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Old 12-15-2013, 04:22 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by agentx View Post
Prediction: 2014 will be a vanguard year as sparklers in the ass will be 'mainstreamed' given that Leonardo di Caprio is depicted as having a candle prominently projecting from his ass in the new film, "The Wolf of Wall Street."

Sparklers will be the starting point of this newish form of assplay and as MILFs in Westlake and Tarrytown buy up available supplies, a shortage will ensue. Stock up now.
Are you reading this, MM?! Let the sparks fly, lol! I call first dibbs on the green sparklers!

That is true, Whispers. I wonder which providers are happier & last longer? The one's who don't know, don't care or the ones that develop relationships, of some sort in the community.

Hmmm, that's another topic. I dunno, I am sure I turn a lot of people off, the more I talk, but those are the clients that don't understand me, so it probably works out for the better. I don't want to see every Tom, Dick & Larry.
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Old 12-15-2013, 04:42 PM   #32
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Mainly, it's 2 things with me --

1. Price/services offered ratio

2. Three or more "No" reviews. But, I pay very close attention as to why they are flagged as no.
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Old 12-15-2013, 04:47 PM   #33
knotty man
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unfortunately many guys and girls here have memories like elephants on here,and posts made days ,months. or even years ago can have an impact on someones preconceived notion of one another. memories can be a real bitch when trying to build or rebuild a reputation on this board. its unfortunate in that everyone should be given an opportunity to be judged by their real personality rather than by a "board" personalty. but, this is the world we play in
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Old 12-15-2013, 05:30 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by knotty man View Post
unfortunately many guys and girls here have memories like elephants on here,and posts made days ,months. or even years ago can have an impact on someones preconceived notion of one another. memories can be a real bitch when trying to build or rebuild a reputation on this board. its unfortunate in that everyone should be given an opportunity to be judged by their real personality rather than by a "board" personalty. but, this is the world we play in
You make an excellent point Knotty man, but I'm the same way on or off the boards, small green and from another planet...

Scarlett I have plenty of green sparklers, IJS
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Old 12-15-2013, 05:33 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi View Post
What is byof?
Bring Your Own Febreze...
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Old 12-15-2013, 05:38 PM   #36
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi View Post
That is true, Whispers. I wonder which providers are happier & last longer? The one's who don't know, don't care or the ones that develop relationships, of some sort in the community.

Hmmm, that's another topic. I dunno, I am sure I turn a lot of people off, the more I talk, but those are the clients that don't understand me, so it probably works out for the better. I don't want to see every Tom, Dick & Larry.
Personally, I feel my life is enriched having friends within this community.

I think what makes the biggest difference is the length of time they are in the hobby.....
Those that pop in, make their money and get out are probably better served having no other reminders of their time here.

Then there are those of us that have been around a long time and made a lot of friends while meeting a lot of people along the way....

The sad ones are those that have been around a long time, coming and going, thinking they are through with this place and finding themselves back here...... along the way having alienated most... having no real friends here...... They are the bitter ones.... sad and lonely in my opinion.......

I know you know what I mean......Any of us that have been around a while know one or two of those....

If your only social life and cirlce of interaction is what exists here..... you are heading down and damaging road....
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Old 12-15-2013, 09:10 PM   #37
Jessie Austin
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I am the same in RL and on the boards. What you see is what you get. There is a French saying for that which escapes me at the moment. I find it interesting to meet people from the boards on neutral ground like social events. Personas are so different from RW but I like to see how close I am when guessing. I do look up hobbyist post when they book with me. A little insight is always good.
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Old 12-15-2013, 09:37 PM   #38
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Question That would be

Originally Posted by Jessie Austin View Post
I am the same in RL and on the boards. What you see is what you get. There is a French saying for that which escapes me at the moment. I find it interesting to meet people from the boards on neutral ground like social events. Personas are so different from RW but I like to see how close I am when guessing. I do look up hobbyist post when they book with me. A little insight is always good.
What you see is what you get = Ce que vous voyez est ce que vous obtenez

Did you mean - Ce le vie = this is life
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Old 12-15-2013, 09:48 PM   #39
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The more you put yourself out there and participate on the board the more likely you will at some point alienate someone. That is just the risk you run. Differing personalities and such.

Scarlett the more I interact with you the more I want to see you. I think we would have a great time. One day I will make my way to you. Before long I won't be able to afford you though. You have gone from GPS to PPS. Not sure what is next? I guess I better hurry.
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Old 12-15-2013, 09:53 PM   #40
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Yes, it matters.
- ~~~#~#~~eye W0#t see some that uses this crap in a title. If unprofessional, then how will she be with me?
- if she is in every fight on the board simply for the sake of fighting?
- is her personality closer to the girl next door or ??
- security issues?

How someone acts on the board is strongest reason I will avoid them. On the flip side, it can create desire to meet someone!
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Old 12-15-2013, 10:18 PM   #41
Jessie Austin
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Originally Posted by cckid2006 View Post
What you see is what you get = Ce que vous voyez est ce que vous obtenez

Did you mean - Ce le vie = this is life
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Old 12-15-2013, 11:01 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Fletchlives View Post
The more you put yourself out there and participate on the board the more likely you will at some point alienate someone. That is just the risk you run. Differing personalities and such.


Scarlett the more I interact with you the more I want to see you. I think we would have a great time. One day I will make my way to you. Before long I won't be able to afford you though. You have gone from GPS to PPS. Not sure what is next? I guess I better hurry.
Don't worry, I will have a yard sale every now & then, Fletch!

I can't say that I am exactly the same on the board as I am in person. That would be WAY too much! I just really like expressing myself thru writing. I am much more laid back and even quiet, at times, in person. I hate crowds. I am much better one on one or in a small group.

Chemistry and comfort level is a big factor in how we interact with each other.

There are some people you can totally tard out with and others you just try your best to find some sort of common ground with.
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Old 12-15-2013, 11:03 PM   #43
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Great topic. I've participated in discussion boards of many different types since the late 90's and every board, without exception, is the same...the topic is all that changes. Most people will say things in the board discussion they would never say in person. It's the nature of hiding behind the keyboard (that goes for #1 here too). Too often if have found myself "spouting off" when I would have been much wiser to shut up and go on. I'm trying to learn to do that more.

1. If a girl NCNS's I'm out! I hate my time being wasted. I realize it happens both ways and I think it is equally bad. I think I said something about that recently,
2. I don't remember the gal, but I do remember that for several weeks most of what she said sounded like she was downing new posters with comments like "another one managed by a butt hurt guy." It was that bad and worse. It just gave me the sense that she hated guys and was trying to walk over every other girl posting. Complete turnoff.
3. It's been said that bad press is good press. That is one of the reason I don't post anymore about a certain provider who has been notorious for NCNS's in the past, and to her credit she seems to have cleaned up her game. Having said that, I have booked with a gal who it seemed like she was at the bottom of the dog pile just to see for myself if she was as bad as all were saying. As it turned out, I've seen her about three-four times. This is rare, but I have done it on two occasions.
4. Mostly, I follow this procedure:
*I look at price first as my pockets are just not that deep. I wish they were, but it is what it is. If she is out of my price range, I simply move on, no sense looking any further. No disrespect meant, I just know what I can and cannot do and have accepted that.
*I look at pictures, after all, if I'm not attracted visually, then it's not going to do me any good in person.
*next I look at activities. If activities match what I like then I will proceed to the next step.
*I will then read all the reviews or until I am satisfied, but I usually read them all. I want to see the big picture.
*If I'm still not quite sure, I will read posts, but usually it's the posts that have sparked my attention to begin with. I won't so much look at her ad as I will look at her interaction with others. I'm reminded of another provider that I will never see simply because 90+% of her posts are bitching about this or that and adding her unwanted "advice" (this is obviously my perception of her and no doubt it is skewed due to my disdain for her. She turned me off with her first non-ad interaction and continues to to this day).

Having said all of that, I've also learned that most people are completely different in person than they are behind the keyboard. For example, I can come across as more outspoken than I really am. In fact, I'm more of an introvert than anything in person, which is one of the reasons I will never attend a social, I would probably show up and then sit in the corner somewhere ... I know me.

The people who "think" before hitting enter are usually the ones who are more like they are in person when posting. I'm trying to learn this. I've typed and deleted about 15 posts in the past week. Looking back, it was very wise to do so. I'm also trying to learn that most people don't care about what I have to say as much as I do ... so therefore........

One last thing and I'll stop - I don't, D-O-N'-T read ads that are loooong and wordy. I can only speak for me, but I'm visually motivated. Don't try too hard to convince me with words ... convince me with pictures. (Says the guy who just wrote a small book here)
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Old 12-15-2013, 11:10 PM   #44
Jessie Austin
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Originally Posted by onei View Post
Great topic. I've participated in discussion boards of many different types since the late 90's and every board, without exception, is the same...the topic is all that changes. Most people will say things in the board discussion they would never say in person. It's the nature of hiding behind the keyboard (that goes for #1 here too). Too often if have found myself "spouting off" when I would have been much wiser to shut up and go on. I'm trying to learn to do that more.

1. If a girl NCNS's I'm out! I hate my time being wasted. I realize it happens both ways and I think it is equally bad. I think I said something about that recently,
2. I don't remember the gal, but I do remember that for several weeks most of what she said sounded like she was downing new posters with comments like "another one managed by a butt hurt guy." It was that bad and worse. It just gave me the sense that she hated guys and was trying to walk over every other girl posting. Complete turnoff.
3. It's been said that bad press is good press. That is one of the reason I don't post anymore about a certain provider who has been notorious for NCNS's in the past, and to her credit she seems to have cleaned up her game. Having said that, I have booked with a gal who it seemed like she was at the bottom of the dog pile just to see for myself if she was as bad as all were saying. As it turned out, I've seen her about three-four times. This is rare, but I have done it on two occasions.
4. Mostly, I follow this procedure:
*I look at price first as my pockets are just not that deep. I wish they were, but it is what it is. If she is out of my price range, I simply move on, no sense looking any further. No disrespect meant, I just know what I can and cannot do and have accepted that.
*I look at pictures, after all, if I'm not attracted visually, then it's not going to do me any good in person.
*next I look at activities. If activities match what I like then I will proceed to the next step.
*I will then read all the reviews or until I am satisfied, but I usually read them all. I want to see the big picture.
*If I'm still not quite sure, I will read posts, but usually it's the posts that have sparked my attention to begin with. I won't so much look at her ad as I will look at her interaction with others. I'm reminded of another provider that I will never see simply because 90+% of her posts are bitching about this or that and adding her unwanted "advice" (this is obviously my perception of her and no doubt it is skewed due to my disdain for her. She turned me off with her first non-ad interaction and continues to to this day).

Having said all of that, I've also learned that most people are completely different in person than they are behind the keyboard. For example, I can come across as more outspoken than I really am. In fact, I'm more of an introvert than anything in person, which is one of the reasons I will never attend a social, I would probably show up and then sit in the corner somewhere ... I know me.

The people who "think" before hitting enter are usually the ones who are more like they are in person when posting. I'm trying to learn this. I've typed and deleted about 15 posts in the past week. Looking back, it was very wise to do so. I'm also trying to learn that most people don't care about what I have to say as much as I do ... so therefore........

One last thing and I'll stop - I don't, D-O-N'-T read ads that are loooong and wordy. I can only speak for me, but I'm visually motivated. Don't try too hard to convince me with words ... convince me with pictures. (Says the guy who just wrote a small book here)
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Old 12-15-2013, 11:29 PM   #45
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I don't get it Jessie. I looked at your ads, they are not long and wordy so why the emoticon? Unless it's directed at my long and wordy post, which I already acknowledged.
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