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Old 12-16-2013, 11:56 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
I thought it was funny that he didn't know and the post was an innocent post

However I feel the pain girl, being hearing impaired its all whispering to me lol. That's why I love me a vocal gal
I wasn't even referring to Marshpirate LOl...apparently his private post was buried and not obvious...plus I now know what he wrote (thanks MP xoxo). It's the wholly blank posts that drive me CRAZY!
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Old 12-16-2013, 11:58 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
I thought it was funny that he didn't know and the post was an innocent post

However I feel the pain girl, being hearing impaired its all whispering to me lol. That's why I love me a vocal gal
Oh my darling bunny, I'm happy to YELL at you anytime!!!

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Old 12-16-2013, 12:01 PM   #78
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Deal breakers, lack of communicating in a timely manner, upselling, not being fresh from shower, being late for an appointment that was set well in advance.
Just a few of mine as I enjoy meeting the ladies on here and try to be as nice as I can be but make sure they know what I like before I get there so I don't get that dreaded NO I don't do that.
I read reviews, study menu on P411 and if something does not show up then I ask before making the appt.
Works out most of the time.
Love you ladies on here.
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Old 12-16-2013, 12:12 PM   #79
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A loud lady in the sack can be quite the aphrodisiac for me. If the attraction is there then it can keep me around for a long time. I'm generally fairly quiet in the sack but I'm making good strides here lately if I might say so myself
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Old 12-16-2013, 01:55 PM   #80
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I find a hunchback wearing a pimp hat hiding in the closet.

I'm out of there.
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Old 12-16-2013, 03:52 PM   #81
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Smoking, bad hygiene, no msog
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Old 12-16-2013, 04:21 PM   #82
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Default Deal breakers: Bad odor/visual, Age, Cheapskates, and Diggers.

1. Odor, followed by the visually disgusting.

To me, the biggest turn off other than a horrible stench would be a nasty visual. Say you're playing in a certain area and other than the body parts you see brown chunks or chunks of toilet paper result of wiping so fast and hard, making the area clean from shit, but replaced with white or light brown toilet paper balls.

This would be similar to a lady who enjoys it when you eat her pussy, and you're going down, from her nipple and down her side, you make your way from her outer rib cage to her belly button, and you lick her clit and then decide to get positioned better to go at it... at which you see she has white or yellow cottage cheese or balled up toilet paper in her vagina. You were just about to lick it, but now have to find a way to play dodge balls and curds!

If I were about to eat some pussy, I wouldn't want to see or smell that shit.
If a girl is clean for you, return the favor. It is very easy to ask for a quick four minute rinse or scrub in the shower at the beginning of a date. Those four minutes can have a major impact on how the date flows and when fresh looking and smelling dates are bound to be much more enjoyable for both/all parties involved.

Cigarettes are also a turn off. I can often get past the smell, but the taste of an ashtray is just gross. Toothbrush, mouthwash, gum, breath mint, possibly even in that order. Brush then rinse, chew gum on way to the date, then a breath mint so it can dissolve before kissing.

2. Age.

I prefer to not meet with anyone in their 20's. If a guy is between 18-29, then I am most likely to politely decline. I'm not compatible and I know I need more than just a great looking visual. When it comes to looks, smarts, and personality… Smarts and personality are most important to me. Both of these ares are often not strengths of 20 somethings.

3. Over-stayers and Under-payers.

Fortunately, I've only ran into two people who had this insane concept that it would be ok to gradually with each date stay more and more time over what they booked, without paying. Such as when a 2 hour date is booked, a give or take of 10-15 minutes can be expected, but when the date turns into 2 hours and 30 or 40 minutes, that is "round up" material. Round the date to closest rate increment advertised. If you book a 2 hour date and if you plan on compensating for a 2 hour date, don't stay so much over that you're closer to 3 hours. If a lady offers a 30 and 60 minute dates, if you book a 30 minute date but stay 55 minutes, that is closer to 60 minutes. I'd call it the "closer" principle. Pay whatever you're closest to.

4. Personal info seekers.

I can't stand it when a person keeps digging to learn about the details of my personal life. I usually tell stories but am generic enough by leaving out names, locations, etc. But when I say I did something, and when ask where at and I say at this bar, and they say which one… I think, why does it matter if it's the bar on this end of the city or that end of the city. Or if I tell a story and then am asked which client was that with. No need to know names in order to get the gist a story, its unnecessary digging. Or being asked where I live and what end of town and what cross streets. You don't need my flipping address, asking for it is rude, invasive, and uncalled-for. Share and volunteer all the info you want, but don't pry for non-hobby related particulars.
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Old 12-17-2013, 03:29 AM   #83
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NO msog no deal for me
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Old 12-17-2013, 08:13 AM   #84
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A deal breaker for me is a provider ad saying things like "classy, sophisticated girl with beauty and brains but a naughty side seeks upscale gentleman!". But she misspells every other word and has trashy ghetto tats. I have nothing against the uneducated nor the ghetto tats, but misrepresenting yourself I have a huge problem with.

It forces me to question what else is being misrepresented.
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Old 12-17-2013, 08:21 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by SpiceItUp View Post
A deal breaker for me is a provider ad saying things like "classy, sophisticated girl with beauty and brains but a naughty side seeks upscale gentleman!". But she misspells every other word and has trashy ghetto tats. I have nothing against the uneducated nor the ghetto tats, but misrepresenting yourself I have a huge problem with.

It forces me to question what else is being misrepresented.
Interesting you bring that up. Your complaint is by far the one I hear most from guys. Like you said, it's ok to be a girl from the wrong side of the tracks or a farmer's daughter or whatever (better than ok...even sexy). But what's the deal with pretending to be something you're (clearly) not?

My guy friend insists the easiest way to know a girl is trashy is when she calls herself "classy." I don't think I'd go that far, but he's right in many cases.
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Old 12-17-2013, 08:33 AM   #86
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Class is often one of those things Lao Tzu's comment applies to imop. "Those who know don't say, and those who say don't know"

Indeed, the farmer's daughter is often a freak in the sheets. I'm rather fond of the one below

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Old 12-17-2013, 08:44 AM   #87
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And in some case they are exactly what they say they are
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Old 12-17-2013, 11:07 AM   #88
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Default Classy

I frequently attend political functions and enjoy taking a female companion when I do. I know a couple of ladies that fit in with that need. I guess I am looking for classy lady in that case. One lady is a nurse in RL and has always made me proud to have her on my arm.
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