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Old 10-31-2013, 11:56 PM   #16
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Not defending Obama. Just pointing out the chorus of simpering pussies who post about thing else.

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Old 11-01-2013, 06:21 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
So you're saying that Hillary, Barry, and the rest are above the law? This is just how you feel not the rest of us. So why don't you go out in traffic, drop your pants, bend over and take it from your party.

You are as simple as the little guy from Wichita. Cannot decipher simple statements. Has your constant ranting on this board done anything to change the outcome? think before replying.
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Old 11-01-2013, 09:12 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The army covered up the circumstances of Tillman's death and got caught. Why? Because people cared (you don't), the media dug in (not this time), and the White House insisted the army come clean (nuff said). The perpetrators got punished. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/army-...ory?id=3417047

Hillary was allowed to "retire", Susan Rice got promoted, Valerie Jarrett....is just being Valerie.
Nuff said? This from your own link! McChrystal was promoted, one Gen may lose $1000 in monthly benefits.

Defense officials tell ABC News the Army has decided not to punish Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a highly regarded Green Beret who heads up the special operations unit leading the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

The most severe punishment is planned for Lt. Gen. Philip Kensinger. Kensinger is accused of misleading investigators about when he knew the truth about circumstances surrounding Tillman's death. Senior defense officials tell ABC that Army Secretary Pete Geren is likely to recommend that Defense Secretary Robert Gates strip Kensinger, a three-star general, of his stars, a move that would reduce Kensinger's pension by approximately $1,000 a month.
Army officials would not confirm the punishments and cautioned that nothing had been finalized.
"No final decisions has been made, but those things are being considered," Army spokesman Col. Dan Baggio told ABC News. Baggio added, "It would be inappropriate for the Army to make any announcements prior to family and congressional notification, which is going to happen next week." ...

...Tillman's mother, Mary, told the Associated Press that the impending punishments were inadequate.

...However, a week after Tillman died, a top general sent a memo to Gen. John Abizaid, then head of Central Command, warning that it was "highly possible" that Tillman was killed by friendly fire.
The memo made clear that the information should be conveyed to the president. However, the White House has maintained the President didn't received the warning.
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Old 11-01-2013, 09:14 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Proven right yet again! Obamazombies will defend ANYTHING Obama says, does, or does not do.


Quoting yourself again senile old man!
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Old 11-01-2013, 09:25 AM   #20
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Default Get a clue JD

The Army was covering their ass from day one. Below is a link that should open your eyes. You should read the book or at least see the movie....seeing how you are so concerened with Americans dying and the responsible party being punished.

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Old 11-01-2013, 09:31 AM   #21
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Default I could do like you and COG and go conspiracy theory


After joining up, however, they weren't shipped off to Afghanistan, where they believed terrorists were holed up, but to Iraq to fight in a newly minted war that didn't exist when they signed away control of their lives. Here's where the recruiting poster image deviated from the script. There was a lot more depth to Tillman, who was pursuing a master's degree in history, than one would normally expect of an NFL gladiator. Afghanistan had been an easier sell, but Tillman would never buy the official line on Iraq. At one point, according to a San Francisco Chronicle article published nearly a year and half after his death, he told fellow Rangers fighting in Iraq that the war was, "so fucking illegal." A close friend told the paper, "That's who he was-he totally was against Bush." Tillman's mother clarified, explaining that her son believed the Afghanistan war was justified by the September 11th attacks but "Pat was very critical of the whole Iraq War." Another friend, who served with him, recalled how Tillman admonished fellow Rangers to vote Bush out of office in the forthcoming presidential election.
The Chomsky Factor
Tillman, we now know, was also in contact with one of his favorite authors, America's leading intellectual dissident, Noam Chomsky. According the Chronicle, Tillman had set up a meeting with Chomsky to take place when he returned from Afghanistan, where he eventually wound up after serving his tour in Iraq.
This image of a Chomsky-loving, anti-Bush, anti-Iraq-war hero (at a time when most of the U.S. population supported the administration's foreign policy), flew in the face of the official Bush administration portrait of Tillman, painted by dutiful media whores like Ann Coulter, who once described him in near-racialist terms as "An American original-virtuous, pure and masculine, like only an American can be." (Max Blumenthal, blogging for the online Huffington Post, asked if we could have Coulter's line in the original German).
As both wars droned on, Tillman, the picture perfect poster boy, evolved into something of a wild card. With a Chomsky meeting on the horizon there existed a very real possibility that Tillman, in the weeks leading up to the 2004 presidential election, might go public with his anti-war, anti-Bush views, dealing a critical blow to the very foundation of the Bush administration's propaganda pyramid. That day never came, however. On April 22, 2004, Tillman was killed while on patrol in Afghanistan by three American bullets to the head.
Jessica Lynch Redux
Immediately, evidence surrounding the killing began to disappear. One day after his death someone burned his body armor. Two days later someone burned his uniform. At some point his journal, which he religiously wrote in, went missing. With that journal disappeared Tillman's voice.
Meanwhile the Bush administration's professional liars began spinning one of their tallest tales, with their cohorts in the Pentagon explaining how the hero Tillman was killed by enemy fire. Bush himself chimed in to announce that Tillman was "an inspiration on and off the football field, as with all who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war on terror." The Pentagon, as it did with the Jessica Lynch story, spewed forth so many lies as to bury itself under an obvious pile of bullshit. The Army issued Tillman a postmortem Silver Star for bravery, explaining in the process how, "through the firing Tillman's voice was heard issuing fire commands to take the fight to the enemy on the dominating hill ground." And this is the story the media reported to the world.
Reports of Fratricide
But files obtained by Tillman's mother, from three Army investigations into the killing, document a different set of last words. According to testimony issued by a fellow Ranger, who was at Tillman's side when he was killed, the last words Tillman shouted before being shot were, "Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat Fucking Tillman, dammit!" According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Ranger commanders received a report the day after his death stating that Tillman died in a suspected act of fratricide, the crime of killing members of your own group. But the more they were confronted with the truth of what happened, the harder Army officials stuck to the official lies. One week after his death they pulled the Silver Star move, successfully milking the hero dying in action myth in a compliant media environment. Two weeks after his death the Army's official casualty report stated that he was killed by enemy forces. Six weeks later, however, with the mythic version of Tillman's killing firmly embedded in the American conscious, and with the Tillman story safely buried in the ashbin of "old news," the Army finally told Tillman's family that the official cause of death was "fratricide."
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Old 11-01-2013, 10:46 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Not defending Obama. Just pointing out the chorus of simpering pussies who post about thing else.

Guess which 149 you are...

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Holiest of Holies, sugar hole, The Death of Adam, home plate, Deer Hoof, Golden Arches, Cats Paw, Mule Nose, Yo Yo Smuggler, Mumbler (Aussie), Dinner Roll, Crotch Waffle, Piss Fenders, crack, Melvin, Dove Breast, Brakepads, Vedgie, Slurpy, Vacuum Vulva, Pastrami Flaps, Hot Tamaki Walk, Buffalo Gums, Rooster Jaws, Wagon Ruts, Beaver Teeth, Mumble Pants (Sweden), Ninja Boot, Marcia (Aussie), Skin Canoe, Fatty, Mossy Jaw, The Big W, Chia Hole, Lip Jeans, Beetle Hood, Hungry Minge, Sausage Wallet, Front Bottom, Welly Top, Frum, Pancake Fold, Tongue Roll, Bologna Flap-Over, Furrogi (Poland), Fortune Nookie (China), Bearded Taco, Calamari Cockring, Displabia, Slot Pocket, Bluntfrunt, Fishamjig, Pole Magnet, Pocket Pie, Clamarama, kitty cage, Chicken's tongue, Conch shell, Crack of heaven, Dog's mouth, Door of life, Fly catcher, Fruit cup, Jelly roll, Lobster pot, bunny tuft, KNISH, her neighbor, lotus, nappy dugout, moneymaker, womens weapon, tackle box, bone hider, red sea, pizzo, JIZZ RECEPTICLE, The Helmut Hide-A-Way, hairy heaven, furry 8 ball rack, crave cave, arbys with fur, fish canyon, toolshed, snake charmer, Furby, Enchilada of love, Ham sandwich, Camarillo brillo, Brazilian caterpillar, dick rack, boy in the canoe, flesh tuxedo, Mound of Venus, queef quarters, Venus butterfly, cooter, cream canal, poontang pie, wet mark, private area, thresher, punash, salami garage, tunnel of love, slurpee machine, pink cookie, penalty box, ground zero, meat crease, bait, birth canal, holy grail, pole hole, pork pie, fuzz bucket, one-eyed python trail, bubble gum by the bum, stink rink, theme park, saloon doors, pink truffle, bitter & twisted, burger bar, meat counter, temperamental ringpiece, python syphon, big bud, the Wombsday Book, the condo downstate, snake lake, the indoor barbecue, pound cake, beef tomato, tickled pink, launch pad, horn of plenty, the indoor picnic, hamper of goodies, flapped bap, bonefish, close encounter with the turd kind, sperm bank, man's charity bash, bush tucker, midnight dip, the one-door vulva, the welcome opponent, the Twatlantic Ocean, temporary lodgings, field of dreams, bean, cooze, old catchers mitt, devil's hole, lucy, pish buffet, pooswaa, poonaner, davey jones locker, pink panther, tinker bell, south mouth, dick eater, wonder bread, wolly bolly, foxhole, hot pocket, head catcher, Lawrence of A Labia, silk funnel, dick driver, purple people penis eater, meat curtains, ponchita, cherry pop tart, fat rabbit, s, pee jaws, mingus, The Notorious V.A.G., stench trench, poon jab, nappy dugout, babyoven, penis parking, cooter muffin, the promised land, pocket, cha cha, the shrine, bitch ditch, fury pink mink, mammal hole, ever-lasting cum stopper, the toothless blow job, happy flappy, wilt chamberlian's daily glove, the code defierthe salt water taffy factory, mommy's pie, the easy bake oven, the deflower patch, the virginator, the schlong sucker, the dea bone patch, the vegitarian's temptation, the vegan store, the blow hole, the pump protector, bag pipe, Spitball Bullseye, meat wagon, pickle stinker, jezebel's smell, yoni, willys haven, scrumpter, peach, sweat box, yeast pocket, penis warmer, tampon tunnel, penis pothole, cucumber canal, egg drop Box, sperm shack, dick dungeon, curator, b.o.b.'s bungalow, mommy parts, tuna pot pie, nice slice, peter vise, sock, rack of clam, peters grove, penis purse, grandest canyon, fish dish, banana box, tuna spread, pink portal, count fapula, red river gorge, happy valley, revolving in/out door, baby zipper, richards house, stop-n-pop, bone polisher, packin shack, weiner wrap, clap trap, camel toe, dildo hotel, axe gash, pearl hotel, sea food six pack, clam canal, coose canal, dick deposit, wand waxer, vidgie, erie canal, candy kiss, gauntlet, round mound of beehound,lick n' stick, lap flounder, tomahawk chop, chin-chin, pachinko, ry pie, lip tip, the big casino, one eyed worm hole, amazon forest, cave, donut, coochie pop, babby, wet seal, pissy froth hole, bald biscuit, the unmentionable, mans ruin, peeshie, hairy potter, courtney cocksleve, panty hamster,deep pink, jaws of life, gizmo, faith, magnet, slippery slide, Meat tunnel, pink heaven, squid, dick basket, hot spot, poochika, pudding, bowl, love cave, squeeze-box, quim, honey pot, the bone collector, goodie basket, depository, pink turtleneck, bread-box, little debbie, pole hole, pandora's box,snail tracker, zilla, homebase, pud pocket, bear trap, indiana bones and the temple of poon, chanch, big montana, noochie, choot, golden valley, nappy roots, dick mitten, mystical fold
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Old 11-01-2013, 07:15 PM   #23
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WPF, do you think that article is beyond the realm of possibility? I don't think there are any depths to which the Bush administration would not sink to promote their agenda. The same is true for the current administration.
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Old 11-01-2013, 07:33 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post

After joining up, however, they weren't shipped off to Afghanistan, where they believed terrorists were holed up, but to Iraq to fight in a newly minted war that didn't exist when they signed away control of their lives. Here's where the recruiting poster image deviated from the script. There was a lot more depth to Tillman, who was pursuing a master's degree in history, than one would normally expect of an NFL gladiator. Afghanistan had been an easier sell, but Tillman would never buy the official line on Iraq. At one point, according to a San Francisco Chronicle article published nearly a year and half after his death, he told fellow Rangers fighting in Iraq that the war was, "so fucking illegal." A close friend told the paper, "That's who he was-he totally was against Bush." Tillman's mother clarified, explaining that her son believed the Afghanistan war was justified by the September 11th attacks but "Pat was very critical of the whole Iraq War." Another friend, who served with him, recalled how Tillman admonished fellow Rangers to vote Bush out of office in the forthcoming presidential election.
The Chomsky Factor
Tillman, we now know, was also in contact with one of his favorite authors, America's leading intellectual dissident, Noam Chomsky. According the Chronicle, Tillman had set up a meeting with Chomsky to take place when he returned from Afghanistan, where he eventually wound up after serving his tour in Iraq.
This image of a Chomsky-loving, anti-Bush, anti-Iraq-war hero (at a time when most of the U.S. population supported the administration's foreign policy), flew in the face of the official Bush administration portrait of Tillman, painted by dutiful media whores like Ann Coulter, who once described him in near-racialist terms as "An American original-virtuous, pure and masculine, like only an American can be." (Max Blumenthal, blogging for the online Huffington Post, asked if we could have Coulter's line in the original German).
As both wars droned on, Tillman, the picture perfect poster boy, evolved into something of a wild card. With a Chomsky meeting on the horizon there existed a very real possibility that Tillman, in the weeks leading up to the 2004 presidential election, might go public with his anti-war, anti-Bush views, dealing a critical blow to the very foundation of the Bush administration's propaganda pyramid. That day never came, however. On April 22, 2004, Tillman was killed while on patrol in Afghanistan by three American bullets to the head.
Jessica Lynch Redux
Immediately, evidence surrounding the killing began to disappear. One day after his death someone burned his body armor. Two days later someone burned his uniform. At some point his journal, which he religiously wrote in, went missing. With that journal disappeared Tillman's voice.
Meanwhile the Bush administration's professional liars began spinning one of their tallest tales, with their cohorts in the Pentagon explaining how the hero Tillman was killed by enemy fire. Bush himself chimed in to announce that Tillman was "an inspiration on and off the football field, as with all who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war on terror." The Pentagon, as it did with the Jessica Lynch story, spewed forth so many lies as to bury itself under an obvious pile of bullshit. The Army issued Tillman a postmortem Silver Star for bravery, explaining in the process how, "through the firing Tillman's voice was heard issuing fire commands to take the fight to the enemy on the dominating hill ground." And this is the story the media reported to the world.
Reports of Fratricide
But files obtained by Tillman's mother, from three Army investigations into the killing, document a different set of last words. According to testimony issued by a fellow Ranger, who was at Tillman's side when he was killed, the last words Tillman shouted before being shot were, "Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat Fucking Tillman, dammit!" According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Ranger commanders received a report the day after his death stating that Tillman died in a suspected act of fratricide, the crime of killing members of your own group. But the more they were confronted with the truth of what happened, the harder Army officials stuck to the official lies. One week after his death they pulled the Silver Star move, successfully milking the hero dying in action myth in a compliant media environment. Two weeks after his death the Army's official casualty report stated that he was killed by enemy forces. Six weeks later, however, with the mythic version of Tillman's killing firmly embedded in the American conscious, and with the Tillman story safely buried in the ashbin of "old news," the Army finally told Tillman's family that the official cause of death was "fratricide."
Nope, not on purpose.
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Old 11-01-2013, 07:47 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
unless you can resurrect the dead the constant whining will change nothing.
You mean like the LIBERALS WHINING about the "4000+ Americans that died" in Iraq will bring THEM back?

Funny how its whining only when it was a Democrat Administration in charge, but not whining when it was a Republican Administration.

Say, I remember when there was a daily ticket count across the bottom of the screens of the new shows on ABC, CBS and NBC counting how many more Americans died each day in Iraq under Bush. But now, when its Obama's caused deaths in Afganistan, nada. Remember during the shutdown the "horror" about the survivor benefits not being paid and how they trotted out that 27 had died since the start of the shutdown on 1 Oct until 7 Oct? I remember thinking.. wow.. 27 die in just 7 days.. and not a PEEP out of the media or the liberals like before when they wept tears for every single death every single day on a running count clock.

So I gotta ask, how's the death count under Obama doing for you guys, Hmmmm?
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Old 11-01-2013, 09:44 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
You mean like the LIBERALS WHINING about the "4000+ Americans that died" in Iraq will bring THEM back?

Funny how its whining only when it was a Democrat Administration in charge, but not whining when it was a Republican Administration.

Say, I remember when there was a daily ticket count across the bottom of the screens of the new shows on ABC, CBS and NBC counting how many more Americans died each day in Iraq under Bush. But now, when its Obama's caused deaths in Afganistan, nada. Remember during the shutdown the "horror" about the survivor benefits not being paid and how they trotted out that 27 had died since the start of the shutdown on 1 Oct until 7 Oct? I remember thinking.. wow.. 27 die in just 7 days.. and not a PEEP out of the media or the liberals like before when they wept tears for every single death every single day on a running count clock.

So I gotta ask, how's the death count under Obama doing for you guys, Hmmmm?

Another dim bulb heard from.
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Old 11-01-2013, 11:56 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The Army was covering their ass from day one. Below is a link that should open your eyes. You should read the book or at least see the movie....seeing how you are so concerened with Americans dying and the responsible party being punished.

Aren't you the one who is always carping about how many people died in Iraq? I can't remember. All you apologists sound alike.

Since CBS is now covering the story, YES, ranting on this website and elsewhere did have an affect. I would ask that for all your covering up, apologizing and name calling Benghazi, Syria, and the fuckups in Afghanistan are still getting covered. So what have you accomplished?
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Old 11-02-2013, 11:53 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Aren't you the one who is always carping about how many people died in Iraq? I can't remember. All you apologists sound alike.

Since CBS is now covering the story, YES, ranting on this website and elsewhere did have an affect. I would ask that for all your covering up, apologizing and name calling Benghazi, Syria, and the fuckups in Afghanistan are still getting covered. So what have you accomplished?
Ranting on this website did not accomplish shit. You are the lil Rooster trying to take credit for the Sun coming up.

There was a movie made about Pat Tillman...do you hear me trying to take credit for it? Jesus.

Pat Tillman's death did not fit into your agenda, so you ignored it. Steven's does not fit into my agenda there for I dismiss it as one of those things that happens. The fact of the matter is , we are both correct.

The difference is, I know this is all politics. even COG gets it. You think somehow the other side is un-American just because we do not agree with you. We just think your an ignorant homo.
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Old 11-02-2013, 12:02 PM   #29
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You really don't get it or do you just like being cornholed? I think the latter but it would be hopeful if it was the former.

We are talking about what is happening now with the current administration. Not Tillman (that is your deflection) or My Lai but now. I never said that is me posting on the website that got attention (you said that). What I said was that I have been posting on various websites and talking to my representatives as some many others have done and finally CBS has gotten the message. I did ask the question (since it is my OP) what have you accomplished by deflecting, stonewalling, apologizing, and shoving your metaphorical head up your ass? The story has not gone away and it is now getting bigger. It is becoming obvious to even rabid Obama supporters that lies have been told, a coverup was hatched, and the White House knew about many things more than they admitted to.
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Old 11-02-2013, 08:04 PM   #30
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So, exactly what time frame would you figure the folks in Tripoli would have gotten to Benghazi by if they had been sent at the beginning? I presume that would mean immediately after the alert went out from the Consulate (approx. 10PM).
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