Originally Posted by Charlotte Carrington
This is where you are mistaken, I did not ask for your opinion on my boobs. I only asked two questions
1. Do you need anything else than boobs for an accessory?
2, Did I forget anything else regarding the joy of having bog boobs
I was stating what it was like to have LARGE ONES..I was not talking necessarily about mine.. but big boobs in general.
Giving your opinion and actually putting someone down is another thing..There are many ways to state how you feel without making others feel inadequate.
I am proud of my boobs, and I was merely stating how they are at times a deterrence and an asset.
When I want you opinion, I will ask you..There will always be a question mark at the end of the sentence.. LOL.. KIDDING
you need to learn to read properly
I never said you asked for my or anyone elses opinion........... I stated if you post a thread giving your opinion on a subject--expect others to give theirs which is exactly what others including myself did-- you just didnt care for them
I did not give my opinion of your boobs, havent seen them, dont care to......I merely gave my opinion of big boobies in general--that isnt putting anyone in picticular down--again you made an incorrect assumption That is no different than you giving your opinion on how much you love big boobs
so again--if you post your opinion a a thread--you will get others opinions--if you dont want them, dont post.........or learn to realize people are not always going to agree with you