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Old 11-30-2013, 03:19 PM   #1
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Default Viagra - or other enhancements

Well, I"m approaching 50 and I was offered a viagra by a male friend the other day who knew I was on my way to see a provider. Said "I'd love it".

I never really needed it and thanked him but just stuck it in a safe place.

Then, this weekend I was at a game and this young stallion rolled up next to me and unleashed a pee stream of hell!

I was like dang, i USED to pee like that. But I don't remember a decline in my pee stream.....???? (ladies, google OLD MEN WHO HATE THEIR PROSTATE)

Later, it struck me that maybe I've had other drop offs that I have not realized....

So, I put some questions out to the public and providers:

1) What, exactly, does it do? Easier erections? Harder erections? Stay hard after finish? Bigger erections? Easier MSOG??? What????

2) Is it considered "fair play" to load up the pecker before seeing your gal here? It seems it could turn a rather fun, but somewhat relaxed easy hour into a marathon that would leave one in the ER and the provider a bit spent for the rest of the day. Or perhaps the effect isn't that pronounced?

I'll hold off taking one (and I'll start with a 1/2) until I find one of my regulars and discuss it with her. Just to see.

But I'd love your input!
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Old 11-30-2013, 04:01 PM   #2
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I am 51 gregster and noticed I was having some problems a few years back,I could get it up but keeping it up for the duration was a problem.I have not tried Viagra or Cialis but have been using Vitalikor for a few weeks,and it does indeed work!Taking two an hour or two before action will make and keep you super hard when you need to be, but it does desensitize you some and it will take a while for release.I have found that taking one will do the job quite well and not desensitize you as much.The FDA recently found the same active ingredients as Cialis and Levitra hidden in the mix so they made them recall the stuff and it is hard to find nowI would try half of the Viagra to see how it works for you in the beginning then go from there.
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Old 11-30-2013, 07:48 PM   #3
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I'm no where near the age of needing or taking viagra but I do appreciate this thread so I can see you guys plight with this.

I think if I was older and taking viagra........I wouldn't really be seeking GFE type sessions mostly. I mean if I'm already at full attention when she arrives and when we hug........its very PSE from that point in my opinion. All the interludes of GFE are basically just fluff from that point I would guess. That in some way metally for me would affect the mood and attitude. How can I go down on her with a raging hard on on the bed....can't lay on my stomach that's for sure.........unless I want a bent kickstand. How about cuddling......with a hard on that won't go soft....oober annoying. Can't get no rest. You wouldn't know you were chaffed until it was too late..............

Being as I mostly seek multi hours now......sans viagra.......with viagra I think I would have to do doubles only sessions just to get my just dos in the bedroom. Those ladies would have to slap hands and tag team out I'm sure. I ultimately want to be overwhelmed sexually........and I want to overwhelm......but not with chemical help. I like going flacid from a big orgasm and having her resurrecting yet another erection with just a simple touch or dirty word. I think needing a chemical like that to start sex or insure success would take some of the excitement out of it for me. Id just quit the hobby if it was me....different situation with a real realtionship.
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Old 12-01-2013, 08:04 AM   #4
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Damn! This forum would make a great research study group.
I'd try the natural route first. Diet, exercise, supplements, before getting into the r/x.
Plus, gregster, to make sure you don't have a different medical issue, you may want to go see your doctor.
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Old 12-01-2013, 02:02 PM   #5
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I see this topic come up a lot in threads. Kind of makes me scratch my head! As great of a site this is for information about providers, its not the place to get advice on sex enhancing / ED type drugs! I highly recommend you see a urologist, and discuss with him! If you don't feel comfortable with your current doctor, fine a new one. Took me two tries before I found one I feel comfortable with!

Just saying!
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Old 12-02-2013, 03:40 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by bigclitluvr View Post
I see this topic come up a lot in threads. Kind of makes me scratch my head! As great of a site this is for information about providers, its not the place to get advice on sex enhancing / ED type drugs! I highly recommend you see a urologist, and discuss with him! If you don't feel comfortable with your current doctor, fine a new one. Took me two tries before I found one I feel comfortable with!

Just saying!
Uhm, I wasn't so much seeking advice about the drug - I was more curious about taking it w/ out considering the provider.

Part of that depends on what it actually does. I've done some research, I get a better picture now.

So any comments about the "ethos" of use with a provider?

Oh, and you young bucks 'I'd retire..." hehe I'm betting you'll change your mind. Life is FAST and FURIOUS. My ear hair grows. HAIR ON MY FREAKING EARS! Are you kidding me?? Trust me, father time gets us all.
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Old 12-02-2013, 07:53 PM   #7
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Default Father Time

[/QUOTE] Oh, and you young bucks 'I'd retire..." hehe I'm betting you'll change your mind. Life is FAST and FURIOUS. My ear hair grows. HAIR ON MY FREAKING EARS! Are you kidding me?? Trust me, father time gets us all.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. A poster on another forum said of Vitalikor that it gave back to him what time robbed. My feeling exactly. I'm far from a young buck, and while I don't need the V all the time, I like the self-confidence I get to know I can still fuck like I did in my 20s. If I can go into a session confident that I'll get it up and keep it up through the whole hour, I'm a happy camper. I think it's better for the provider too- I can show her a good time, and she doesn't feel bad when she has trouble coaxing the old guy up in the middle of a session (not that that's ever happened to me LOL!) As for retiring from the Hobby? C'mon. Get real. That's not an option.
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Old 12-02-2013, 09:14 PM   #8
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Oh, and you young bucks 'I'd retire..." hehe I'm betting you'll change your mind. Life is FAST and FURIOUS. My ear hair grows. HAIR ON MY FREAKING EARS! Are you kidding me?? Trust me, father time gets us all.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. A poster on another forum said of Vitalikor that it gave back to him what time robbed. My feeling exactly. I'm far from a young buck, and while I don't need the V all the time, I like the self-confidence I get to know I can still fuck like I did in my 20s. If I can go into a session confident that I'll get it up and keep it up through the whole hour, I'm a happy camper. I think it's better for the provider too- I can show her a good time, and she doesn't feel bad when she has trouble coaxing the old guy up in the middle of a session (not that that's ever happened to me LOL!) As for retiring from the Hobby? C'mon. Get real. That's not an option.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly!!
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Old 12-02-2013, 10:51 PM   #9
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Default LOL..Yall crack me up..

I mean WHAT provider is gonna dig Viagra! Its like asking for a special order at McDonalds...ugh EXTRA WORK.
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Old 12-02-2013, 11:55 PM   #10
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lol Annie!

My SO says his back will go out before his dick does!
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Old 12-03-2013, 06:04 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by annie@christophers View Post
I mean WHAT provider is gonna dig Viagra! Its like asking for a special order at McDonalds...ugh EXTRA WORK.
Maybe so,but from the client's perspective,it allows you to get more bang for your buck
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Old 12-03-2013, 10:22 AM   #12
Hank Chinaski
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Default Every time ED comes up in a thread....

It provides another opportunity for those supercilious hobbyists amongst us to brag about their huge, rock-hard members, their amazing sexual stamina, and their overall irresistiblity to the women providing them paid companionship, LMAO.

"The lady (laddies, here) doth protest too much, methinks". Hamlet, somewhere in there..

Gotta love the interweb, as some bozo on a car-oriented reality show calls it. We can all be what we dream of.

As a regular contributor to the fortunes of all the big ED pharma, I assure you that the only alternative standing between you and your eventual use of anything and everything ED is a early grave; you pick which.

For those of you mature enough to accept that inevitability, try not to focus on that mandated health warning: "four hour plus erection, see a doctor ASAP" business. You wish! It is not happening; all oral ED meds accomplish is increased blood flow to your genitals. You still need external stimulation to make it work; there is zero danger that you are going to be rubbing up against the furniture.

And, I keep telling you: providers do not care what meds you took before the appointment; the only initials that matter to them are ATM.
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Old 12-03-2013, 02:25 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Hank Chinaski View Post
It provides another opportunity for those supercilious hobbyists amongst us to brag about their huge, rock-hard members, their amazing sexual stamina, and their overall irresistiblity to the women providing them paid companionship, LMAO.
Not quite.......

For me the physical stimulation is mostly mental. If Im " trying to put a marshmellow through a keyhole so to speak" and flacid and can't get it up without chemical enhancers.......Id just retire from the hobby. I think it would be nice to tryout once, but on the regular no way.....your basically just grudge fucking. Lol

Using sexual enhancers for me seems like overkill. Its kinda like a woman saying I have a wet pussy and keep a wet pussy....you will love my wet warm pussy........then she proceeds to baste and glaze herself in KY sex oils for wetness before we have sex after foreplay. Basically putting ketchup on a very dry steak. Yeah the lube is convient and helps........but the sexual satisfaction of being naturally lubricated and wet is gone. If she needs lube shes suddenly not enthused lol.

So back to guys. So I'm in a girls ear..talking dirty to her...about how "I'm gonna get all up off in her guts.....and fuck and suck all the swallow out her pussy." You know talking mad shit .....bucking myself up like we tend to do in the bedroom sometimes.....well at least I do. lol And then y'all want me to have the audacity to tell this girl ....."just wait until I take this viagra girl, you gonna see." He he Nope.....I see no difference from using a dildo and putting it into my drawers via apparatus and fucking her with that. Its false representation basically. The act and art of sex is just too real for me to try to create it. Its like popeyes the sailor man. He's all non threating and sweet before his getting his dick spinach.....but to defend Olive oils honor against Brutus.....he needs his happy spinach.....or he's useless and weak. (Bad choice of words, worse example..... but you get what I'm saying lol)

The thing I like about viagra.......well appreciate is the irony basically. For the longest time many providers and sugarbabies had age limits of clients they would prefer basically guys 40 and older......I guess to avoid "more work and stamina" of younger guys. Well now the odds are even and those guys in their later twilight years are revved up and ready to fuck you at their most physical best with viagra. Getting their moneys worth and bang for their buck. Gone are the days of short stamina older guys who were easy pickings and fast money. They have the starman in Mario now.........
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Old 12-03-2013, 03:01 PM   #14
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Gimme_That, you are a riot! I hope you don't really believe that you are such a stud that all providers melt (get wet) in your presence! Some might, the rest are faking it! Don't get me wrong, what makes a provider a ATF is her ability to turn it on and off, being whatever kind of a provider you are looking for, which I am sure changes Hobbyist to Hobbyist!

As men age, two things can put a damper on your sex life (not including health problems like taking meds for diabetes, blood pressure, etc...). They are: 1) Your ability to get and maintain an erection, and 2) A reduced libido! Drugs like viagra and calis treat the first, and testosterone treats the second. I'm sure a doctor would add a lot more to the list!

Just my two cents worth!
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Old 12-04-2013, 09:05 AM   #15
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Gimme, it's obvious that you don't know what you're talking about. ED meds won't turn your dick into some kind if wooden club that stays there for four hours. All they can do is enhance what us already there. If you're not turned on by your partner, or have porn desensitivity issues or can't get it up for whatever other reason, all the Viagra in the world won't help. And when you release, you go flaccid until you regen naturally. What it does do is enhance blood flow so your erection, when you have one, is harder and lasts longer. It feels natural... You feel like you did when you were in your teens or early 20s. So all this fantasy of the poor girls being tortured by old men with dicks that act like strap-on dildos is just nonsense.
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