Originally Posted by WTF
The bitch is an idiot but does not deserve a turd in the mouth. She is under contract to Fox News. So that is bs about her being a forgotten idiot if not for msnbc. You right wingers treat her like the only chick on a construction site.
She's not an idiot. That's just the way the left likes to portray her because they can't fend off anything she says and is a woman. Now granted, I'll admit she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But anyone who thinks she's an idiot needs to watch tapes of Maxine Waters and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
BTW, I said "out of the limelight", not "forgotten". True, that she's under contract with Fox but they weren't giving her much airtime - if any at all. O'Reilly even said the ex-Governor wouldn't come on his program recently but there Palin was a night or two ago. Why? Because MSNBC put her in the limelight. Why did Bashir even bother to bash her? Because Palin a few days earlier had made some remark comparing an aspect of Obamacare to slavery. Did that remark get any attention on Fox or any other news networks? No, it was only MSNBC.