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Old 11-14-2013, 07:36 AM   #1
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Default Imaginary horrors

Ok, I've reading some posts here and there. Seems to be a few themes that I find complete bullshit.

1) Providers don't post here because they get abused. Really? I don't see it. Post some examples please. Charlotte doesn't count because she gives it back.

2) Small groups of members post to much. Hijack threads, and bully people. Same type of bullshit complaints on Indys. Complete horseshit. If you can't disregard members posts that you don't like, use the ignore feature, it works. I recently used this feature for the first time in my hobby career. Wala, can't read the members posts. So, if you can't save yourself from being annoyed use the ignore feature. You'll sleep better at night. Ginny posted a great comment on Indys so if she reads this, she should post it.

That's I'll I got, carry on.
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Old 11-14-2013, 07:59 AM   #2
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Which comment was it you're referring to?

I do talk a bit ya know.

And I believe I have also been the one to say that ladies feel as though this is a male dominated board and they should just STFU.
Some of them do feel that way, and I have seen a bit of that attitude in a few posters here in the time I've been on this board.

It's more of a holdover from ASPD though, a LOT of my GF's used ASPD back in the day, I heard about it from the ladies on indys.....
They weren't happy with a lot of the "gentlemen" on what they referred to as ASSPAD because of the attitude that hookers should be seen and not heard.
I've also found that eccie is not like that.
True, prior to the arrival of a certain colony of lepers this area of the board was like the West Texas plains, devoid of any real life and dull as fuck.
When I first joined I started a few threads to try to liven it up but they pretty much died a quick death so I ceased.
Now it's come to life with discussions while not thought provoking or mind shattering revelations they are usually fun.

But will my friends believe me? Nope, they don't.
And they really don't want to take the chance or time to find out.
Sorry. I've tried to convince them, they come here, place an ad and move on (some of them)
They're of the opinion that saying nothing is better than posting and getting flamed for it. (direct quote from one friend)

It doesn't affect my posting because at the end of the day if ya'll don't like what I have to say you don't have to read it, it's not going to make or break my day to find that someone doesn't agree with me or my ideals.

I post because I know I can say pretty much whatever I want to about the business here, I can ask questions and I can act a fool if I want to.
And some people can appreciate that.
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Old 11-14-2013, 08:23 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
Which comment was it you're referring to?

I do talk a bit ya know.

And I believe I have also been the one to say that ladies feel as though this is a male dominated board and they should just STFU.
Some of them do feel that way, and I have seen a bit of that attitude in a few posters here in the time I've been on this board.

It's more of a holdover from ASPD though, a LOT of my GF's used ASPD back in the day, I heard about it from the ladies on indys.....
They weren't happy with a lot of the "gentlemen" on what they referred to as ASSPAD because of the attitude that hookers should be seen and not heard.
I've also found that eccie is not like that.
True, prior to the arrival of a certain colony of lepers this area of the board was like the West Texas plains, devoid of any real life and dull as fuck.
When I first joined I started a few threads to try to liven it up but they pretty much died a quick death so I ceased.
Now it's come to life with discussions while not thought provoking or mind shattering revelations they are usually fun.

But will my friends believe me? Nope, they don't.
And they really don't want to take the chance or time to find out.
Sorry. I've tried to convince them, they come here, place an ad and move on (some of them)
They're of the opinion that saying nothing is better than posting and getting flamed for it. (direct quote from one friend)

It doesn't affect my posting because at the end of the day if ya'll don't like what I have to say you don't have to read it, it's not going to make or break my day to find that someone doesn't agree with me or my ideals.

I post because I know I can say pretty much whatever I want to about the business here, I can ask questions and I can act a fool if I want to.
And some people can appreciate that.
"It's not that people post too much, some people read too much" that's the one I was looking for. as for the treatment of providers here, I think it's pretty civil. I believe a large portion of the "drama" on Indys is caused by providers. Don't you.?
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Old 11-14-2013, 08:47 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
"It's not that people post too much, some people read too much" that's the one I was looking for. as for the treatment of providers here, I think it's pretty civil. I believe a large portion of the "drama" on Indys is caused by providers. Don't you.?
Oh that one!
Yes it's true.
Some people do read too much.

The written word is devoid of any emotion so people read into it whatever emotions they are feeling at the time.
If they were pissed when they sat down they view it as angry.
If they're paranoid, they think every thread is about them.
Etc., etc., (you get the point.)
And yet some people continually try to read between the lines, they read a post or thread with their mind closed and only see/read what they want to.

I think we've all been guilty of this at one time or another.
Except maybe Stig cause he's fuckin perfect...
(actually he's the only one I know of who has never seemed to take offense to anything written.)

As far as providers being the ones who cause all the drama over there........We will have to agree to disagree on that point.
True, they do cause their fair share of it.

But you have to admit, now and then some gents will act like a pack of wolves and devour anyone's ideas that differ from their own.
And that gets some ladies (and gents) up in a lather.....

But no, I can't say that the preponderance of drama is generated by the ladies. Unless we're talking about responses to reviews....All bets are off then.
I actually prefer not being able to read or respond to them, the ability to read/rebut them is asking for drama IMO

If more folks would just read and stop trying to define I think we'd all get along much better.

And once again..
My own opinion.
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Old 11-14-2013, 08:55 AM   #5
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1. Before a certain group of people got here there were NO threads to hijack.

2. Seen but not heard doesnt apply to hookers, it applies to stupid people regardless of profession or gender. If you are an idiot and post stupidity you should expect to get flamed. See LMNOP.

3. There are 2 types of discussions/posts that the ladies should refrain from on these boards, religon and politics. Why? Because discussing those things in the business world is generally a bad thing and this is their business world. I have anti Obama magnetic bumper stickers on my vehicle, when I go to a business function of any kind, I take them off. Simply because I want to do business with Obama supporters as well as detractors because I make money from both. Any lady who posts in the Stump on Indys ticks off 50% of the guys reading her posts regadless of what her opinion is, why would she want to lose that business just because of her political beliefs?

4. IMO a lot of the ladies who are regular posters on any of the boards do not understand the "Its their business, its our hobby" type of statement. If a guy pisses off a bunch of providers he has to scroll down the ads a little further to find a date. If a lady pisses off a bunch of guys her phone rings less and she has less money in her purse, sometimes to the point of not being able to pay the bills or live the way she would like to. There is a huge difference between those 2 scenarios.

5. I can't believe Jinny thinks our discussions here aren't thought provoking!
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:01 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by amishgangster View Post
5. I can't believe Jinny thinks our discussions here aren't thought provoking!
When did I say that?

You guys have provoked a lot of thoughts in me since you've started posting...
Sure they're mostly about stain removal and visions of buggies racing through Etna but they're thoughts nonetheless.

Reading too much into my words again?
tsk tsk tsk....

And I wholeheartedly agree about religion and politics...I don't discuss those with my real world job clients either.
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:03 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
Oh that one!
Yes it's true.
Some people do read too much.

The written word is devoid of any emotion so people read into it whatever emotions they are feeling at the time.
If they were pissed when they sat down they view it as angry.
If they're paranoid, they think every thread is about them.
Etc., etc., (you get the point.)
And yet some people continually try to read between the lines, they read a post or thread with their mind closed and only see/read what they want to.

I think we've all been guilty of this at one time or another.
Except maybe Stig cause he's fuckin perfect...
(actually he's the only one I know of who has never seemed to take offense to anything written.)

As far as providers being the ones who cause all the drama over there........We will have to agree to disagree on that point.
True, they do cause their fair share of it.

But you have to admit, now and then some gents will act like a pack of wolves and devour anyone's ideas that differ from their own.
And that gets some ladies (and gents) up in a lather.....

But no, I can't say that the preponderance of drama is generated by the ladies. Unless we're talking about responses to reviews....All bets are off then.
I actually prefer not being able to read or respond to them, the ability to read/rebut them is asking for drama IMO

If more folks would just read and stop trying to define I think we'd all get along much better.

My own opinion.
I didn't say they started "all" the drama, just a large portion of it. Maybe their fair share of it.
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:07 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
Now it's come to life with discussions while not thought provoking or mind shattering revelations they are usually fun.
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:10 AM   #9
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Oops, guess I did. My bad.

But honestly, what kind of thoughts are ya'll going for?

Besides the constant pettiness between ya'll and dames and some people opinions about other boards.......not much that can't be described as pure buffoonery.

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Old 11-14-2013, 09:11 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
If more folks would just read and stop trying to define I think we'd all get along much better.
Amen sister!
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:15 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
But honestly, what kind of thoughts are ya'll going for?
We aren't going for any types of thoughts, except maybe funny ones. But the point is we provoke thoughts. They may not be mature intelligent thoughts but they are still thoughts. We never claimed to be attempting to create mature intelligent discussion and debate...
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:23 AM   #12
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Whew! that's a relief.

I'm really not here for intelligent discussion and debate either. I'm here to have fun and enjoy the company of as many gentlemen as I like to.

I will add one thing though.
I've noticed a bit of "shunning" happening from some members of another board because of my participation on this board. so the vitriol spills both ways..
No one I'd miss anyway, but it is apparent.....

And rather pathetic.

Now if ya'll will excuse me, my dark lord and master has to go outside and tinkle....
Where is that leash?
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:33 AM   #13
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I wish my life was so pathetic and mundane that I had time to complain about posts on an escort board
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Old 11-14-2013, 09:45 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
Except maybe Stig cause he's fuckin perfect...
(actually he's the only one I know of who has never seemed to take offense to anything written.)
Damn straight!

I participate in this bullshit simply for entertainment. Whether its finding a provider to entertain me or breaking balls in posts and generally having fun with topics that I usually cant discuss with my real life acquaintances. I break balls sometimes and sometimes my balls are broken. So what? I am intelligent enough to understand that its all in fun and I take none of it seriously. I have hundreds of things in my daily life that I need to take seriously. Nonsense posted on an escort site surely is not going to add to that list.
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Old 11-14-2013, 10:50 AM   #15
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Default NOW Wait

Now wait just a cotton PIcking minute!!

I come on here and get flamed all over the board and told I have a bad rep...Cuz I stand up for my self!!

Darn tootin!!

I could care less what ya all think of me and being the new girl on here (kinda)
I found some of your postings and accusations offensive....Now I just give you back what you give me...

Now that I know ya.. I find you all are just retarded.. LOL

I don't sugar coat things, I say things that I feel. right or wrong, I say them, This is either endearing or a detourant, but if any of you ever met me in person, you would find me to be a shy and quiet intelligent woman,, sexual stimulant for the minds of Smart men.

YES, whether you think so or not, you all are a tough bunch to crack,, hence all my postings about being nicer to the ladies.

So there!!
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