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Old 12-04-2013, 06:32 PM   #1
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Default Best Cover Story ??

I would prefer a private entrance when meeting a provider at a Hotel......but sometimes going in the front lobby can't be avoided, especially at some of the nicer venues......
So what's your story.......??
If you come across a neighbor, coworker, or family member in your local area......why are you at a hotel (local to your home) at 2 in the afternoon?
I struggle with this one and am curious what many of you would use in that tight spot......
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Old 12-04-2013, 06:41 PM   #2
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I never run into an aquaintence at a hotel. As far as lobbies go, just act like you should be there. Most hotels also know what is going on, as long you don't fuck, streak, or exhange money in the hall, they don't care.

My issues are when I take them shopping or to a bar and grill, ;-)

If it is work, and they ask, she is a cousin. If it is a friend/family, its work related.
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Old 12-04-2013, 07:34 PM   #3
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I have a simple deal, I just carry in a briefcase or a bag from Wegmans with something in it, really anything that looks like you're going there with a purpose. Walk in talking on your phone with a briefcase and no one will ever give you a second look. As far as running into someone you know, i'll say I have a meeting with a traveling model which only works if your a photographer, or my friend from the army, old work place, blah blah is in town. My furnace quit, inlaws are in town need to get away, I'm here for a poker game, ??? .BD
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Old 12-04-2013, 10:35 PM   #4
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I don't have any additional insight on the hotel cover story, but I have a couple of related stories.

When visiting a provider at her apartment in a trendy neighborhood in the city during lunch hour, I ran into a retired coworker who lives nearby. Since I work in the suburbs, I had to make up a not-very-convincing story about why I had to be in that part of town in the middle of a work day.

When visiting another provider at her home for the first and only time, she insisted that I carry a briefcase with me.
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Old 12-05-2013, 01:18 AM   #5
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I have frequently worried/wondered wtf I'd say if I was involved in an auto accident or some such driving to or from an appointment that's off my normally beaten path, at a time that's when I ought to be elsewhere lol

(Knock on wood.....)
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Old 12-05-2013, 02:40 AM   #6
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I guess the best thing is to just have one that comes easy, most everyone can tell when you start to stammer, searching for words that it's BS. Plus what the hell are they doing there anyway. Throw it right back at them...like " I got a meeting how about you?"..BD
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Old 12-05-2013, 07:26 AM   #7
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I agree BD.....and I like your idea of a poker game......I may go with that and just act like its a hush-hush game.....for money "I can't talk about or how I got involved with these guys".....and its not the kinda game I can just invite another person to........
Your point about about how you can't stumble of your story is exactly why I posed the question......
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Old 12-05-2013, 09:34 AM   #8
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With shift changes most hotel staff has no idea who belongs there at all. I agree with the others, I walk in on the phone sometimes carrying something and go rite by the main desk like I belong there. It has kind of always made me wonder why some don't screen better but that probably would be next to impossible too.

Awile back I went to see a SP at a motor inn type of hotel that had been doing room updates and such with the construction workers all around outside. Well it ended up being a very lets say "vocal" session. When we said our goodbyes I walked out into the parking lot and seen about 5 guys staring at me and smiling. One guy even gave me the thumbs up I smiled back with a thumbs up of my own and drove away chuckling. Couldn't help but think and laugh that them young guys watching this older guy leave some hotties room after all that. Felt real good for the rest of the day lol
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Old 12-05-2013, 10:08 AM   #9
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Not a hotel, but I had a close call at an AMP out on Long Island over the summer. After the appointment I was walking out the door of a place that was located on a pretty busy street. The AMP shared the front door with a sewing and fabric store. I never thought I'd run into someone I knew being I was a couple of hundred miles form home. However when I got back on the street I ran into a woman that I know from home. She acts all surprised and gives me a big hug. Of course I have that look we all get after an appointment and in addition, smelled like baby oil. She asked what I was doing there and I said I was in the sewing/fabric store. She starts talking about what a great store it is and how she goes there every time she's on the island. Well, I know nothing about this shit and just nod my head in agreement. I ended going back to the sewing place later to cover my tracks and ended up buying the SO a new sewing machine. Those things aint cheap! But it covered my ass and got me out of a sticky situation.
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Old 12-05-2013, 12:44 PM   #10
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Wantsome - Next time - you popped a button off your shirt and you needed a needle and thread! Much cheaper.........
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Old 12-05-2013, 01:16 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Perryay View Post
Wantsome - Next time - you popped a button off your shirt and you needed a needle and thread! Much cheaper.........
Yea, I hear ya. I thought of a number of different responses after the fact. I'm just not a quick thinker when needed.
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Old 12-06-2013, 08:01 PM   #12
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BD has great advice. Just act normal. I get so frustrated when gents either walk past the room then circle back or park somewhere else and look nervous entering the hotel. You might as well carry a sign at that point.."here to bang an escort" lol

The more comfortable you look the better. Get complete directions and try to be as much aware as possible of the environment before going in. Google the hotel, ask the lady your seeing for details that describe the place.
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Old 12-06-2013, 09:16 PM   #13
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I would say there isn't a good chance of seeing someone you know in a hotel. Much better chance of that walking out of an AMP. If you do see someone you know in a hotel just tell them you had your place painted and can't stand the smell of fresh paint and so you're staying there a couple days.
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Old 12-07-2013, 06:28 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by javlin32! View Post
So what's your story.......??
If you come across a neighbor, coworker, or family member in your local area......why are you at a hotel (local to your home) at 2 in the afternoon?
I struggle with this one and am curious what many of you would use in that tight spot......
If you are running into another local neighbor, coworker or family member it seems that the two of you would be there for similar reasons, right? So if they are there for the same reason they probably won't ask you why you are there. It seems that you would both make awkward eye contact, look away and move in opposite directions.

But if they do stop and say hi, why feel the need to explain yourself at all? If they don't ask directly then I wouldn't say anything at all about why you are there.

If I ran into someone in a local hotel that I knew and they asked why I was there, I would probably say that I was there visiting an out-of-town friend or family member who is staying in the hotel.

I know that sometimes when people try to explain themselves when no question is asked it makes for a more awkward and strange situation than just leaving it all alone.
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Old 12-07-2013, 06:37 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by TheRedMonroe View Post
If you are running into another local neighbor, coworker or family member it seems that the two of you would be there for similar reasons, right?
You're both doing what people do in hotels, and you might as well both just not make eye contact and keep walking.
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