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Old 11-25-2013, 03:40 PM   #481
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Boy oh boy!

We're having some fun now, aren't we Corpy, you gay fuck doll wannabe?

In true fashion, you're trying to deflect from your own issues by trying to heap them on others. That's why you talk about everybody's ass. That's why you accuse me of being a what (HAHAHA!) That's why you accuse ExNYer of being a liar. That's why you talk about skid marks on other guy's underwear.

You are amazingly predictable, Corpy, you shit wallowing gay fuck doll wannabe!

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Old 11-25-2013, 03:46 PM   #482
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IBBuffoon will never change. He is proud of his hillbilly heritage, proud of being from stock that was close enough to see slaves. And he probably grew up watching the KKK rallies his pappy took him to. There is no other way I can think of to explain his defending slavery as "not really that bad". He is no different than those the Mullahs who disavow the holocaust, or the Inquisition that said being burned at the stake was a good, cleansing thing, or the racists who claim apatite was "good" because otherwise one group of Africans would have killed another group--only the White Masa made life tolerable for Africans who had lived along side each other for literally millions of years.

No matter what you say, the sick people like IBProphylacticMan will remain sick. The true purpose of his prophylactic suit is not to protect HIM from the world, but to protect the world from him.
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Old 11-25-2013, 03:57 PM   #483
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Yeah, that's the sound of you mating with your plastic mommy, you cum-gobbling golem fucktard.

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

IBBuffoon will never change. He is proud of his hillbilly heritage, proud of being from stock that was close enough to see slaves. And he probably grew up watching the KKK rallies his pappy took him to. There is no other way I can think of to explain his defending slavery as "not really that bad". He is no different than those the Mullahs who disavow the holocaust, or the Inquisition that said being burned at the stake was a good, cleansing thing, or the racists who claim apatite was "good" because otherwise one group of Africans would have killed another group--only the White Masa made life tolerable for Africans who had lived along side each other for literally millions of years.

No matter what you say, the sick people like IBProphylacticMan will remain sick. The true purpose of his prophylactic suit is not to protect HIM from the world, but to protect the world from him.
But, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, you're the factually ignorant jackass that's arguing and minimizing the misery and millions of deaths wrought by communist rule. Despite what you claim, the evidence proves you are an unmitigated and very ignorant jackass, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
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Old 11-25-2013, 04:11 PM   #484
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Nope, lying scumbag. I never minimized communist atrocities. But 20th century evils do not justify 19th century ones. At least not in sane people's minds--only in yours.

Have you noticed that even the typical RWWs that stick up for you have run for cover on this topic? Other than IIFFy, your non sequitor lap dog (was he the inspiration for your gay blow up doll avatar?), it's only crickets supporting you for days.

Alone, abandoned even by the RWWs, unloved. Such is the miserable fate of IBCondomMan.
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Old 11-25-2013, 04:25 PM   #485
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Nope, lying scumbag. I never minimized communist atrocities. But 20th century evils do not justify 19th century ones. At least not in sane people's minds--only in yours.

Have you noticed that even the typical RWWs that stick up for you have run for cover on this topic? Other than IIFFy, your non sequitor lap dog (was he the inspiration for your gay blow up doll avatar?), it's only crickets supporting you for days.

Alone, abandoned even by the RWWs, unloved. Such is the miserable fate of IBCondomMan.
Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, it was the OP's contention that slaves were more abused under the Confederacy than any people under any other government/flag at any time in history, and that's factually not supportable. So, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, by defending the OP's assertion you are demonstrating that you're the factually ignorant jackass that's arguing and minimizing the misery and millions of deaths wrought by communist rule. You remain an unmitigated and very ignorant jackass, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
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Old 11-25-2013, 04:32 PM   #486
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Originally Posted by Old-T

IBBuffoon will never change. He is proud of his hillbilly heritage, proud of being from stock that was close enough to see slaves. And he probably grew up watching the KKK rallies his pappy took him to. There is no other way I can think of to explain his defending slavery as "not really that bad". He is no different than those the Mullahs who disavow the holocaust, or the Inquisition that said being burned at the stake was a good, cleansing thing, or the racists who claim apartheid was "good" because otherwise one group of Africans would have killed another group--only the White Masa made life tolerable for Africans who had lived along side each other for literally millions of years.

No matter what you say, the sick people like IBProphylacticMan will remain sick. The true purpose of his prophylactic suit is not to protect HIM from the world, but to protect the world from him.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Yeah, that's the sound of you mating with your plastic mommy, you cum-gobbling golem fucktard.

But, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, you're the factually ignorant jackass that's arguing and minimizing the misery and millions of deaths wrought by communist rule. Despite what you claim, the evidence proves you are an unmitigated and very ignorant jackass, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
Oh yes!!! You really addressed the issue on that one. You made keen insights about slavery, apartheid, the inquisition, and the KKK. Yes, truly insightful. Truly original.

Blithering Buffoon.
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Old 11-25-2013, 04:44 PM   #487
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Oh yes!!! You really addressed the issue on that one. You made keen insights about slavery, apartheid, the inquisition, and the KKK. Yes, truly insightful. Truly original.

Blithering Buffoon.
Yes, the issue was directly addressed, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Meanwhile you are deflecting, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, because it is the OP's contention that slaves were more abused under the Confederacy than any people under any other government/flag at any time in history, and that's factually not supportable. So, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, by continuing to defend the OP's assertion you are continuing to demonstrate that you're the factually ignorant jackass that's arguing and minimizing the misery and millions of deaths wrought by communist rule. You very much remain an unmitigated and very ignorant jackass, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
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Old 11-25-2013, 04:55 PM   #488
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Yes, Massa! If you say so Massa!
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Old 11-25-2013, 06:00 PM   #489
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Originally Posted by Old-T

IBBuffoon will never change. He is proud of his hillbilly heritage, proud of being from stock that was close enough to see slaves. And he probably grew up watching the KKK rallies his pappy took him to. There is no other way I can think of to explain his defending slavery as "not really that bad". He is no different than those the Mullahs who disavow the holocaust, or the Inquisition that said being burned at the stake was a good, cleansing thing, or the racists who claim apartheid was "good" because otherwise one group of Africans would have killed another group--only the White Masa made life tolerable for Africans who had lived along side each other for literally millions of years.

No matter what you say, the sick people like IBProphylacticMan will remain sick. The true purpose of his prophylactic suit is not to protect HIM from the world, but to protect the world from him.

Oh yes!!! You really addressed the issue on that one. You made keen insights about slavery, apartheid, the inquisition, and the KKK. Yes, truly insightful. Truly original.

Blithering Buffoon.
Hey gaymo, I like how you signed you stupid post with your name [Blithering Buffoon]...LOL
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Old 11-25-2013, 06:28 PM   #490
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At least you actually typed something. That's a bit more creative than your recent propensity to post nonsensical videos that typically have nothing to do with the topic.

Small steps. Good for you.

Now why don't you give us your opinions:

--Do you agree with IB that slavery wasn't really all that bad?
--Do you think that 19th century slave owners should get a free pass because some 20th century evil people were even worse?
--To you think the accommodations on a typical slave trading ship were more like a Marriott or a Hyatt?
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Old 11-25-2013, 07:55 PM   #491
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post

More amazing bullshit from the board's leading tranny fuckee. You really shouldn't call your cheap, double-bagger, whoring-sister a "tranny", you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

I made the point that the Irish who dug that canal could walk away any time that wanted - unlike slaves, Mortality and misery -- not choice -- was the issue, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

No, shithead, SLAVERY is, was and always will be the issue, you lying deflector. And slavery means NO CHOICE for the person being victimized.

Those Irish could have quit and done other jobs. They CHOSE to continue the work because they judged the reward (the pay) to be worth the risk to their lives.

Smoking also has a greatly increased risk of premature death, but we don't argue that smoking is worse than slavery because smoking - even if it does involve mortality and misery - is a CHOICE.

You really are a moral cretin if you can't see the difference.

But, again, that puts you back in a percentages argument, doesn't it? . Compare percentages all you want, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. 100% of populations numbering in the hundreds of millions who could not "walk away" suffered for scores of years under the communist regimes of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. In stark contrast to the slave population in the American South increasing in number through procreation, as it did, stands the population of Congo under Leopold which decreased by half, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Ah, now we're getting somewhere. So, the Congo, which was essentially another SLAVE state like the American South is worse than the Confederacy? Well, good for you IBH! You have finally wised up to the evil of race-based slavery.

However, I would note that your standard - polulation increasing through procreation - means that Communist China was NOT worse than the American south. Because despite the deaths from the Cultural Revoluatoin, China's population actually grew under Mao. And it grew A LOT. It didn't actually stop growing - if at all - until recently as a result of the one-child policy.

And, if it hadn't been for the Nazis, I'm sure Russia'a population would have grown - even under Stalin.

But thanks again for noting that while the communist states weren't as lethal as the American south was for blacks, at least another slave state (Belgian Congo) that victimized blacks was worse. The Confederacy stands in good company..

Are you REALLY trying to argue that black slaves lived lives that were just as long and happy as black freedmen and whites? . You haven't proved differently, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Ah, so you demand proof of the obvious. Typical. You will deny the obvious rather than try to refute it. Since you are the King of Google and Wikipedia, we both know that if you had found any evidence at all that black slaves lived as long as whites and freemen, you would have posted it LONG ago. But, you found the opposite no doubt. So how long did you spend failing to find proof that slavery didn't hurt blacks' longevity?

You actually think they were the same, you moral degenerate? You haven't proved differently, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

See above, moral cretin.

No wonder you don't think the Confederacy was so bad. You deny even the obvious bad things.
The historical reality, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, is that 19th century life was hard -- slave or free -- you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and your racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass with your pretentious "universals" and "absolutes" is just too ignorant to know that.
And how much HARDER and SHORTER was it for the slave than for the free, you degenerate?

Pick up a book or journal and read the historical accounts, most black slaves who were master craftsmen in New Orleans had a better quality of life than most of the unemployed micks living without shelter in Five Points, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
And how much BETTER would the quality of life have been if that master craftsman was free, you degenerate?

A black slave wainwright living on a plantation had a greater life expectancy than a mick day laborer working on a canal or railroad in a malarial swamp, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

And how much GREATER would the life expectancy have been if that wainwright was free, you degenerate?


You insist on making the wrong comparisons in order to prove the impossible.
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Old 11-26-2013, 05:46 AM   #492
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
No, shithead, SLAVERY is, was and always will be the issue, you lying deflector. And slavery means NO CHOICE for the person being victimized. Communism as practiced by Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot meant NO CHOICE for the hundreds of millions of people being victimized, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Those Irish could have quit and done other jobs. They CHOSE to continue the work because they judged the reward (the pay) to be worth the risk to their lives. The Irish that died building that canal serve to exemplify that being a common, "free" laborer in the early 19th century was no bed of roses, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Smoking also has a greatly increased risk of premature death, but we don't argue that smoking is worse than slavery because smoking - even if it does involve mortality and misery - is a CHOICE. Communism as practiced by Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot meant NO CHOICE for the hundreds of millions of people being victimized, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

You really are a moral cretin if you can't see the difference. You're a lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Ah, now we're getting somewhere. So, the Congo, which was essentially another SLAVE state like the American South is worse than the Confederacy? Leopold's corvée system was not significantly different from the forced labor required by the communist states of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot meant NO CHOICE for the hundreds of millions of people being victimized, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Well, good for you IBH! You have finally wised up to the evil of race-based slavery. It's good that you finally admitted that slavery under the Confederacy wasn't as atrocious as Leopold's reign in the Congo, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass; thus, you've admitted that your OP was balderdash.

However, I would note that your standard - polulation increasing through procreation - means that Communist China was NOT worse than the American south. Because despite the deaths from the Cultural Revoluatoin, China's population actually grew under Mao. But as you acknowledged, the population of African Americans also grew in the American south, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass: 600,000 to four million ... nearly a seven-fold growth rate while China hasn't yet doubled; thus again, proving you're a lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass; thus, you've admitted that your OP was balderdash. And it grew A LOT. It didn't actually stop growing - if at all - until recently as a result of the one-child policy.

And, if it hadn't been for the Nazis, I'm sure Russia'a population would have grown - even under Stalin. Some estimate that Stalin killed or caused the death of one out of every three Soviet citizens, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

But thanks again for noting that while the communist states weren't as lethal as the American south was for blacks, at least another slave state (Belgian Congo) that victimized blacks was worse. Leopold's corvée system was not significantly different from the forced labor required by the communist states of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot wherein hundreds of millions of people were victimized, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. The Confederacy stands in good company.. It's good that you finally admitted that slavery under the Confederacy wasn't as atrocious as Leopold's reign in the Congo, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass; thus, you've admitted that your OP was balderdash.

Ah, so you demand proof of the obvious. Typical. You will deny the obvious rather than try to refute it. But it's your assertion that the life expectancy of a slave was significantly shorter than that of micks working in malarial swamps, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, you need to prove it.

Since you are the King of Google and Wikipedia, we both know that if you had found any evidence at all that black slaves lived as long as whites and freemen, you would have posted it LONG ago. You need to prove your argument, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and you have not done so. But, you found the opposite no doubt. "The Decennial Digest reports there were 1,570 slaves age 100 and up on the 1860 slave schedules. Using the 1860 slave census index at Ancestry online, I have found 1,555, which are included in the table." Shove that up your ass, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. So how long did you spend failing to find proof that slavery didn't hurt blacks' longevity? Your POV is not factually supported, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass; in fact, the extant facts refute your POV.

See above, moral cretin. See above, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

And how much HARDER and SHORTER was it for the slave than for the free, you degenerate? You're deflecting, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and your pretentious "universals" and "absolutes" were proved to be a lie, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

And how much BETTER would the quality of life have been if that master craftsman was free, you degenerate? You're deflecting, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and your pretentious "universals" and "absolutes" were proved to be a lie, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

And how much GREATER would the life expectancy have been if that wainwright was free, you degenerate? You're deflecting, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and your pretentious "universals" and "absolutes" were proved to be a lie, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

You insist on making the wrong comparisons in order to prove the impossible. You're deflecting, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass; it is your pretentious "comparison" that has been proved to be a lie, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
At least you actually typed something. That's a bit more creative than your recent propensity to post nonsensical videos that typically have nothing to do with the topic. You really should watch IFFY's videos ... especially in this thread, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, you might learn something.

Small steps. Good for you.

Now why don't you give us your opinions:

--Do you agree with IB that slavery wasn't really all that bad? Slavery in the American South wasn't as bad as being a Jew under Hitler or living under the communist regimes of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

--Do you think that 19th century slave owners should get a free pass because some 20th century evil people were even worse? Proving that you're a pretentious ignoramus isn't giving anyone a free pass, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

--To you think the accommodations on a typical slave trading ship were more like a Marriott or a Hyatt? Kind of proves my point and the absurdity of the OP, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. The horrors of Middle Passage visited on Africans wasn't done by Southern plantation owners under the banner of the Confederacy, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Plus, American slave ships engaging in the Atlantic slave trade were primarily financed, constructed and outfitted in the New England colonies/states and in New York, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. You know, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, states/colonies that pretentious Yankees like you and the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass call 'home'. Warned you that you had luggage already packed and loaded for a guilt trip, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Yes, Massa! If you say so Massa!
Go suck on your prophylactic, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
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Old 11-26-2013, 07:05 AM   #493
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Hey IB - even if I were to occasionally agree with you, it is tedious to read the repetitive insults. Let's say for instance I though ExNyer was a lying, racist Yankee x 27. Is he? I don't know. However, relentlessly repeating the point, exactly the same way, multiple times in the same post wears out the normal reader. A more effective strategy would be to change insults. You could refer to him as a drunken Irish prevaricator, a dirty Mick, an overbearing, arrogant pompous fool, an dead brained, punch drunk, fat, ugly school boy wanna be intellectual, etc. I myself have no problem with him and would not use any of these insults. I'm merely attempting to help you more effectively communicate. The reason is that your point of view is hidden behind the repetitive insults and is not worth reading. I don't know what your point is other than you hate the liberals on here.
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Old 11-26-2013, 07:13 AM   #494
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Originally Posted by Bert Jones View Post
Hey IB - even if I were to occasionally agree with you, it is tedious to read the repetitive insults. Let's say for instance I though ExNyer was a lying, racist Yankee x 27. Is he? I don't know. However, relentlessly repeating the point, exactly the same way, multiple times in the same post wears out the normal reader. A more effective strategy would be to change insults. You could refer to him as a drunken Irish prevaricator, a dirty Mick, an overbearing, arrogant pompous fool, an dead brained, punch drunk, fat, ugly school boy wanna be intellectual, etc. I myself have no problem with him and would not use any of these insults. I'm merely attempting to help you more effectively communicate. The reason is that your point of view is hidden behind the repetitive insults and is not worth reading. I don't know what your point is other than you hate the liberals on here.
Your inability to read and comprehend, Bert, is your personal problem.
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Old 11-26-2013, 07:21 AM   #495
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Your inability to read and comprehend, Bert, is your personal problem.
Actually, the few times I have waded through your relentless, repetitive insults, I can understand your point of view. What I'm saying is it isn't productive to bother - you could get your point across in a way that is easier to read. So I skip most of your posts, though clearly you have strong feelings and do appear to back up your points with 3rd party sources. The fact that you and ExNyer go back and forth, and he is not my favorite person either, intrigues me but not to the point I have to read for the 1117th time that he is a racist, lying Yankee.
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