anonymous.
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Old 12-26-2013, 09:34 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by JROD View Post
I just got an Iphone 5 as a gift.
I am concerned about privacy and the ability of the phone to be tracked.

How easy is it to track one of these?
Is turning off the location services of the phone enough to restore privacy?
Am I just worried about something that is really no big deal?

I have a cheap hobby phone that I make ALL hobby related calls on. I am only concerned about GPS tracking of the Iphone.

Thanks in advance.

Generally, the PURCHASER of the iPhone can track it. I have known people who purchased an iPhone, gave it to their then-SO, and then used it to track the now ex-SO after their breakup. They were able to do this through Apple's services because they had purchased the phone. I suggest leaving your smartphone/RL phone somewhere else and take ONLY your hobby phone. Also, Boston Cocktail stainless steel shakers are supposed to be good signal blockers (60dB?) (all metal and NO paint, lacquer, etc to inhibit the flow of electrons on the metal outer service of the shaker acting as a Farrady cage). There are cell-blocking pouches on the market that claim to be better (~65-70dB?).
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Old 12-26-2013, 10:09 AM   #5
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How detailed can they the SO track you? To the address? Area? If you say you have a business meeting across town can they then say " I saw you were at some apt complex for an hour?" This has been a concern of mine as well.
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Old 12-26-2013, 12:52 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by derek303 View Post
How detailed can they the SO track you? To the address? Area? If you say you have a business meeting across town can they then say " I saw you were at some apt complex for an hour?" This has been a concern of mine as well.
In one case, he tracked his SO to a hotel through Apple's services (Find iPhone service). This was real life world, though she had been his girlfriend, not his wife.
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Old 12-27-2013, 07:53 AM   #7
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The cheap Faraday cage deal is very doable. you could even make one with tin foil, a small box and glue..and who says you cannot get silly about it.. have one the phone fits in, have another that the box the phone fits in goes into. aka 2 Faraday cages.

Just be sure to cage the phone before you get near your target area and have it turned off.
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Old 12-27-2013, 08:18 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Mr. GPop View Post
The cheap Faraday cage deal is very doable. you could even make one with tin foil, a small box and glue..and who says you cannot get silly about it.. have one the phone fits in, have another that the box the phone fits in goes into. aka 2 Faraday cages.

Just be sure to cage the phone before you get near your target area and have it turned off.
One reason that the Boston shaker works is that the cap and body come together with a forcefit of bare metal with very little electronic leakage around the seam between the two. This would be very hard to do with a foil-wrapped box. However, it is better than nothing. And in addition to turning it off, take out the battery. Even better... leave the iPhone at a more normal place and do not take it with you.
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Old 12-27-2013, 10:22 AM   #9
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If you think part of the reason you were given the phone as a gift was so you could be tracked I would worry. I wouldn't worry about the phone nearly as much as a GPS that sticks to the frame of a vehicle.

As far as "You didn't answer your phone, I was worried and when I tracked you found your location was the no-tell motel, who were you screwing there?" leave the phone at home. Don't need an excuse as to why you didn't answer as it is built in, I forgot my phone, it is on the kitchen counter.

Does no good to be tracked while in route, you will suffer the same consequences in the end. If you have concerns of being tracked by the phone who ever is tracking you will know when the location service has been turned off. Sure you can put the phone in something in your car but how the hell do you hide and explain that device?

In a nutshell if that phone was given to you so you could be tracked you are most of the way to being nailed. If it was given as a gift with no thoughts of tracking you, you are fine. Don't take the thing with you when you need to be in stealth mode. Make it a habit of not having that phone glued to your side. Anyone that always has their phone stuck to their belt rarely forgets it. Those of us that don't have the phone on when doing yard work, running a quick errand, ect can easily explain leaving it lay because we do so on a regular basis. You own the phone it doesn't own you!
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Old 12-27-2013, 06:56 PM   #10
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Can they only track you live at the moment or can they backtrack at a later hour or day and see that as well?
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Old 12-27-2013, 08:11 PM   #11
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Both. All calls will have an origination location, somewhat vague but tied to whichever tower the call started with. Other than that, most phones do actually "stay in contact" with the network. And that is why, when LE gets excited, such as a kidnapping case, yes that data is available for a few days, maybe more. Granted the location may be a bit vague, but as another commentator mentioned, yeah that apartment complex, is probably enough to get things stirred up. This is why some commentators have said turn off the phone/pull battery etc.
The point being, if someone wants to track you, they can. Ignoring that you may need to check your rearview mirror, or look for extra wires under your car, to use the telco systems, without owner’s permission, it takes a badge. But, almost all handsets have the owner can track it stuff built in. So if dad wants to know where the teenage daughter is, he only has to pay the monthly subscription.
So: don’t hack off a badge, pay for your own phones, and if you’re on a family plan with an SO, just realize that she may already know the access password to the account information.
And for the other side of the discussion, frankly, it’s cheaper just to hang a gps tracker onto/into whatever.
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Old 12-28-2013, 01:12 PM   #12
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So how would one get this info? Call into AT&T and say send me some kind of report?
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Old 12-28-2013, 01:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by derek303 View Post
So how would one get this info? Call into AT&T and say send me some kind of report?
Person A buys an iPhone and gives it to Person B. Apple will register the purchase to Person A. Person B pays the monthly bills, thinking the phone is theirs (and it is). Person A then can use the appropriate Apple services (Find My Phone http://www.apple.com/icloud/find-my-iphone.html) to get a map of where the phone is located.
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Old 12-28-2013, 06:36 PM   #14
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Thanks. I glanced thru the site you sent me to. It says in the icloud "find my I phone " must be on. Mine is not. So that's a tip for everybody. Turn that MF off!
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Old 12-29-2013, 07:08 AM   #15
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The purchaser of the iPhone can turn the Find My Phone on. So if you got the iPhone as a gift the purchaser may turn the feature on.
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