There are no sites that are safe, there are no sites that are immune to Buffoonery, they are what we make them.
I am going to break it down on what we can do to make things better or worse and it is up to each one of us to decide which way this site can go..
1. We all know the Indy's is going down, if not now, soon, the owner was just jailed yesterday, he had to pay a $25,000.00 bail to get out of jail and he goes for one of a few Pre-Trial conferences to settle and argue his case before his trial/sentencing. See court website if you don't believe me.
Now with that said, You will see a trickle of people come over here from Indy.s and like it or not, that at times that site is known for its tomfoolery and anger, hagglers and SOME people who are loured into a false sense of security about safety. Many of the posters that are on that site are the ones controlling this site as well.
2. You can choose to have a good conversation or not. Being a part of an intelligent fun conversation does not mean that you have to be hating on everyone and acting like you are still in High school but simply displaying your personality is what everyone seems to want. so be it, but when the name calling and general distaste for one another starts,, the boards go down..
Who wants to be a part of something that will hurt your reputation or belittle you as a human? Not many so therefore people stay away. Not worth our time..agreed..??
3. Everyone has an opinion and you know what they say (yes taint jokes inserted here) we all like to tell them, doesn't mean we will all agree, and that's okay.. we will hold fast to our beliefs in everything in life as well we should.
Being kind is an ART.. it is harder to do that then to be mean, MOST ARE INCAPABLE OF EVEN FATHOMING it to be a necessity in life to be happy~~I have met more KIND men in this business and have been taught that kindness comes from trying to be a good, informed and conscious human being. It is a daily chore for some, every word should be guarded and scrutinized when they speak them. Study Human nature, it will show you how to behave to one another, (i.e. open doors, make those compliments etc).
4. If you all are wanting banter, then someone has to make the first move and welcome lovingly the ladies who feel safe to post.. There are more shy belles in this business than hard cored big mouths who can handle you tough guys..Belittling and berating a woman for her thoughts is not only UN-gentlemanly, but plain rude, some ladies don't have the tough skin as others, and it hurts their feelings. so taking a second to think about what you say ...the key to kindness
I hear what the ladies say, don't fool yourself, it is getting to where most wont talk at all.
5. Picking apart and looking for trouble. Bullying comes in all forms, looking for trouble is just that..
I know we all don't agree on everything, that's okay.. stating points is healthy and at times we all learn and might even change our minds on our original thoughts (hell, that's why Obama is hated so much now..who elected him again?) but to seek out hate because your are virtually invisible is just childish.
Each one of you is not that invisible if you hobby, eventually you will see a girl, she will see your plates, she will talk to another, they will compare notes, you will be labeled as an unworthy, untrusted, not to see client and a bad chance to take if we choose to take your money...ladies look for men who will damage their career and not see them, I know a few ladies who will not see men on TER for this reason,, who needs a bad REP.. right? Even men get;s called blacklisted, blackballed.. it exists trust me!
6. Having someone TRASH you on a public board is not the end of your business, it is what you make it, does it hurt,, sure, I am one for example.. Some (CUNT) outed my real name and house address on another board and then I got slammed by many for ASSUMING RUMORS were true,, but in the end, Justice prevailed, rumors were proven to be just that and she got her KARMA!!
I recommend standing tall and knowing who you are a a person can only make your stronger and fight that much harder..MADE MY BUSINESS TRIPLE, plus made me more aware of how I treat others and what I say.
Finding a common ground and weeding out and ignoring the individuals who are consistent shit stirrers seems to be the key,, Possibly, Worth a try.
You can BEAT THEM,, you don't have to JOIN THEM..
I hope that is all I have to say about that.. going stealth now...