Originally Posted by Dezirie
. It only gets better.I said that Dezirie..
First off sorry for posting in the wrong place..Just used to Coed.. Just me.. You ended up here by faith And I also feel the same way. I hope you enjoyed your Birthday. I know from my heart I can say all day I was preparing for your Birthday Dinner And a Movie{thread}.I really enjoyed shopping for the meal you asked for and the small but thoughtful gift and the ballons.. I will try and not give it away just wanted to let you know I do enjoy doing what I do for you guys.. And I would like to start a{ MY FRIENDS ONLY}Birthday club..You let me know when your B-Day is Cumming up.{Don't make me have you prove it ..lol}And I will TCB BCD A Dinner and a Movie for you..Wait for the review..So thank you again A10bomb for letting me make this a very Sexy and Very Special Birthday...Just Saying...Dezirie {The Hooker}
I absolutely did enjoy my birthday thanks Dezirie it was an absolute blast you made me feel very special and it is by far one of my most memorable birthdays, and guys what she will be offering in the future as her "friends only special" is really special I had a lot of fun, I won't go into details here since this is the sandbox just wait for the review.
Hey since we are bringing up hobby things should it be moved back to Coed 
Anyway the review will come soon since it is a busy weekend for me because of RW obligations it will be a few days before I can sit down and write it plus I am working on something else for the coed section as well mainly just certain topics that are starting to get on my nerves and such but when its done maybe we can have a real discussion on it instead of some single minded opinions.
Anyway hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving. And if your out and about braving the black Friday weekend madness have fun and stay safe.