Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Obama inherited a mess of huge yearly deficits, high unemployment, and a broken healthcare system, not to mention huge wars. He has vastly lowered the yearly deficits, lowered unemployment, and lowered the number of overseas troops.
Unemployment was at 7.8 in January 2009 and it took until February 2013 (over 4 years) to back to that level. And that was after spending TRILLIONS in deficit spending for all four of those years. And after printing fiat money backed by nothing.
We needed ONE big pump at the end of 2008/start of 2009 to fix the liquidity crisis that was scaring everyone. After that, we should have radically eased off the borrowing and reduced spending. We might be at about the same point in terms of unemployment, but we wouldn't have added over 6 trillion in debt - and STILL rising.
So how exactly has he vastly lowered the yearly deficit? Compared to his first two years, maybe. But the annual deficit is higher than an previous years.
We are getting paltry improvements on HUGE borrowing and phony money printing.
But nobody wants to reduce spending, least of all Obama.
And regarding the wars, Obama pulled the troops out of Iraq on the schedule that Bush had already established. And what did he do with them? He put them in Afghanistan instead. He ramped UP troops in Afghanistan and got a bunch more killed for no reason. That shit hole cannot be fixed.
The left criticized Bush because Iraq diverted us away from the "right war" in Afghanistan. Well, maybe, Bush and Cheney were right all along about Afghanistan. Obama has found out the hard way that you cannot civilize a bunch of illiterate hillbilly Muslims. So, he doubled down and lost thousands more lives for nothing.
Bush fucked up by not bombing and leaving Iraq and Afghanistan in short order. Obama compounded the mistake by expanding the stupidity even more in Afghanistan.
Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Because of a temporary glitch on a stupid website
A very apt way of describing what was supposed to be the signature accomplishment of his administration. Which, I might add, he got passed based on a bald-faced lie. Don't forget that.
Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Once it gets worked out without Republican help, what are you going to say then?
Describe for me what "getting it worked out" looks like. See below.
Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Patriotic Americans will see this helps America by eventually getting everyone better healthcare...
And what if it doesn't?
What if it just ends up being a bigger version of Medicaid? But MUCH, MUCH more expensive?
What if we implement Obamacare as you like it and healthcare grows from 17% of the economy to 22 - instead of going down? And what if the healthcare is no better or even worse?
Will you consider it "worked out" anyhow simply because everyone has it - even if it is shitty?